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Everything posted by KiteSquid

  1. I flip mine to Reserve every once in a while for a few miles and then back to ON to try to get any water out of the bottom of the tank, but with the ethanol that is in most gasolines that is probally moot.
  2. I dont know what is in your bike, but on the RSV I replaced the bubls with either 2357LL or 2357A bulbs. I had to cut off one of the indexing pins, but I got a lot of light for very little $
  3. Laser is coherent light at a specific frequency. Quite easily detectable.
  4. When I had my Corvette I had a quality remote mount RADAR detector. I also had two high quality scanners with HIGH quality antennas. I would listen to the dispatchers on one radio and and listen to the mobile extender frequencies on the other. If the mobile extender radio de-squelched, I would slow down, however I don't know if this tactic still works with the newer trunked and spread spectrum and cellular based systems that some jurisdictions are now using as I have not plugged in my scanners in years. A great starting point is to READ the Ten Tips for Fearless Flying from Car and Driver Magazine January 1991 There was a follow up article to this one, but I cannot find it on the net. Get rid of loud pipes if you have them. Factory exhaust IMHO is more LEO friendly. BTW my record ticket-less solo run was from King George VA to Key West FL, 1,172 miles in just under 13.5 hours including all stops. That is an AVERAGE speed of 87 MPH. This was back when the federal speed limit was 55 MPH......but I no longer feel the need for that much speed. My favorite Mobile Extender storeys is when I was in a pack of cars cruising at about 25 over the limit, and my scanner de-squelched. I moved over to the slow lane and down to 5 over the limit. I was driving a Corvette and the last driver in the line was in Chevrolet's other 'vette..... A Chevette. He proceeded to give me the one finger salute as he passed. When I popped over the next hill my RADAR detector maxxed out as there was a LEO out of his car using his RADAR gun. Up the road were about ten more LEO's writing tickets to speeders. As I passed the Chevette, I honked and waived as I went on my merry way, with no point on my license and the lowest insurance rates I could find.
  5. I too have gone solid state, to save room and to NEVER mistrack on a bump. MP3 type players are soo inexpensive now, I expect them to show up as the prize in Cracker Jacks soon..... seldom, What bike do you ride?
  6. I had 150 HP of Nos on my '86 Corvette and it was a LOT of fun..... Nos on a bike???? Not for me.
  7. The list is growing!!! Canada Maritimer Sunman United States calperin robbitybob KingSizer 2RDLX jvbailey3 Yammer Dan Foxman Cjacobs jkt69 Bob Myers Juggler Kenw Feets Jburrell Spankym r12guy Pilot BOO skydoc_17 Remember to please post something you learned from the video. I am pleasantly surprised at the number of people that are requesting this DVD.
  8. I have three sewing macines!!!! I too would like to make one, but for a 2nd gen bike.....
  9. Yes, I sent it to RedRider. You are ninth on the list, but it should go faster, now that there are two dvds in the pass along.
  10. I'll rent mine for $13,500 per day....
  11. He just wanted some wings...
  12. Rocket, Sorry, but I did not look up your profile.... All, Then lets do two lists for now. One for Canada and one for the US. Once the Canadian list runs out, the last person can send it south of the border, if they want........ Canada Maritimer Sunman United States calperin robbitybob KingSizer 2RDLX jvbailey3 Yammer Dan Foxman Cjacobs jkt69 Bob Myers Juggler Kenw Feets Jburrell Spankym r12guy Pilot Remember to please post something you learned from the video. I am pleasantly surprised at the number of people that are requesting this DVD.
  13. I beg to differ. I watch my RLAP V video at least once a month. To keep my mind focused on SAFETY while riding. I know that I can ALWAYS learn something from a training video even if I have seen it 100 times!!!!!!!!!! The reason I gave away my RLAP IV video is I now have RLAP V. which now brings up the next question: NOTHING major. Jerry does point out “the dip” and I like the teaching style a little better. If you have RLAP IV you don’t need RLAP V, but the learning experience for me was better when viewing RLAP V. In a few scenes in RLAP IV, there is some stuff going on in the background that detract from the teaching and the whole good cop/bad cop thing gets OLD quick…. It was not required for the training. I think it was added for comedic relief, but IMHO it detracts from the overall production. WOOOO HOOOOO!!!! So now we have TWO copies of this DVD to view!!! THANKS to friesman1. I will list who has the DVDs here: RedRider Rocket And who is in line to receive them here. First come, First Served. I do note that there are now some requests from Canada and sense I do not know how much it costs to ship it over the border, if the current holder does not want to incur the cost of shipping over the border, they do not have to… BUT if you want to, that is OK by me as it is no longer my DVD... Maritimer (Canada) calperin robbitybob KingSizer 2RDLX jvbailey3 Yammer Dan Foxman Cjacobs jkt69 Bob Myers Juggler Kenw Feets Sunman (Canada) Jburrell Spankym r12guy PLEASE PM me with any corrections. Who has viewed them here: KiteSquid Firesman1 I got the idea from another web site I play at: paperbackswap.com As a reminder of how this works from my first post: After you have viewed it, please post something you learned from the DVD. One of my goals is to keep other riders SAFE!!!!!!!!!!!! And Jerry “Motorman” Palladino’s videos have helped me, so I hope they help you too!!!! If you really like the video, please pass it on, AND buy the current video from Jerry. I did!!!!!!!!!!!!! Remember he offers a discount if you say you are a member here!!!!! TOO COOL!!! Disclaimer: I am not connected to RLAP inc. HOWEVER I am a believer in the techniques shown in RLAP videos!!!!!!!
  14. Havent done it, but please put my name in the copy you have.
  15. I bet it would be louder than 1,000 ducks in a quack off!!!!!!
  16. KiteSquid

    Turn Signals

    Get some 2357A bulbs from the autoparts store and cut off one of the pins. You wil have to look at your factory bulb to tell which one to cut off. The 2357LL bubls work GREAT in the stop lamp!!!! Inexpensive and quite a bit brighter.
  17. Both of my cages are Honda's and are DBW. Smooth... Well excuited. Most new Harleys are DBW also..... IIRC the new V-Max is DBW. it is my hope that Yamaha puts the V-Max motor in without any changes. but THAT wont happen.... IF they put the V-Max motor in the 3rd Gen RSV, who will be the first to bump the power up to MORE than the V-Max spec??????
  18. On my 2007, I got a price at Cycletrader.com low price of $13,500 and the local dealer matched it......
  19. So who else either lives or works in this area with a RSV??? I have seen some being ridden or parked at businesses. I live in King George and work for General Dynamics in Dahlgren.
  20. EFI for the 3rd gen RSV!!!! The R&D money was already spent on the V-Max, so just a little tweaking to put it in the RSV so Yamaha has a better return on their investment. I am looking forward to the 3rd Gen RSV. When it is released, my 2nd gen will go up for sale, of course if they don't go too far from the current styling.
  21. My crystal ball says that the 2009 RSV will be no change, except for paint and maybe a badge change.... The 2010 will have the engine from the new V-Max with a different cam. A less likely possibly is to install smaller jugs to only have 1500 CC (but it would probably be an easy swap to bring the CCs back up to 1700) The RSV WILL have EFI in 2010 and follow due to the EPA's emissions levels for motorcycles that come into effect in 2010. There is no carburated bike that will pass, with any reasonable amount of R&D funds spent, so the EFI is the way to go. There may not be a 2010 model for the RSV, kinda like what they did with the V-Max or it might be delayed a bit.....
  22. If you go old school and buy a pinstriping brush, you can get paint in ANY color!!!!! http://www.eastwoodco.com/jump.jsp?itemID=1350&itemType=CATEGORY sells LOTS of pinstriping products...
  23. I prefer to use my clutch than overhaul a transmission, however I do know how to down shift in case the clutch system fails, so I can safely stop the bike.
  24. Quite an antique!!!!!!
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