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Everything posted by KiteSquid

  1. Is this the product you are talking about??? http://www.permatex.com/images/DisplayImage.asp?210|/images/ProductPhotos/84315.jpg Permatex® PermaPoxy™ 5 Minute Plastic & Fiberglass Epoxy Stick Technical Data Sheet is HERE MSDS is HERE OR this product???? http://www.permatex.com/images/DisplayImage.asp?210|/images/ProductPhotos/84115.jpg Technical Data Sheet is HERE MSDS is HERE
  2. Riderduke owns a white RSV and lives in Fred-Vegas.
  3. Which mounts you purchase depends on your inseam. and how much bend in your knees you like.
  4. I have a Stebel Compact Natulis air horn on my bike. I replaced one of the factory horns and used the bracket made by Carbon One to mount it. I purchased a Stabel Compact Truck Horn and am looking for mounting options..... Who has two or more compact air hons mounted??? I could use some photos.
  5. I have not seen one, but if you find one, please post here!!!! I wear size 13 shoes and would like more foot room. While we are at it, how about moving the rear brake pedal forward the same distance?????
  6. That or wondering why you only got one case....... the correct way is to have about 100 cases.... http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3032/2656650538_5655f0c615.jpg Or do it like this guy http://farm1.static.flickr.com/130/407761969_3baf88dacd.jpg Here is another interesting way of getting your beer home http://homebrewandbeer.com/bitsandpieces/images/bikingaround.jpg But NOT like this: http://www.everydayweekender.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/grolsch_beer_disaster.jpg
  7. I have not seen one on the market, but I have not been looking as I love the heel & toe shifter. Why not just cut the back half off with a hack saw or abrasive wheel (while using proper personal protective equipment) and get it re-chromed?
  8. Not good for me either, as I am going to visit the in-laws next weekend. I will start a new thead on a Ice Cream Meet and Eat. It will be at Carl's Ice Cream in Fredericksburg on Saturday the 23rd of August. Or possiably a two parter..... Food somewhere that does not require reservations (to cut the corridination effort to a minimum), and Ice Cream at Carl's to follow......... It dependes on what MrsSquid wants to do............
  9. I know another guy who has one, but does not prticipate on the fourms much. I live just off of Rt 218 and ride it whenever possiable at a resonable speed. In the evenings I often hear the sound of a sport bike spun up on 218. Maybe we should have a Meet and Eat sometime in the King George area. Regretably my favorate BBQ restraunt in this area is now closed
  10. Replace the seals too. The aluminum washers are a single use item. I buy mine in bulk to save $
  11. The only advantage a boat radio would have is if it has weather radio reception.
  12. Where the Hazard relay is located is in the manual on page 2-32 Item #5 located in the upper fairing. The switch is addressed on page 8-3 Schematic is on page 8-30 Item #18 The whole bike Schematic is on page 9-7 Item #18 You might try the procedure staring on page 8-32
  13. The factory service manual is available for download for FREE in the VR Tech section of this web site!!!!!!!!! Beware that there are a few minor errors in it. Search this site for that data. You should poke around the tech section!!!! Just click on the VR Tech link on the left side of EVERY page here!!!! To save you some time you can click HERE for a more direct link to the manuals. Once you open it search for Flasher or Hazard. BTW it is probally the Hazard relay either unseated or needs to be replaced.
  14. KiteSquid

    driving tecnique

    IMHO, it is kinda stupid to do it on the road..... note how he went into the lane of traffic.
  15. The list is still growing!!! People who originally gave away their copy of RLAP IV or V KiteSquid Friesman1 jburrell Peple who currenty have a copy AND who they need to send it to: RedRider send to calperin jburrell send to robbitybob Canada copy: Rocket send to Sunman Canada Sunman Sleepy2 Might I suggest that this copy go to Australia once it has made the circuit in Canada.........IF they have a NTSC compatible player. Maritimer asked me in a PM to be removed from the list as he borrowed a copy of RLAP V from his brother but has to return it when done viewing. Australia Maybe not as the DVD's are NTSC and Australia uses PAL format. spear should be checking to see if his DVD player will play NTSC DVDs spear United States calperin robbitybob KingSizer 2RDLX jvbailey3 Yammer Dan Foxman Cjacobs jkt69 Bob Myers Juggler Kenw Feets Jburrell (Would like to see RLAP IV as he has viewed RLAP V) Spankym r12guy Pilot BOO skydoc_17 Pilot Remember to please post something you learned from the video. Once again for those joining this thread late, here is the idea:
  16. Has anybody put the Yamaha Stratoliner Passing Lamps on their RSV? I used the search function but could not find any information. I would really like to see a photo of them installed. Also how is the beam pattern between the two bubls? I am hopeing to find a dual bulb lamp to fit my RSV, with a driving light pattern and a fog light pattern lamp in one housing. The Stratoliner Passing Lamps look like they might work.
  17. When our US Navy Veterans group wanted to go for a ride on Skyline Drive, which is in the Shenandoah National Forest I found that the USGS issues what is called the America the Beautiful Access Pass which will get people with permanent disabilities into National Parks and other National Recreation Areas for free... I showed the Park Ranger my VA disability paperwork and now I have one!!!!!! To my surprise our entire group has permanent disabilities (as deemed by the Veterans Administration) and we all have the passes now. It also MAY get you a 50% discount on camping and other things... It will NOT get you free parking. Click HERE to learn more.
  18. A group of my fellow US Navy Vetrans rode down to Natural Bridge on Saturday and up the Blue Ridge Parkway, then onto Skyline Drive. We got off at Route 33 and scooted home. NICE ride!!!! BTW we found out that if you have a VA disability you can get an America the Beautiful Acess Pass which will get you into national parks for free... I have one!!!!!! It also MAY get you a 50% discount on camping... Click HERE to learn more.
  19. What about GMRS?
  20. The Valkyrie Interstate had LOTS of power. For a comparison of the RSV to Valkyrie, read THIS article and THIS one too... It aint over till the fat lady sings. I wish they were still making the Valkyrie Interstate
  21. Did you notice that 66.66666666666% of his posts are trying to sell a CD Changer??
  22. Who lives in Denver??? IIRC there is a hard hatted Gorilla outside of a rental place on Havana Ave. I live so far out in the sticks......................
  23. Everybody go out and buy a new RSV!!!!!!!!
  24. on page 7-6 it says 4K miles or 6 months which ever comes first for the oil and 8K miles or 12 months which ever comes first for the filter. Personally I change both at 4K Miles.
  25. WOW!!! Gotta get the studio album!!!!!!!!!!!!
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