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Everything posted by KiteSquid

  1. Get the LEDs that are yellow for turn and red for stop....... BUT I hope the yellow overrides the red!!!!!
  2. Just get the RLAP video above. Watch it. PRACTICE it!!! Attend a Motorcyle Safety Foundation rider course where you ride your bike!!!! Practice!!!!!!!! These bikes are NOT "top heavy" IF you know how to ride one....... Practice!!!!!!!
  3. as Kite Squid I am: Mickey Mouse of the White Werewolfes MC As my given name I am: Panhead of the Toecutters MC Intersting as I HAVE a Panhead............
  4. I leave the bike in gear at all stops, until I get at LEAST 4 cars stopped behind me, then I MIGHT think about putting it in neutral... I watch the rear views when stopped. What should I do at a toll booth to be as safe as I can be????? If it is a manned booth, I might hand the money with my right hand, or if ridding 2 up have my passenger handle the money, but what do you do at an unmanned booth riding solo??? I guess I should get an EZ Pass for my bike.....
  5. GREAT TIP!!!!! I will use it AND watch my rearview mirror!!!!!! The only other issue is I cant figure out how to keep the bike in gear, as I will probally have to use my left hand to pay the toll so I cant hold the clutch in.... unless I am on my Panhead.
  6. the Laren MAL2 he is refeing to is on THIS page It looks just like my cheep Harbor Freight lift, but with outriggers for stability. It looks like a better unit.
  7. WHERE do I find a company that does dollar for dollar mataching in it's 401k???????? Mine does 3%
  8. I look for it in 2010 as that is when the EPA tier 2 emissions standards come into effect and I don't see how a carburetted engine will pass....but I am an armchair motorcycle engineer Yamaha has spent a lot of Yen on the R&D of the V-Max and traditional the RSV and V-Max have shared engine parts but not engines, so one can extrapolate that if the RSV is to survive as a 3rd generation it will have the new V-Max motor but with less power as IMHO Yamaha would be shooting itself in the foot it the V-Max motor was directly installed in a touring bike, but we can hope.................. In late 2009 I might put my 2007 RSV up for sale..... I want fly by wire, variable valve timing & EFI and the performance improvements that come with it!!!! More and smoother power application and better fuel economy!!!!!!! but the trade off is a higher R&D cost which is hopefully absorbed by the V-Max buyers. I cant WAIT till V-Max sightings are a yawn fest, meaning there are LOTS of them on the roads. This would probably bring down the cost of the 3rd Gen RSV. IF they want to put traction control and ABS on the RSV than I am all for it, but IMHO Yamaha is shooing for the entry level touring bike, when you ONLY look at the initial purchase price, so they might not make it on the new bike. Compare the RSV to any touring bike (full fairings, hard bags and trunk with a stereo and two up seating) and the RSV has the lowest MSRP. IMHO it also has the most Bang for the Buck, Euro, Pound or Yen. Time for me to get off my electronic soapbox.
  9. Also, doesent the new V-Max use the engine as a frame componet? If so, you could get rid of part of your frame..... It might be easyer just to wait for the 2010 RSV.
  10. Click HERE to see Seafoam's web site on where to buy it... an alternative is to use Coleman, or other brand of Camp Fuel at about 50% the concentration that you would use Seafoam as it does not have the alcohol that Seafoam has. I found this at www.answers.yahoo.com after readign the MSDS for both procucts, I would have to agree.
  11. Don't forget Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) for LED dimming.
  12. The list is still growing!!! People who originally, freely gave away their copy of RLAP IV or V KiteSquid Friesman1 jburrell Peple who currenty have a copy AND who they need to send it to: RedRider send to calperin jburrell send to robbitybob Canada copy: Sunman send to Sleepy2 Canada Sleepy2 sarges46 Might I suggest that this copy go to Australia once it has made the circuit in Canada.........IF they have a NTSC compatible player. Australia Maybe not as the DVD's are NTSC and Australia uses PAL format. spear should be checking to see if his DVD player will play NTSC DVDs spear United States calperin robbitybob KingSizer 2RDLX jvbailey3 Yammer Dan Foxman Cjacobs jkt69 Bob Myers Juggler Kenw Feets Jburrell (Would like to see RLAP IV as he has viewed RLAP V) Spankym r12guy Pilot BOO skydoc_17 Pilot Scooter uthpda camotor1 Remember to please post something you learned from the video.
  13. I think he got the URL wrong. try THIS link Series of photos HERE Or THIS link oa Popular Science's web site
  14. PLEASE a MP3 file of Anchors Aweigh by e mail...... I am retired Navy.
  15. How much louder is the bike with the HD mufflers on it??? At Speed??? Normal acceleration? Heavy acceleration? I might wnat to do this swap, but I am NOT a fan of loud pipes.
  16. So.... What did you learn from the RLAP DVD??????
  17. The list is still growing!!! People who originally, freely gave away their copy of RLAP IV or V KiteSquid Friesman1 jburrell Peple who currenty have a copy AND who they need to send it to: RedRider send to calperin jburrell send to robbitybob Canada copy: Sunman send to Sleepy2 Canada Sleepy2 Might I suggest that this copy go to Australia once it has made the circuit in Canada.........IF they have a NTSC compatible player. Australia Maybe not as the DVD's are NTSC and Australia uses PAL format. spear should be checking to see if his DVD player will play NTSC DVDs spear United States calperin robbitybob KingSizer 2RDLX jvbailey3 Yammer Dan Foxman Cjacobs jkt69 Bob Myers Juggler Kenw Feets Jburrell (Would like to see RLAP IV as he has viewed RLAP V) Spankym r12guy Pilot BOO skydoc_17 Pilot Scooter Remember to please post something you learned from the video.
  18. I would recommend grounding back at the point on the bike that the battery ground connects at, in an attempt to keep ground loops to a minimum. I did.
  19. That thing shure would turn heads!!!!! A trailer going down the highway without a tow vehicle. Gotta make the exhaust very quiet!!!!!!
  20. COOL!!!! I note that your band plays Anchors Aweigh..................... can I get a MP3 of it??????? PLEASE???????????????
  21. BAN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. A thread on the poor mans alternative to LEDs is HERE
  23. Not to diminish their service, but would a uniformed person or liveried qualify as a costumed person? I.e.: Police, postal worker, UPS driver, Army, Cost Guard, Air Force, Navy, Marine, National Guard, Doctor, Nurse, Auto Mechanic, Pit Crewman, Race Car Driver, Fast Food Worker, Hooters Girl, etc....... I ask as I see some of these fine people every day.
  24. I am praying for all people involved in this accident.
  25. I kinda like the stelthy look of the natulis horns. The Compcat Truck horn is a little bigger than the Copmpact natulis horn. Last night I was loooking at the Compcat Truck horn and yes it too will come appart. I will look in the upper fairing and the lower fairings for a mounting location, as it does not look like it will fit well under the trunk as a unit, but I have yet to seperate the horn from the compressor..... I'll look again.
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