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Everything posted by KiteSquid

  1. NEVER put E-85 in your RSV!!!!! it is 85% ethanol, which has a lot less BTU per volume as Gasoline. You can put it in vehicles that are marked as Flex Fuel or states so in your owners manual. It takes a EFI system that is calibrated to run that fuel. Run only galsoline with a maximim of 10% Ethanol, but 0% Ethanol is better, but harder to find these days.....
  2. You may want to use Moly60 next time after reading these three articles: Read THIS about Molybdenum disulfide. read the Use as a lubricant section. Read THIS web article too. but I dont want to spend the big bucks on Krytox Teflon Bearing Grease..... read THIS thread too.
  3. Bring it back down to 7 before you blow a fork seal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On compression the pressure really jumps up!!!!
  4. Gators are SCARY!!!!! and can kill a biker. Ther is a LOT of energy in all pieces of a retread when it gets flung off!!!!!! I too spend as little time beside and directly behind a 18 wheeler as possible. On a bike or in a cage. I am glad to hear that you were not hurt!!!!!!
  5. From the old Harley's there is a chain that connects the engine to the transmission. A lot of old bikers use an old primary chain as a belt and handy self defence tool. There is also a second chain that connects the transmission to the rear wheel. the first chain is driven first so they called it the Primary chain or drive. In this case there is also the clutch. on the OLD Harley's there was a system that put one drop of engine oil per minute on this chain to oil it. There is a tube that the excess oil actually drips onto the ground under the bike. My 1950 Harley came from the factory this way. this is the reason most people think that all Harley's leak. They drip oil on purpose. Yes you HAD to check the oil at each gas stop or you might run out if the primary oilier is set to drip too much...... On modern Harley's the EPA would NEVER let them drip all that oil, so the primary is enclosed and does not drip oil. The MAJOR difference between the oiling systems our motors and the motors on Harlie's is ours have the engine, clutch and transmission sharing the same oil. On the Harley's there are three separate oiling systems. I kinda wish that Yamaha had this system too as you can optimize the systems AND you can put Molybdenum Disulphide in the trans and engine to minimize wear and noise, but NOT in the clutch as it would not fully engage. Also, the RSV primary drive is gears, not a chain or belt. To further illustrate here is a photo I found on the Internet of a customized Indian motorcycle with an Open primary. Note the chain is replaced with belt and the clutch (the silver thing on the inside of the right hand pulley attached to the transmission) is a DRY clutch as their is no oil. Also IMHO the open primary is a GREAT way to loose a few toes or a foot. not the lack of safety guards. http://www.bikernet.com/news/images/PhotoID8987.jpg
  6. Is that the sidewall max pressure, or where did you come up with those pressures?
  7. Does the owners manual for the carbtune give instructions for setup before use??? I think I will build a four tube oil filled manometer soon. Too bad the EPA made mercury carb sticks hard to get.
  8. It is listed on Avon's web site as Front 36 PSI and Rear at 42 PSI assuming you used stock sized tires.
  9. Sense you missed the M&E at Willies BBQ, let me know when to come up for dinner!!!!!!! Note how I skillfuly invited myself and MrsSquid up for a free dinner of smoked meat!!!! YUMM!!!!!
  10. It worked for Jake and Elwood, but they were in the new Bluesmobile. http://www.121musicblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/blues_brothers_most.jpg
  11. I just raised my front end by 1 inch. Stock height works GREAT for me.
  12. What grease did you use? Honda Moly60 is the BEST on splines!!!!!! Were your splines worn much? were the faces shiny without a step worn into them? Did you pull the drive shaft and grease the splines on the front end????? How is the rear gear lube? What type do you use? When was it changed last? how much metal filings were on the magnet on the drain plug? Look in the Service manual starting on page 4-104 for the Universal Joint maintenance.
  13. I got lost in your description.... sorry.... You should have contunituy between each pin, but not between any other. Tip to tip Middle to middle base to base BUT NOT tip to middle, tip to base or middle to base. If you are getting a hum it might also be a ground loop. If this is the FIRST time you are hooking up this piece of elctronics to your bike, try operating the accessory on it's internal battery with out it's housing attched to the bike. If you are trying to make up a cable to hook up a MP3 player, etc, to your bikes stereo, I took the easy route and went to Radio Shack and purchased a cable with a 90 degree plug on one end already. I took up the excess cable in the fairing. I can't find it in their online catalog, but it was in my local store. I found one online at THIS web site, but shipping for one part would be bad....
  14. Penetrating oil and figure out a way to make them shrink instead of swell. you will have to pull on end you want to remove, not push on other end as it makes the rubber swell and increases the holding fiction. On page 7-13 of the service it is listed as part #9 Damper On page 7-15 they say to check them, but they don't list how to remove them.... I would probably try inserting two screws in it, one at 12 o'clock and one at 6 o'clock and pull on both screws at the same time. Failing that I would probably cut it into 4 pieces, or try to remove a slice to make it easier to remove. Good luck and PLEASE report back on how you removed them.
  15. The bulbs are at any auto parts store. Buy one 2357LL for the tail/stop lam and four 2357A bulbs for the turn signals. Lots of light on the cheep......... I can help you install them if you want, just pop over to SquidAcres some evening or Saturday... We can swap stories. Maybe go for some BBQ.
  16. Lightly WD-40 it... let it rest a while and try again. BUT DO NOT GET THE WD-40 ON YOUR WAXED SURFACES. It will lift the wax......
  17. Yamaha makes a passing lamp that takes the H3 bulbs instead of the PAR36 bulbs BTW there are more choices with the PAR36 bulb for wattage and beam pattern than the the H3 setup, as you would have to change the shape of the reflector and lense to change the beam pattern for the H3 Bulb. Yamaha part number STR-4NK35-10-01 Yamaha lists them for the Royal Star Tour Deluxe, but they fit the RSV mounting bracket. You will probably have to rewire them as the wiring harness that comes with them fits the Tour Deluxe, but they fit..... Somewhere on this site a guy installed them. Search for the part number and you'll find the thread. I note in the Royal Star Standard passing lamps they list a H3 Replacement Lens (most likely the lamp without the chrome housing) for MSRP of US$22.95 Part number STR-4NK35-17-01. It should fit all Royal Star passing lamp housings.... should. They are on my Christmas Wish List..... I will probably wire them so they are in series when the low beam is on, and in parallel when the high beam is on, kinda like the Daytime Running Lights on some cages. I will have to check with the safety inspection people on if it is legal, as I will add a switch to change it to whatever is legal IF I want to..... I think that the passing lamps must be off when the high beam is on, but I am going on what I can shake out of my dusty brain...
  18. GOT IT Go to THIS thread to read how I used 2357 and 2357A bulbs.
  19. I am lookig forward to the Fly By Wire throttle on the 3rd Gen Venture.
  20. The 1157 bulbs are good but I recommend you get 2357 bulbs and cut off the same pin instead. With the 2375 series bulbs you will have an increase in the light output over stock or the 1157 bulbs. 2357LL for the brake lamp. 2357A for all the turn signals. Read THIS thread for more info. And if you live near me, like Two Tone White does, I'll help you install them.......... Just send me a PM.
  21. Well now, like I predicted, we have to wait till the 2010 model year for the EFI engine in the RSV. About this time next year I will be selling my 2007 RSV, IF Yamaha keeps the styling on the 3rd gen RSV similar to the current model year. BTW I do like the colors of the 2009 RSV. Can anybody figure out where the photos were taken?
  22. Shop for the best price at Cycle trader.com then see what local dealer will match the price, or at least come close to it. I saved thousands on my 2007 RSV that way...... The cash back is on the V Star bike, NOT the Royal Star Venture. also note it is for left over 2008 and older new stock bikes.
  23. Start talking to your local haley riders and ask for a set of takeoffs. You might get them for free, or a case of beer.
  24. Do your LED replacements for the rear red reflectors have reflectivity? I ask because I would like to know how visible your bike is from the side at night if it is parked???
  25. Sense they released info on the V Stars, do you think there will be a major change to the RSV???? I don't. 2010 will bring the 3rd Gen Royal Star Venture. However, I KNOW where I'll be in cyberspace at 3:00 on Monday..... IF tehy come out with the 3rd gen, my 2007 will be for sale.
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