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Everything posted by KiteSquid

  1. All you EVER wanted to know about how brake fluid is tested..... is HERE A very DRY document..... ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz I to to page 3..... I got to that document thru THIS web page. I will probably get DOT 5.1 for my vehicles, but it costs more than DOT 3 or 4. The Valvoline Power did well in it's tests 503F dry boiling point and 343F wet and a MSRP of $4.97/16.9oz bottle..... I'll be buying a new bottle every time I need to replace the fluid in any of my vehicles!!!!! BTW be careful adding fluid to your system. DON'T OVER FILL IT...... the reservoir level will be lower with used pads than with new pads....... If you bleed your brakes, refill ONLY to the level you had when you started, or when you replace your pads you will end up with an overfilled and over flowing reservoir...... I did it on my 1979 Camaro.......
  2. I cannot find that bulb in Sylvainia's PDF catalog I downloaded. The closest I can find it 36PAR36/HAL/NSP13. It is listed as a 36 Watt bulb with a 13 degree beam pattern (They don't break apart width and height like GE does) with 3,500 CBCP (Center Beam Candle Power) and a 4,000 hour live. Regrettably in Sylvaina's catalog they only list 6 and 30 degree, 50 Watt bulbs. On Bubls.com I note that the bulb you listed crosses to a GE Bulb 19876, which is a 35 Watt bulb with a 11 degree wide and 9 degree tall pattern. the beam is 8,000 CP and the bulb is rated with a 4,000 hour life. For the same beam and about 25% more light I really like GE's 19879. It is a 50 Watt bulb with a 11 degree wide and 9 degree tall pattern. the beam is 10,000 CP and the bulb is rated with a 4,000 hour life. yes it is more drain on your electrical system, but probably worth it, if you don't run heated clothing.... for a tighter patter and lower current draw, GE's part number 19873 is a 35 Watt bulb with a 8 degree wide and and 6 degree tall pattern at 25,000 CP and rated for 4,000 hours. Eiko has part number 7400, which is a 35 Watt bulb that is 12 wide by 5 tall at 33,000 CP but only a 300 hour life, and 4416 which is a 30 Watt Bulb that is 11 wide by 4 tall at 35000 CP but still only a 300 hour life. WOW There are a LOT of bulb choices in the PAR36 line..... There must be over 100 bulbs in different beam shape from a very narrow spot to trapezoidal, to wide flood and many different wattages, from 3 for a emergency light to 100 for an aircraft landing light...
  3. Get either the PureOne or Amsoil EAO filter. Run a synthetic that does not energy conserving. This bike has a wet clutch that shares the oil with the engine and transmission. If the oil is energy conserving it will have stuff in it to make it slicker, and that is bad for your wet clutch. A lot of guys are using Rotella T synthetic Diesel oil with great success... I will be using it in my next oil change.
  4. S2D2 They just added teh CD Player to the saddle bag and paint colors. Yamaha's motorcycles do not evolove gradually, only in jumps...
  5. I found some second hand information that the 4449 bulb has a 12 degree wide by 7 degree tall beam pattern... INTERESTING.... now to find something a little bit tighter and either the same wattage or a little more....... Called GE and they cant cross the nuber. EDIT: please see post below about phone call to Waganer about this bulb.... DIFFRENT BEAM SHAPE!!!!
  6. Wagner's Catalog is a POS....... IMHO..... I sent an email request to them for a Technical Data Sheet. Lets see what happens. BTW, does it look like this: http://www.eikolightbulbs.com/catpics/miniature/44490.jpg
  7. Off to Wagner's web site I go!!!!! It looks like Wagner Lighting is part of Federal Mogul....
  8. I learned how to drag the rear brake in low speed maneuvering. this helps me to keep my hand off of the front brake and it also helps me to make tighter corners. It reinforced what I learned in the MSF courses to point my head and eyes where I want to go. Where I look is were the bike goes. DON'T foot drag!!! That ANYBODY who can ride a bike can ride it well IF they practice controlling it at low speeds. What you practice at low speeds is how you react at high speeds. I fell that I have better control of my bike by practicing the techniques shown in RLAP. I want to thank Jerry "Motorman" Palladino for producing these DVDs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Safety is PARAMOUNT, if you want a long an healthy life. IF I practice the ideas in this DVD I will have a happier motorcycling experience!
  9. I update the list a few minutes ago and NOW it is time to update the list again... NICE!!!!! People who originally, freely gave away their copy of RLAP IV or V KiteSquid Friesman1 jburrell People who currently have a copy AND who they need to send it to: calperin send to 2RDLX robbitybob send to KingSizer Canada copy: Sunman send to Sleepy2 Canada Sleepy2 sarges46 gunkylump Might I suggest that this copy go to Australia once it has made the circuit in Canada.........IF they have a NTSC compatible player. Australia Maybe not as the DVD's are NTSC and Australia uses PAL format. spear should be checking to see if his DVD player will play NTSC DVDs spear United States jvbailey3 Yammer Dan Foxman Cjacobs jkt69 Bob Myers Juggler Kenw Feets Jburrell (Would like to see RLAP IV as he has viewed RLAP V) Spankym r12guy Pilot BOO skydoc_17 Pilot Scooter uthpda camotor1 painterman67 Smith Iowawegian Bubber Remember to please post something you learned from the video. I have a question for those of you who have viewed it: Did you go buy your own copy of RLAP V? Don't forget to ask for your VentureRider forum discount. And again, I am not connected with RLAP, I just want my fellow bikers to have a long and healthy life on two wheels and anyway that we all can learn to ride safely is a good thing!!!!!!
  10. I'll put you on the north of the border list.
  11. Now that is probably the SMARTEST think I have read all day!!!!!!!!!! I am not connected with RLAP, but I do hope that everybody who rides a bike get his own copy, and attend a MSF course every two years or so... Time to update the list... People who originally, freely gave away their copy of RLAP IV or V KiteSquid Friesman1 jburrell People who currently have a copy AND who they need to send it to: calperin send to 2RDLX robbitybob send to KingSizer Canada copy: Sunman send to Sleepy2 Canada Sleepy2 sarges46 Might I suggest that this copy go to Australia once it has made the circuit in Canada.........IF they have a NTSC compatible player. Australia Maybe not as the DVD's are NTSC and Australia uses PAL format. spear should be checking to see if his DVD player will play NTSC DVDs spear United States jvbailey3 Yammer Dan Foxman Cjacobs jkt69 Bob Myers Juggler Kenw Feets Jburrell (Would like to see RLAP IV as he has viewed RLAP V) Spankym r12guy Pilot BOO skydoc_17 Pilot Scooter uthpda camotor1 painterman67 Smith Iowawegian Remember to please post something you learned from the video.
  12. I really agree on your comments on the Radio. THAT is the reason the manual stays with the bike. it is NOT easy to program the preset stations.... Takashi Kajikawa-San, are you listening??? Also too bad the current stereo is built by Clarion, and NOT Yamaha Electronics Corporation...
  13. Could somebody who has the sealed beam passing lamps please post the numbers on the bulbs for me??? It will probally be printed on the back of the bulb. I am looking to figure out what beam shape is in the factory bulbs before I make a buying decision. I am guessing it should start with 35PAR36/ Thanks in advance.
  14. Have you gone to the My Star link on http://www.starmotorcycles.com/ ? You register your bike and can download your year specific manual. I did and it too is not printable. If I were you I would return to the dealer and purchase a manual. to show them you are concerned about your bike and you want to RTMFM (Read the Most Fine Manual) to learn the details of your new to you machine. at your My Star page there is a link to purchase an owners manual for $20 or a Service Manual for $93, but the PDF version of the service manual that is downloadable from VentureRider forum is printable....
  15. Get a product called RejeX it was developed for use on the canopy of military helicopters. It also works on the paint, in place of wax. I use in on the glass and paint of my cages too. The BEST product I have EVER used, and I have tried a LOT of products!!! This is truly an all in one, but like any wax don't put it on textured plastic. Use on the windshield of you bike, front and back, the face shield of your helmet and your eye glasses, glass and paint!!!!!!! manufactures web site is HERE If you cant find it locally the best place I have found to buy it online is HERE to save on shipping I normally buy 2 or more bottles, but a little of this goes a LONG way!!!!!!! I purchaed a big bag of microfiber cloths at Costco in the automotive section......
  16. KiteSquid

    Good Video

    Youtube videos are blocked at work (I tried it on my break...) So I tried to view it at home with no luck. So I tried the link on the computer at the library... after I scraped the white out off the screen, I still could not see the video. I am so confused!!!!!!!!
  17. It looks to me like Yamaha wanted to clear it's warehouse of the CD changers, becuse most of us are now buying MP3 players to save space in the trunk/saddlebags...
  18. Click HERE to read the US Flag code. This is the Governmnet Printing Office web site.
  19. If you want power, you might wait till the 2010 model comes out...... The EPA Tier 2 exhaust emissions standards go into effect in 2010 and the current RSV cannot pass the new standard. SENSE the V-Max and the RSV use a similar engine platform and Yamaha just spent a pile of R&D cash on the V-Max that they need to recoup that, so I think that the 2010 RSV will have a similar motor that the current V-Max has. EFI and variable valve timing, but with less power as the cannot compete with their own hot rod bike..... But I am just looking into my crystal ball............................ That and $4 will get you a cup of coffee at Charbucks. http://blogs.denverpost.com/lewis/wp-content/photos/starbucks.JPG Of course the 3rd gen RSV will probally cost $4,000 more...
  20. Go to a truck service or sales and look at the new LED lights.... some of the amber or red ones are nice.
  21. The 2357 bulb mod might help somebody else..... Do you have the 15 inch lamp bar that goes under the trunk? I have one and it is VERY NICE. BRIGHT!!!! and if you don't hook up the running light the stop lamp looks that much brighter when it comes on. it is the first accessory I installed on my bike.
  22. Or to save a few more $s read THIS thread.
  23. I found some Mercury manometers for sale HERE. They are a Gold Wing parts store, but I'll let that pass. I have one on order... They also have a four gauge set up HERE But the Mercury manometer is more accurate and will never go out of adjustment. Just store the Mercury well.
  24. I would NOT install them on my bike!!!!
  25. Avon's web site is HERE a PDF file on Venom tires is HERE has some White Wall tires listed, but not in our proper size for the front....... you might want to E mail them at pmcnally@coopertire.com and ask..... if they get enought requests they will make em....
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