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Everything posted by KiteSquid

  1. Well I now have a few hundred miles on the bike sense using the Moly60 and the noise lever has decrease some more!!!! GREAT STUFF!!!!!!!!!
  2. times 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So it's Bozo's hair and the Tasmanian Devil's mouth!!!!!! FUNNY!!!!!!
  3. Is there a difference in the rake back angle of the F4Customs windshield compared to stock? When my bike with the factory windshield still installed was parked next to one with a Clearview, I noted that the Clearview angles back more than the stock windshield.
  4. Price gouging or tax gouging? Click HERE for a tax map by state. Also, clik HERE to go directly to the Gas Buddy web site map.
  5. I am curious.... what do you plan to do????
  6. It sold for $3,625.00 to fxtx. Discription of the bike
  7. I too would slow down, and take the first opportunity to stop and have a cup of hot coffee or hot chocolate. But I would NOT stop under an overpass!!!!!!!!!! DANGEROUS PLACE TO BE STANDING!!!!!! only in an emergency and get behind the guard rail till the tow truck or police car will take the hit before you do!!!!!!!!! BTW have you noticed that Police Cars are stopping on the side of the road differently than when I was a kid? they used to stop parallel to the flow of traffic, now they angle their cars when stopped. I think it is to deflect a car if it hits their stopped car, so the LEO does not get hit if he is out of his car. Also Motor Officers usually get off their bikes on the high side to keep the 800LB+ bike between them and the flow of traffic......... HOWEVER living on the east cost I notice that there are quite a few more stopping opportunities than there are on say any highway in New Mexico, out of towns..... you can go for HOURS without seeing a safe place to stop. Like said above, don't take unnecessary risks!!!!
  8. I feel like Maxwell Smart...... I missed it by that much....
  9. Congrats on the new bike!!!!! I ordered the riser extnesions the other day
  10. Are the front forks pressurized at exactly the same pressure??? You can check the alignment of a bike but it usually is not adjustable on shaft driven bikes. You can find a procedure on the internet to check to see if the rear tire is in alignment. If somebody removed and replaced the rear wheel or rear control arm, and did not install it properly there is the remote possibility that it is canted in the frame. Also check for Leveling Links, somebody might have installed them improperly (but this is a far remote possibility). If it was during acceleration and decelerations only I would probably attribute it to the shaft drive, especially during cornering.
  11. There is an Ausie List. It contains one name: spear We are still waiting for feedback from down-under if NTSC is playable on their equipment as the standard there is PAL. Maybe he could play it on his PC, or game console like a PS2 or PS3, but it would have to be NTSC compatible.......
  12. the bottom photo is not a Goldwing either........
  13. I just found some even better bulbs in the PAR36 size!!!!! Halco Lighting makes a Halogen Xenon blended gas bulbs!!!!! They have a higher lumen for the same wattage as traditional Halogen bulbs. Lumen is how much light the filament produces, CP is the amount of light in the center of the beam. So you can get a bigger beam pattern with the same light, or more light if you keep the beam the same shape. I talked to a lighting engineer over at Halco and he recommended part number 107782 for a 12 degree tall by 12 degree wide beam that has 5,000 CP but a Lumen rating of 910 where the GE bulbs are rated at 400. Also they have a 5000 hour life compared to GE bulbs and only cost $7.53 on the Internet at 1000bubls.com which is the first place I found them.... they might cost less elsewhere. They make 6 bulbs that would work as a passing lamp. either a 12 degree or 5 degree pattern (I would go with the 12 degree unless you are using them as driving lights then I would go with the 5 degree pattern) in either 20, 35 or 50 Watt designs..... The have a color temperature of about 3150 while standard halogen is about 3000, so they will appear to be a bit whiter. I AM EXCITED about these bulbs, now to buy a set of passing lamps.... maybe the fat man will drop them down my chimney on December 24th.
  14. pegscraper, I looked in my GE and Sylvania catalog and they did not list anything with more than 50 watts that ran on 12 Volts. Bulb 4509 is 100 Watts, 13 Volts, the beam spread is an acceptable 12 degree wide by 6 degree tall pattern! With screw terminals..... Now for the good news it is rated at 110,000 CP I found them on the Internet for $8.58 each. Now for the bad news... they are rated at 25 hours of operation. I don't recommend installing them but I would LOVE to see a bike with them. Due to their short life you would probably be better off buying the Yamaha passing lights that take H-3 bulbs and installing , or buying the 4509 by the case to get a discount on price and save on shipping. Yamaha STR-4NK35-17-01 is the lamps that take the H3 bulb for MSRP of $22.95 and you will have to change the wiring to connect to the H3 bulb insted of the screw post of the PAR36, or if you have not yet bought your passing lamps, get Yamaha part # STR-4NK35-10-01 for $118.95 (Some wiring modifications to the kit might be necessary as they are for the Royal Star Tour Deluxe and other bikes in the Star Motorcycle line) to take one H3 bulb per side or I might get the Yamaha part # STR-2C535-10-00 (these are the passing lamps for the Stratoliner & Roadliner that take TWO bulbs which I ASSUME are H3s. I am asking for verification from anybody who has them installed!!!!!!) see the photo below from Starmotorcycles.com http://www.starmotorcycles.com/assets/accessories/500/stu-mcy06-19-rl-k0-dt1-500.jpg Of course if you use the Tour Deluxe or the Stratoliner lamps you will have to use the RSV mounts, Yamaha part number STR-4XY35-40-00. MSRP $150.95. Philips makes a 100 Watt H3 for $5.99 but they only have a 100 hour life I could not find the CP, but it should be similar to the 100 W Par36 above, but the beam pattern is dependant on the lamp you put them in. Also I have seen generic 100 W H3 bulbs for as low as $3.99 each. STOP THE PRESSES!!!! I found 39112. It is has a much larger beam pattern at 14 degrees wide and 12 degrees tall so lots more area, it is rated at 500 hours and is 250 Watt bulb!!!!!!!! for the larger beam pattern they have 75000 CP!!! Now for the bad news, they cost $55.71 each!!!!! (BUT this might be the cost of a case of 12... the web page was unclear, but I will have to assume it is a per bulb price.) Bugfish69, Thanks, so if I understand correctly in VA the passing lamps must only come on with low beam. I think I will wire them with a 3 way switch. To be off, to be on only with low beam, to be on no matter if in low or hi beam.... Put the switch in the middle position when getting inspected. Just about any auto parts store can get you some PAR 36 bulbs, but you have to know the number. That is why I am building this list. ALL, IF you know of another bulb manufacture besides GE, Orsam Slyvania, Eiko and Wagner please let me know, so I can try to find the catalog.
  15. My catalog is at work.... ill look tomorrow for the beam pattern on the 100 Watt PAR 36 bulbs. One problem with running halogen lights in series is they have a very yellow color. How about putting in the lamps from the Stratoliner and using 4 H3 bulbs??? diffrent wattages..
  16. Do it yourself!!!!!
  17. I agree but not on my bike as I dont think the alternator could handle them..... most are 100 Watts or higher.............. a pair of 100 Watt bulbs would draw about 15.625 amps... I dont know the output of the alternator off the top of my head, who has it handy? I could not find it in the owners manual. Maybe if you could switch off your headlamp and install a much bigger battery, and run them for a short period of time.... like 5 seconds or less.... Daylight in a can.
  18. I just got off the phone with Federal-Mogul Corporation who owns the Wagner product line and here are the details for the 4449 bulb (the representative stated that they could not send me a product data sheet and the catalog is not online, I guess I should have asked for a paper catalog to be sent out) Wagner part number 4449, is a 30 Watt bulb that is 11 degrees wide by 4.5 degrees tall at 15,000 CP with a 300 hour life. When I get my passing lights I will probably install one of the Wagner 4449 bulbs and one of the GE 19879 (or equivalent) for a taller pattern or the GE 22983 (or equivalent) for the same beam pattern but more light and cover one light or the other to see how I like the lighting effect. Question for those of you with passing lights with the Yamaha PAR36 bulbs. If you could have more light would you rather have a taller or wider beam pattern or the same pattern with a higher intensity? Is there anybody that is familiar with Virgina law and passing lights on motorcycles??? I cant seem to find the law online. I am curious as to switching from high beam to low beam and the CP that is allowed for auxiliary lighting... I may or may not comply with the law.
  19. If you go with the above, you might want to ground to the same place the stereo grounds at, as you MIGHT get a ground loop if you don't.
  20. Warn the people within 50 feet of your first test... especially anybody in your home....
  21. No, hot all the time because it is coming from the battery also. If you want switched hot, then you need to look at the wiring diagram in the service manual. it is the last two pages and is download-able for free in the VR Tech link on the left side of every page here at THE forum.
  22. I would have dialed 911 and reported a fuel spill... Got Fire, HazMat and Police involved...
  23. IMHO the best place to connect to the electrical system is NOT at the batter, but at the point where the alternator connects to the charging system. this is normally where the battery's red and black cables connect to the bike. It is usually a better electrical connection and it makes replacing the battery easy as there are less wires connected to it. Less chance of a corroded connection from battery acid fumes too.... not much of an issue with the sealed battery we have, but it is a good practice to have.
  24. This thread is getting busy!!!! I hope I did not miss anybody!!!! If I did miss you, please remind me to put you in the proper place in line and I apologize if I missed anybody. Also, if you want on the list, please post to the thread instead of PMing me. People who originally, freely gave away their copy of RLAP IV or V KiteSquid Friesman1 jburrell People who currently have a copy AND who they need to send it to: calperin send to 2RDLX KingSizer send to jvbailey3 Canada copy: Sunman send to Sleepy2 Canada sarges46 gunkylump birin Oldseadog Might I suggest that this copy go to Australia once it has made the circuit in Canada.........IF they have a NTSC compatible player. Australia Maybe not as the DVD's are NTSC and Australia uses PAL format. spear should be checking to see if his DVD player will play NTSC DVDs spear United States Yammer Dan Foxman Cjacobs jkt69 Bob Myers Juggler Kenw Feets Jburrell (Would like to see RLAP IV as he has viewed RLAP V) Spankym r12guy Pilot BOO skydoc_17 Pilot Scooter uthpda camotor1 painterman67 Smith Iowawegian Bubber Roadhand 1_2_ride_RSV krome rose BurgyMon PLEASE Remember to please post something you learned from the video. I have a question for those of you who have viewed it: Did you go buy your own copy of RLAP V? Don't forget to ask for your VentureRider forum discount. And again, I am not connected with RLAP, I just want my fellow bikers to have a long and healthy life on two wheels and anyway that we all can learn to ride safely is a good thing!!!!!!
  25. BTW, the RLAP people have a different video for those staring to learn to ride. I have not viewed it.....yet. It is called Learn to ride the easy way. http://www.ridelikeapro.com/images/Beginner/Learn2Ride%20front%2040sm.jpg click-able image.
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