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Everything posted by KiteSquid

  1. My 2010 Goldwing has a Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) from the factory and I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have not had a flat but on a real cold day (it was 19F when I left SquidAcres) the warning came on once I cleared my driveway and I U turned as soon as I could which was about 1/4 mile. Just before returned to the driveway the indicator went off.....for about 1/2 mile total trip for the tires warmed up some. I checked the pressure and it was low so I put some air in after I checked both tires for punctures. The schrader valve in the front tire was loose and leaking air very slowly. I gave it a 1/4 turn and no more leaks. Once again, I LOVE TPMS on a motorcycle and would recommend them to all. Now I just hope I never see the indictor when I am at highway speed, mening I have a flat tire.......
  2. I have the 1/2" drive model and like it a lot. I dropped it on the handle end once and broke it. I took it to a store and there was a young lass operating the cash register so I gave her my torque wrench. She gave me a new one. After the fact I find out that Craftsman's measuring tools are covered by a 90 day warranty which had long expired when I took it in.... I got lucky. BUT I just went to Sears' web site and read the tool warranty HERE. they don't talk about torque wrenches so it looks to me like it is covered under this excerpt But if I read the warranty HERE I get a different answer...... strange.....
  3. You can download the owners manual for your bike at starmotorcycles.com, once you register your bike. you can download the service manual for FREE by clicking some links on the left hand side of EVERY page here at the forum. On page 3-43 of the service manual Yamaha calls for SAE 80 hypoid gear oil graded GL4, GL5 or GL6 or multi-purpose SAE 80W 90 hypoid gear oil for the final drive on the 2nd gen bikes. In my bikes I also add a little Honda Moly60 to get some Molybdenum disulphide (moly) in there too. a pea sized ball is all you need. I would like to find a synthetic gear oil that has moly in it, but I have to buy a 50 LB pail which is a lifetime supply for may bikers....
  4. to the best of my knonledge here are all four verses: O! say can you see by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming, Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming? And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there; O! say does that star-spangled banner yet wave, O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave? On the shore, dimly seen through the mists of the deep, Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes, What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep, As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses? Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam, In full glory reflected now shines in the stream: 'Tis the star-spangled banner, O! long may it wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. And where is that band who so vauntingly swore That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion, A home and a country should leave us no more! Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution. No refuge could save the hireling and slave From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave: And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. O! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand Between their loved home and the war's desolation! Blest with victory and peace, may the heav'n rescued land Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation. Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, And this be our motto: "In God is our trust." And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
  5. I woudl be concernd for the gas can back rest..... Dont lean back too far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Will installing an antenna ground plane improve the factory CB antenna and/or the AM/FM antenna performance? I am not a HAM so I am only concerned about the CB and AM/FM. WOW it looks like you have a pile of cool parts to install.... As a technology junkie, I am jealous.
  7. Tilt shift has been around for decades. it is a techneque that makes things look smaller than they really are. That was a GREAT video showing the technique.
  8. Nope but they use MR16 bulbs, so if you want a differt wattage or beam pattern you can swap out the bulbs. There are MANY 12V MR16 bubls on the market.
  9. drinking coffee and reading the forum....
  10. Kind of a side-jack... Does anybody know what diamater shims the Honda 1800 Goldwing uses?????
  11. I do all my own wrenching so my shop rates are $0 per hour.
  12. it will be snowing here this afternoon so my bike is at home. I NEVER want to ride a bike on ice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. As far as I know the Mercury manometers (AKA Carb Sticks) do not go out of calibration and if you get a four channel setup it is EASY to see a difference between them. Click HERE to go to a thread that talks about the differences between what is on the market. My preference is for the Mercury manometers. I don't use mine anymore as I don't own a multi carb engined vehicle anymore, but it still has a place on the wall. OH and I have a 3 Oz flask of Mercury in the tool box, but don't tell the EPA...
  14. Yes the doors are open, but I cant feel the heat. they might be working but not enough for me. Maybe I should invest in some electric socks, insoles, or a foot wind deflector if I want to continue to ride in COLD weather but I might come to my senses soon and park the bike till we get a warm snap, say 40 F
  15. Yes I do.... and I hope to see it one day....
  16. It was quite chilly today for the ride in. I have a heated jacket liner and gloves and the bike has a heated seat and grips which were all set on HIGH. I was wearing wool socks in by boots but my feet got cold. I probably will not ride in weather this cold again..... BURRRRRRRRRRRRR The one real complaint is my glasses and face shield got foggy whenever I slowed or stopped but at 40 MPH or faster I had no fogging issues. Being blind at a stoplight is NOT good......
  17. Do you have an old hard drive laying around? They have a pair of rare earth magnets in them that you could stick to the filter. However, I do second the above statements that a magnetic oil drain plug should be installed first.
  18. I think that the article has been amplified. I when I read it in the paper it did not list any injuries to the perpetrator. This e mail is to new for Snopes.com to have an article on it, so you should read the real article at a news website like CBS HERE. I am PROWD that they stopped the shoplifter and it deepley saddends me that one of these brave Marines was injured. I wish more people would lend a hand when something is not right. we would have zero crime.
  19. Or just buy one HF trailer and have LOTS of cash left over to pay for gas and go see some of the country with your trailer. For a guesstimate, with a price difference of $2,700 and with gas at $3.00 per gallon would buy 900 gallons of gas at at 40 MPG that should take a RSV about 36,000 miles.... that is a lot of roads. 36 Iron butts. of course I did not figure in the cost of wear items, e.g.: tires, brake pads or oil changes.
  20. It also sounded like none of the bikes were taken to near readline and they were actually using the clutch for all gear changes..... I wonder if any of the ridres took the excess stuff off of their bikes or at least skipped dinner.... to save a LB or two.
  21. I added updates to the original post, so you might want to re-read it.
  22. I did NOT install LEDs on my RSV in the turn signals. Please read the thread at THIS link for my reasons.... HOWEVER I did install a 15" LED third brake light under the trunk and got it for cheep, like $15 vice the $50 that I see it advertised for........ I did install the 100 LED brake light from Signal Dynamics.
  23. That is what I did, so I'll have to 2nd it. it was easy to do but hard on the wallet. BTW the Honda GL1800's are on deep discounts, Honda is offering 0.99% interest for three years AND giving $1,000 in free accessories!!!!!!!!! what's not to like!!!!!!
  24. I stand corrected. Thanks Dano. BTW is this an older photo of you????? http://www.local12.com/media/lib/6/e/e/8/ee8508d3-2991-4b36-9f3d-a212993a1582/Story.jpg
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