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Everything posted by KiteSquid

  1. If they are free take em!!! Have yo looked on the H-D forums about the cadalidic converter mods?
  2. riding a motorcycle is all about staying inside the traction envelope.
  3. The Stabel Compact Nautilus Air Horn, because it has more function than form.
  4. a technician at Avon told me 40 front and 45 rear....
  5. Just because the can is taller, does not mean there is more filter media.... I would recomend cutting the two filters apart and doing some forensics.... Are you going to use the Synthetic (Blue jug) or the Dinosaur (White jug) version of Totellta T? Also lube your splines with some Honda Moly60 while you are there, and I change the gear lube in the rear end with every oil change as tehre is so little gear lube in there and it is easy to replace...
  6. to save a little money, use Camp Fuel insted of Seafoam. Use about 1/3 the Camp Fuel that you would of Seafoam.
  7. MrsSquid makes sure that I pay cash for my toys.... My RSV is one of my toys... That bike on eBay looks like a good deal. I bet that it is a repo. It looks like the owners manual is missing, other than that, it looks like a good deal. I could not see any accessories installed, and it looks like it still has the brickstone tires on it.
  8. MrsSquid makes sure that I pay cash for my toys.... My RSV is one of my toys... That bike on eBay looks like a good deal. I bet that it is a repo. It looks like the owners manual is missing, other than that, it looks like a good deal. I could not see any accessories installed, and it looks like it still has the brickstone tires on it.
  9. now there is one SWEET ride, but you HAVE to buy the kit and assemble it to make it street legal!!!!!!! ZZZZZZZZZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. The CD player and head unit are both made by Clarion and the digital buss that connects them is a "C Buss" which is proprietary to Clarion. They will NOT release the standard to us. I have tried............ If they would, we could make an interface to any MP3 player (say an I pod) to be controlled by the head unit.
  11. I have bean called a font of worthless information.... The wind is fine. I attended the American Kiteflyers Association Grand National Convention with 320 of my kite flying family in Gettysburg PA. over the last week in September.... NICE time!!!!
  12. I put mine up on my Harbor Freight jack and took the rear wheel off, but I only jacked it high enough so I had to tip the tire a little sideways to get it out. I also strapped the bike to the jack.
  13. 13,9 looks like a good price to me, but it has been setting a while. Get them to throw in free stuff, like a helmet and gloves, or a tube of Honda Moly60 and a case of oil and filters..... or a set of passing lamps and the mouning bar..... you get the idea. Shoot for $600 worth of stuff.... I'll sell you my '07 blue and black for that price:)
  14. There is more leg room and liquid cooling (Longer motor life) on the Venture. There is more chrome on and accessories available for the H-D. the H-D has a full array of gauges and a louder stereo. The Venture leaves a few thousand more in your bank account.
  15. Follow the black wire from the battery. Where it connects to the bike, there is your main ground. There should be qutie a few black wires comming together there.
  16. You dont have to clean off the overspray, you just have to supervise!!!!!!! I would say on a Friday or Saturday evening would be the best time.
  17. I assume you are going to use it in your bikes seat. If so, you might e mail the good people at Sorbithane for recomdations...and then pass on your findings here.
  18. Well if you love to get "the wind in your hair and bugs in your teeth" meaning that you LOVE to ride rather than being in a cage, even a convertible with the top down, then ABSOLUTELY you should either trike it or get a side car!!!! Ride for a LONG as you can!!!!!!!!!!!!! BTW, Who makes trike kits for the 2nd Gen RSV??????
  19. Trikes drive differently than bikes. you have to SERIOUSLY ask yourself: Why do I enjoy riding? Then think about if a trike would work, a bike with a sidecar, or a cage........ like a a 2009 Chevrolet Corvette ZR-1, or just finding a different hobby, like sitting around your local bike shop drinking their coffee all day, just to socialize with other riders......
  20. I have seen sheets of Soborthane for sale in industrial supply catalogs like MSC or Granger, both of which are online. Soborthane has been on the market for YEARS!!!!!!!! I had insoles of it for my boondockers when I was in the US Navy walking on steel or aluminum decks. Truly a knee saver!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't think it would make a good bedding product, but it shines in distributing shock loads and dampening vibration. I have used sheets of it under machines.
  21. if the target is then I have a chance, but I need LOTS of help. I have a 30 by 50 foot Amereican Flag, but I need 60 or more people to come over to help spread it out......
  22. I understadn the bike above was made by JRL Cycles in Black Hawk, South Dakota look at the videos!!!!! Here is another one with the motor mounted 90 degrees. http://thekneeslider.com/images/radialmotorcycle.jpg I LIKE this one in light blue (about hte same color as my 1950 H-D FL) http://farm1.static.flickr.com/134/321842508_dc7c99490d.jpg?v=0 and another http://thekneeslider.com/images/radialmotorcycle2.jpg And another: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_i_AovfzNXgQ/RvXj9xdVLyI/AAAAAAAAGUo/t3PjhxU6JxQ/s1600/86714E.jpg yet another http://patentpending.blogs.com/photos/uncategorized/capture816200595633_pm.jpg And a concept drawing of another design. http://www.gadgetroad.com/wp-content/uploads/Image/2007/June/cars-and-bikes/radial-bike/radial-bike-3.jpg I kinda like the indidual exhasuts on this one (and the background is nice too!!!!!) http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/Photos/JRL_Cycles_Radial_Chopper.jpg
  23. Dielectric grease is actually an insulator. A good defeniton is at Wikipedia, HERE You don't want it IN the joints where the electricity needs to flow, but over it to seal out moisture and therefore prevent corrosion on electrical connectors. Try removing all the Dielectric grease. Also do not trust an LED charge indicator unless you have tested it with known voltage sources. Don't trust multi-meters unless you have had them calibrated. and uncalibrated meter is good for getting reference levels, but NOT for any scientific testing. I would trust it if you test the battery voltage on several vehicles that are running with good electrical systems and you get most of your readings at 13.5VDC Can you list all electrical accessories that have been istalled on your bike?
  24. Is this stuff kina like Sorbothane®
  25. I am confused:confused: what is the current target?
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