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Everything posted by KiteSquid

  1. KiteSquid

    Knife Test

    It sounds like he is.... he states that he is a stage performer.
  2. You're right, it would be "Marking it's spot!"
  3. You should not stack gaskets, as you will have MORE leaks!!!!!!!
  4. Sadly I did this once at a stoplight.... The girl in the car to my right, the direction that my horn point, was VERY startled.... I apologized. A LOT!!!!
  5. Just make SURE to keep the antis seize off of the ceramic parts of the plug, as most anti-seize compounds are quite conductive......
  6. All of the people on the list behind you, thank you and the gift giver!!!!! I'll take you off of the list in my next update. That would be GREAT!!!!!
  7. I actually think the Stabel Nautilus and Wolo Bad Boy horns come off of the same assembly line, just packaged diffrently. IMHO they are the same horn.
  8. For me, the RSV was the only bike I was comfortable on, as a bonus it cost less then all the others....
  9. 3 db is a power factor of 2:1 6 db is a power factor of 4:1 9 db is a power factor of 9:1 Also, what is the difference of the distance that they were measured as in free space, power dissipates by the cube of the distance. For my money, the Stable compact air horn was the BEST money I have spent on an accessory for any vehicle I have ever owned!!!!!!!!! The best way to tell would be to get two bikes with the horns installed and do a side by side honk off....
  10. It also really affects the amount that a buyer can get back in refund as they do not have to refund the shipping... Sadly, eBay = Caveat emptor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. To request to be put on this list, please post to this thread and you will be put on in order posted. no need to PM me as you will only be put on the list if you post to this thread... This thread is staying busy!!!! I hope I did not miss anybody!!!! If I did miss you, please remind me to put you in the proper place in line and I apologize if I missed anybody. Also, if you want on the list, please post to the thread instead of PMing me. People who originally, freely gave away their copy of RLAP IV or V KiteSquid Friesman1 jburrell People who currently have a copy AND who they need to send it to: (You should PM eachother to get the address to send it to...) Foxman send to jkt69 jvbailey3 send to Cjacobs Canada copy: birin send to Oldseadog Canada saddlebum silvercrew Marcarl Lepapehermann Might I suggest that this copy go to Australia once it has made the circuit in Canada... Australia spear United States Bob Myers Juggler Feets Jburrell (Would like to see RLAP IV as he has viewed RLAP V) Spankym r12guy Pilot skydoc_17 Pilot Scooter uthpda camotor1 painterman67 Smith Iowawegian Bubber Roadhand Naked Rider (channged forum name from 1_2_ride_RSV) krome rose BurgyMon timgray wtho VegasVic Cerviperus spankym mastermechanic CMIK MikeC Kbay jhw47 Shep in Phoenix AZ Dave77459 in Houston TX PB&J in Waterloo NY spgarner in Las Vegas NV PLEASE Remember to please post something you learned from the video. I have a question for those of you who have viewed it: Did you go buy your own copy of RLAP V? Don't forget to ask for your VentureRider forum discount. And again, I am not connected with RLAP, I just want my fellow bikers to have a long and healthy life on two wheels and anyway that we all can learn to ride safely is a good thing!!!!!!
  12. When you get on the who has and who to send it to part of the list, you should PM each other to get the address to send it to...
  13. Try some Honda Moly60 lube on the splines at both ends of the drive shaft, and the splines and fingers at the rear tire. I also put a pea sized ball of it in my motorcycle's rear-end, and it is very quiet now.....
  14. BTW, I have a 1950 H-D FL for sale.....
  15. Are you sure they turn off due to engine temp? i thought they were controlled by ambient air temp. I cannot find the location on the bike for the carburetor heater thermo switch, to see where the temperature is being taken.... Where is the switch located? I cant seem to find it in the service manual or the parts manual.... Just as a warning, carburetor icing can happen in air temps much higher than 32F or 0C degrees due to the venturi effect. What size alternator does the current Honda Gold Wing have?
  16. GREAT!!!!! Can you look in the owners manual to see what Yamaha says the minimum turing radius is for the 1st gen? That would be my goal (or probally a foot or two larger as I am a little chicken still.... I need more practice) BTW as sugessted in one of the DVDs, I went to my local big box store to purchase one dozen tennis balls. Once I returnd home, I cut them in half. Now all I have two dozen very short high visibility cones that I'm not worried about running over with my motorcycle while practicing the techniques taught on these wonderful training videos. Woo Hoo, now I just have to wait for some warm and dry weather to go practice.
  17. To request to be put on this list, please post to this thread and you will be put on in order posted. no need to PM me as you will only be put on the list if you post to this thread... This thread is staying busy!!!! I hope I did not miss anybody!!!! If I did miss you, please remind me to put you in the proper place in line and I apologize if I missed anybody. Also, if you want on the list, please post to the thread instead of PMing me. People who originally, freely gave away their copy of RLAP IV or V KiteSquid Friesman1 jburrell People who currently have a copy AND who they need to send it to: Foxman send to jkt69 jvbailey3 send to Cjacobs Canada copy: birin send to Oldseadog Canada saddlebum silvercrew Marcarl Lepapehermann Might I suggest that this copy go to Australia once it has made the circuit in Canada... Australia spear United States Bob Myers Juggler Feets Jburrell (Would like to see RLAP IV as he has viewed RLAP V) Spankym r12guy Pilot skydoc_17 Pilot Scooter uthpda camotor1 painterman67 Smith Iowawegian Bubber Roadhand Naked Rider (channged forum name from 1_2_ride_RSV) krome rose BurgyMon timgray wtho VegasVic Cerviperus spankym mastermechanic CMIK MikeC Kbay jhw47 Shep in Phoenix AZ Dave77459 in Houston TX PLEASE Remember to please post something you learned from the video. I have a question for those of you who have viewed it: Did you go buy your own copy of RLAP V? Don't forget to ask for your VentureRider forum discount. And again, I am not connected with RLAP, I just want my fellow bikers to have a long and healthy life on two wheels and anyway that we all can learn to ride safely is a good thing!!!!!!
  18. Don't forget about the current drawn by the carburetor heaters. If it is cold enough to be using heated clothing and heated grips, it is most likely cold enough for the carburetor heaters to come on...
  19. I said that I was confused, not lost......... RoadKill, Thanks for explaining that on a GPS that POI is Point of Interest. I have NEVER been lost, but I have explored a few alternative routes in my life...
  20. Nope... Click HERE to go to Morgan's website. The SyncPRO Carb tuner from Motion Pro uses a "New mercury-free design uses non toxic manometer fluid" but the MSRP is $99.99. Click HERE to go to the Motion Pro web site. I have not used either tool as I have a mercury filled four tube manometer. but the advantage of using a liquid filled manometer is it does not stick or go out of calibration like any mechanical system can.
  21. I dont have a GPS uint so I am confused....... What is a POI? Here are a few definitions I found for the acronym POI: Panoramic Optical Imager Parallel Optical Interface Penguin on Ice Percent of Increase Perceptual Organization Index period of interest (US DoD) Person of Interest Plan Of Instruction Plane of Innovation (Everquest game) Planned Operational Interval (US DoD; naval aviation) P-mode Oscillations Instrument (Mees Solar Observatory) Point of Impact Point of Impingement Point of Interception Point of Interconnection Point Of Interface Point(s) Of Interest Points of Interaction Polygons Of Interest Poor Obfuscation Implementation Position of Interest Pride On Ice (website) Primary Ovarian Insufficiency Principal Operations Inspector Principles of Instruction Prior Owner Inscription (book markings) Probability Of Intercept Products Of Inertia Program Oral Interpretation (forensics speech) Program(s) Of Instruction Proof of Identity Proof of Insurance Purchase Order Index Purchase Order Invoice PURL-Based Object Identifier Purveyor of Innovation (marketing)
  22. Actually it is up to 10 pages now.... http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?p=288743#post288743
  23. To request to be put on this list, please post to this thread and you will be put on in order posted. no need to PM me as you will only be put on the list if you post to this thread... This thread is staying busy!!!! I hope I did not miss anybody!!!! If I did miss you, please remind me to put you in the proper place in line and I apologize if I missed anybody. Also, if you want on the list, please post to the thread instead of PMing me. People who originally, freely gave away their copy of RLAP IV or V KiteSquid Friesman1 jburrell People who currently have a copy AND who they need to send it to: Foxman send to jkt69 jvbailey3 send to Cjacobs Canada copy: gunkylump send to birin Canada Oldseadog saddlebum silvercrew Marcarl Lepapehermann Might I suggest that this copy go to Australia once it has made the circuit in Canada... Australia spear United States Bob Myers Juggler Feets Jburrell (Would like to see RLAP IV as he has viewed RLAP V) Spankym r12guy Pilot skydoc_17 Pilot Scooter uthpda camotor1 painterman67 Smith Iowawegian Bubber Roadhand Naked Rider (channged forum name from 1_2_ride_RSV) krome rose BurgyMon timgray wtho VegasVic Cerviperus spankym mastermechanic CMIK MikeC Kbay jhw47 Shep in Phoenix AZ Dave77459 in Houston TX PLEASE Remember to please post something you learned from the video. I have a question for those of you who have viewed it: Did you go buy your own copy of RLAP V? Don't forget to ask for your VentureRider forum discount. And again, I am not connected with RLAP, I just want my fellow bikers to have a long and healthy life on two wheels and anyway that we all can learn to ride safely is a good thing!!!!!!
  24. The BEST sync tool is a four tube Mercury manometer, but you wont find one for sale as the EPA does not want you to ship Mercury. I purchased one recently, but the company has pulled them from their website.....
  25. I use a very expenive, and hard to obtain, high tech gas mix in all my tires. Nitrogen 780,840 ppmv Oxygen 209,460 ppmv Argon 9,340 ppmv Water vapor ~4,000 ppmv Carbon dioxide 383 ppmv Neon 18.18 ppmv Helium 5.24 ppmv Methane 1.745 ppmv Krypton 1.14 ppmv Hydrogen 0.55 ppmv nitrous oxide 0.3 ppmv xenon 0.09 ppmv ozone 0.0 to 0.07 ppmv nitrogen dioxide 0.02 ppmv iodine 0.01 ppmv Oh, and trace amounts of carbon monoxide and ammonia IMHO, the key is the iodine.
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