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Everything posted by KiteSquid

  1. with that wheel technology, parallel parking the 2012 gold wing will be so easy!!!!!!
  2. here is a link to Youtube where the video is hosted. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vo0Cazxj_yc]YouTube - PEOPLE ARE AWESOME[/ame]
  3. HALRSV99, When are you going home???? I fly out on Tuesday. Maybe we could meet and I could buy you a beer...
  4. what about this one? [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUru7nSyKxQ&NR=1]YouTube - Beer Bottle Symphony Orchestra[/ame] not quite as much fun, but still good.
  5. Interesting..... I will not be buying one, even if it fit my current bike.
  6. In the H-F catalog I found Sta-Lube Moly-Graph® Extreme Pressure Multi-Purpose Lithium Grease http://www.harborfreight.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/370x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/i/m/image_819.jpg Click HERE to go to the H-F webpage Sta-Lube is a CRC brand product. And according to the MSDS I found HERE it is only 0.2 - 1% Moly while Honda Moly60 is 40% Moly.... quite a difference. Get Honda Moly60 for your splines!!!!!!!!!!!! your bike will thank you!!!!!!
  7. I have worked with quite a few epoxies and if you preheat the two parts BEFORE mixing them this will lower the viscosity while shortening the pot life only minimally.... your mileage may vary. Do NOT heat the two parts higher than the working temperature listed in the technical data sheet. do NOT heat epoxies you have mixed!!!!!! you will shorten the potlife considerably and may cause a fire.....I have..... learn from my mistakes!!!!! Heat epoxies by lowering the container in a hot water bath and allowing to set of some time to heat.
  8. KiteSquid

    Moly 60.

    In the service manual Yamaha only lists "molybdenum disulfide grease"... Honda Moly60 is a small container of a high quality moly paste. It is PROBALLY a Molykote product repackaged for Honda. you should read the Wikipedia article on molybdenum disulfide Correct!!!!! in a spline applicaitn Moly60 is supperior!!!!!! It is a high percentage of Moly that makes splines last a long time!!!!!!!! Most Moly greases are about 4% moly while Moly60 is 40% Moly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. what a GREAT buy!!! I would recommend only towing ONE of them at a time!!!!!!!! Have fun and show us some photos of you using them!!!!!
  10. KiteSquid

    Moly 60.

    I too agree that you should use Honda Moly60 in all of those locations. I put it on using an Acid Brush from the plumbing department of a hardware store, but I cut the bristles off to about 3/8" length so they are STIFF!!!! Actually it helps a lot especially when shifting gears when normal grease will migrate out of the contact area the Moly stays put!!!!
  11. I did note his licence plate is "FANMN" to me that is Fan Minnesota.....IIRC the only NFL team that has Minnesota as home is the Minnesota Vikings.... what am I missing? That said, he did do a nice job on the paint. I like what he did with the air cleaner.
  12. I wont be getting a summer vacation this year
  13. You must have laid the final drve on it's side... the rear splines on my bike never had any gear oil on it anytime I disassembled it.... And I do add about a pea sized ball of Honda Moly60 to the final drive of all my shaft drive bikes...... in an effort to make the gears last longer. NEVER put moly in anything that has copper in it, like a limited slip differential, or a wet clutch.
  14. I assume it is a Gasoline engine in your truck, so to CLEAN it I would probally put about ten ounces of Camp Fuel in ten gallons of gasoline.... run it till almost gone then fill the truck as normal. OR for super deep cleaning, run it out of gas... put about one quart of camp fuel into a gas can and put about one quart of gas in and shake it up to mix. Put abut one pint of gas into the tank and start the engine. when the fan comes on, put the 50:50 mix in the tank and run the truck... it will probally smoke.... stop the engine when you cant stand it anymore..... let it sit overnight. fill the tank with gas and go for a highway speed run for about an hour.... your fuel systme will be cleaner than new..... I would probally replace the fuel filter before starting this process as you dont want to knock the junk that is already in it into the system.... For annual preventative maintacne I would probally use no more than a pint of Camp Fuel for a full tank of gas.
  15. Make sure you intalled the little spring into the rear end of the shaft. I hope you used Honda Moly60 on the splines, all three splines. the front of the driveshaft The rear of the driveshaft The splines that connect the final drive to the "clutch hub" and on the clutch hub fingrers where they go into the rear wheel.
  16. Only a few ounces of Camp Fuel to a gallon of Gasoline for a deep cleaning. Seafoam says " 2 oz. Sea Foam to each gallon of gas oil mix" and sense the Camp Fuel is MUCH more concentrated I would not exceed 2 Oz for maximum cleaning.....
  17. manufactures website is HERE MSDS is HERE The main ingredient, cas# 64742-88-7, comes up as Medium Aliphatic Solvent Naphtha according to the website HERE SO I'll keep using Coleman Camp Fuel as a fuel system cleaner.... to save some $$$$$$$$$
  18. It is a motor cleaner/fuel stabilizer/fuel dryer in a can.. Click HERE to see the manufactures website. I have stopped using it and use Coleman Camp Fuel as a cleaner instead. this saves me LOTS of money. To se why, read post eight in the thread at THIS link
  19. BikerRSTD, Why a 2003????????
  20. When I totaled my RSV I bought a GL1800. When I went shopping there was very little difference between the price of a used 2008 bike and a new 2010 bike. Yes you may find a used bike with all the accessories you want all ready installed, but you may not. I did not. Currently new GL1800 are sold with a 0.99% loan or 36 months and $1,000 worth of free Honda brand accessories...... which makes the deal much sweeter if you are financing. I had cash for my bike but at that loan rate, I could not pass up cheep money, so I put the money against the mortgage and financed the bike, transferring debt from a higher to a lower rate....... thanks HONDA!!!!!!!!!! BTW I paid $24,100 for an Airbag model. There are lower prices to be had now and the level 1-3 bikes can be had at a similar or even greater savings...... shop around.... I suggest you go to the GL1800riders.com forum and ask about current pricing. LOTS of good information, Nothing against them as a whole, but IMHO this forum is a much "friendlier" group, so be prepared to have a thick skin........ I do post over there too. There only issue with the GL1800 is one year had some frame welding issues but it was EARLY in the run. I don't remember the year but there was a recall. more info over at the GL1800riders forum. My only regret in buying a GL1800 is that I did not do it sooner.
  21. On my GPS I can prefer shortest time, or distance... the longer route may have been shorter in time depending on how it calculates time due to it's programmed speed limits. I can also tell my unit to avoid highways. Not always a good choice. I prefer to go to Mapquest, make a route, and import it to my GPS but that take more forethought and effort on my part. I wish they would build GPS units with a "most scenic" preference....... oh well......
  22. I'll be on Oahu during February too, but for work. I don't have my itinerary yet. I have been to Ouahu about 10 times in the past two years. For seafood I go to Uncles or Nico's on the commercial fishing piers. FRESH and affordable, but you have to drive there. If you want a twisty ride, get on Tantalus drive. Be sure to start at "The Punchbowl" it is the National Cemetery of the Pacific. I usually go snorkeling in Humama Bay. Go see Palli Heights. Nice view but they charge for parking now. Get a copy of Oahu Revealed and try to only eat in the ONO restaurants. For souvenirs try to get to the flea market at the stadium (IIRC it is Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday) to get the best prices, but they usually sell to the lower end of the quality scale. fun to walk around. If you are buying Harley T-Shirts for friends, there are actually three different dealerships on the island. one has all the stores in Waikiki and Honolulu, you have to go to the other side of the island for the other two.... one north and one north west....... they are in the phone book. try to buy only local artist shirts... they are unique. I normally have a Spam musubi or two while I am in Hawaii but getting some Portuguese Sausage for breakfast is a unique experience. Try to get some Laulau or butter fish wings.... MMMMMMMmmmmmmmmm In Waikiki bring your wallet, EVERYTHING is expensive!!!!
  23. I might use it in a V-Twin but not in a water cooled bike. I usualy get Rotell T6 for about $20 per gallon at Wally-World.
  24. Sense you said the Blue Bottle, I will assume you are referring to Shell Rotella T-6. Click HERE to go to Shell's Rotella T-6 web page. Shell Rotella T-6 meets JASO MA rating. The owners manual states you must use JASO MA or some API rating that I cant remember right now (I am hinting that you should double check me by reading your owners manual) so with that said, Shell Rotella T-6 will not void your warranty. Someone might chime in regarding Shell Rotella T-6's viscosity rating.... but if you read the owners manual it will state that the viscosity is a recommendation......NOT a requirement. your milage may vary. please read your owners manual. I am not responsable for your motorcycle, you are..... and vice-versa.
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