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Everything posted by KiteSquid

  1. I just remembered the ONLY maintenance issue with the 2nd Gen RSV. One of the rear brake pads wears faster than the other... so you need to swap them from time to time to even out the wear. There is one design issue. Some bikes develope a gear noise either in the engine or the rear-end, but most of the time it is blamed on the engine, but I would bet it all rear end noise, Just hard to pinpoint as everything is bolted together and noise can transmit down the drive shaft......
  2. I'm with progressive adn pay $623 per year, or $52 per month to insure a 2007 RSV and a 1950 H-D FL. Full coverage on both but IIRC I have a $1000 deductable.
  3. More money and time that it would be worth!!!!! Like putting a jet engine in the Wright Flyer... Too much HP for the frame...
  4. His name is Naked Rider It is not Naked Mechanic So I would assume he would do all of his maintaince fully clothed. Once you have changed your brake pads, you know how to do it. SO about ever other oil change you shouls swap the rear pads around to even out the wear. This will save you more $$$$$$$$ as one pad usulaly wears out faster than the other.
  5. Each fob (AKA Token) is linked to a single account. so a thief would have to have your user name, password and the token in their possession, which if they don't live in your household would be reasonably difficult to do. The technology is reasonably secure as long as the thieves don't have the RSA SecurID seed file introduced to PayPal's server, which RSA and PayPal probally protect quite well. Read THIS article at Wikipedia for more info on the technology. In my opinion, the $5 just covers shipping from PayPal. they are paying for the tokens and services from SecureID. I think they charge the $5 to keep people from loosing them too often, also the account would be locked until you could get a new token, if you misplaced yours................ I might get one as I pay for individual text messages on my mobile phone.
  6. I cant measures mine now, but do you have a URL to the guage set you bought?
  7. I would get the DVD and watch it 100 times before attend the course. tell them you are a member here and you will get a small discount.... IIRC $5. The two training sessions compliment each other. The only thing in the DVD is trailing the rear brake. this is a Motor Officer trick to get the bike to turn tighter and to give you more control, but he does not come out and state it. The benefit of the DVD is you can watch it again and again and again and again and again and again and again...... If you want to attend a MSF course you must pay and wait for an opening. Repetition is the KEY to learning most motor skills.
  8. Hi. Great, the RSV is my foruth bike. I have owned a 1981 KZ1100D, 1991 H-D Heratage Classic, 1950 H-D FL (For Sale) and my 2007 RSV. Great!!!! you should know a lot about bikes. Wise choice!!!!!!!! Actually you should take a MSF Experacned rider cours and get a copy of Ride Like a Pro V DVD to hone your skils!!!! Really????? I have never ridden an overpowerd bike but I did ride in a 1963 Corvette with over 1,500 HP. That was about enogh. The open fealing!!!! Nope. NONE!!!!!!!!!! Yes, but the dealer does not stock all parts as it is a low production nubmber bike. Yes. I am 6'6" tall with a 36" inseam. I weght about 280 adn find the RSV quite comfortable. the advantage over the Goldwing is the floor boards insted of pegs, you have more positions to put your feet. It is OK, but some Viscoelastic gel might help on LONG rides... on rides less than 4 hours I cannot complain. Yes I have one from Utopia products and love it!!!!! Not as many as the Gold Wing, but there are qutie a few. Click HERE to see what Yamaha offers. ALL of the parts at that link are for the 2nd Generation RSV. it is OK but the cassette deck is useless. I have a MP3 Player plugged in. there could be a bit more power, but it is OK. I enjoy the power it makes!!!!!! but you must let it rev up!!!!!!! EASY as there is a link in the VRTech secton for you do dowload a PDF of the factory service manual for FREE!!!!!!!!! How cool is that??????? 1) For it to come with a center stand from the factory. 2) Fuel injection with varriable valve timing. (but I am betiting it is comming with 160 HP+ on the as yet to be annouced 3rd Gen) You need to read all the posts in the 2nd gen tech talk section. No problem I hope to see you on a RSV soon. BTW somewhere on teh interent there is an article comparing the RSV to the ultra Classisc and the Gold wing where they rode to Alaska. It is quite a few years old. the RSV has NOT changed from that article.....
  9. I was not a "Wingnut", but a "Tweaker" carring "Twidget" Chief Firecontrolman onboard a Fast Frigate and three tours of duty on Guided Missile Cruisers. I salute you!
  10. KiteSquid


    Now thats funny!!!!!
  11. I am a big fan of the ERC from MSF. I try to attend annually.
  12. It is not photoshop. Click HERE HERE and HERE for more info
  13. you should get a copy!!!!! I like the extra control that I have when dragging the rear brake in low speed maneuvers.
  14. You can start it but make sure the fans switch on, then it is up to full temp. I would let it idle for 30 minutes or more after the fan comes on the first time. and as stated above, use a box fan to keep the air moving over the exhaust pipes. Run some Camp fuel in the gasoline. abut 1-4 Oz per gallon to keep things clean in the fuel system durring storage. Keep the fuel tank full durring storage.
  15. I agree!!!! BTW did you drag your rear brake like is shown in the Ride Like PRO DVDs?
  16. I agree, and I plan on dooing the course 2up with Mrs Squid soon!!!!! To rip off a saying from my Navy days: You will ride like you train, so you should train like you ride!!!!!!!!
  17. This post reminds me of a Groucho Marx quote: "I would never join any club that would accept me as a member"
  18. THAT looks too cool!!!!
  19. I beg to differ there are quite a few Etch-A-Sketch artists that make WONDERFULL art!!!! Click HERE for just one. There are no Rap "songs" that I would consider Music.
  20. UMMM add a relay in parallel to the kick stand switch, then the bike wont run in gear too... Most bikes are stolen by some guys physically lifting it into a van or pickup and carting it off... I suggest you insure your bike, and be ready to take a loss if it is stolen. I wonder what the published by the insurance industry theft rate of RSVs is compared to H-D Ultra Classics.......
  21. HOWEVER anytime you use a mechanical device like a carbtune or gauges, you must check them for variations BEFORE you try to synchronize your carbs. You do this by connecting ALL indicators to the same source and adjusting them. The gauges need a screwdriver to get at the adjustment screws, but this is best left to a calibration lab so they will all read the same over the entire range of the gauges. Mercury (or any other liquid) Manometers do not suffer from this. but they do have other drawbacks like sucking the liquid into the engine, or like the Mercury ones, they are not available anymore thanks to IDOTS who could not control Mercury emissions the EPA has laws governing it's sale and use.
  22. Try to support your local Yamaha shop, you want them to be in buisness when you need them. Of course see if they will match a price you found on the interent...
  23. When I was a kid, we used to make small batches of Nitrogen Tri-Iodide....
  24. Looks like a skin graft waiting to happen!!!!!! It looks VERY Dangerous to me!!!!!!!!!!! Dont do it!!!!!!!
  25. How long would it take you to save up the money to pay cash for your next toy? Are you retired? If so, you MIGHT think about a part time job to save up extra money for toys... something easy like school crossing guard, people greater at Wal Mart, etc... but don't take a high risk job like Explosive Ordnance Disposal, parachute tester or school teacher... MrsSquid makes sure I pay cash for my toys. What is your current situation?
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