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Everything posted by KiteSquid

  1. AND use Honda Moly60 for the splines (three places, both ends of the drive shaft and the splines that connect the pumpkin to the rear wheel) and the drive fingers on the "clutch, hub" (Service manul page 7-13 nuber 7 or in the Parts book page F2 refrence number 9) BTW page 7-91 says to use Moly on the drive shaft splines.
  2. There are four places you need to use Moly60 when you pull the driveshaft. The splines at the front of the drive shaft. The splines at the rear of the drive shaft. The splines that connect the pumpkin to the clutch hub. The "Fingers" that connect the clutch hub to the rear wheel. IIRC the Universal joint at the front of the drive shaft is quite difficult to get at. I did not lubricate it.
  3. BTW only invest "venture capital"!!!! DO NOT buy stocks with the rent money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I wish them luck!!!!
  5. If you use Honda Moly60 on the splines you probably will NEVER have to buy a replacement drive shaft due to wear AND your bike will be much more quiet!!!!!!!!!!! If you use Lithium soap grease you probably will have to buy a drive shaft and the two parts that it hooks into due to wear. There are a few other greases that are 60% Moly or more, but they will cost you a lot more per Oz than the Honda stuff. Wear disposable gloves and do NOT get it on your paint or chrome!!!!!!!!!! It will attach to it!!!!!! Apply with an old tooth brush, a little goes a LONG way!!!!!!!! BTW do NOT put Moly in your engine. It will ruin your clutch!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also put a little moly60 in my motorcycle's rear gear, with the Gear Lube. about the size of a pea. Honda Moly60 is 3 Oz in a 6 Oz tube, so dont be shocked when you find the tube half full.
  6. In a nut shell, Molybdenum Disulphide will not move out from between two metal surfaces like gears, well after the oil has been pressed out and it has a very low coefficient of friction. Here is an excerpt from the article at Wikipedia HERE. Click HERE for more info
  7. There is so little Gear Lube in the rear-end of these bikes, I change it every time I change the engine oil. Cheep insurance. I also put a little molybodynyum disphulide grease in wiht the Gear Lube. Read THIS thread for more info on what I did. I buy the aluminum crush washers by the box to get the price down as you don't want to re-use them, or swap them out for Nylon.......if you want.
  8. I think that Yamaha will produce a 3rd gen RSV. They seem to invest money even when the market is bad. it makes good business sense, in the long run.... BUT the bike may not come out in 2010 model year.
  9. I used to trad stocks but I too thought it took to long, so now I am trading commodity futures and options. Just like in the stock market you want to Buy long on the way up, sell on the way down. OR: Sell short on the way down and buy on the way up. There is money to be made in any market that is moving, up or down... I don't think they handle Stocks, yet, but I use OpenECry to execute my trades.
  10. The only harmful effect of carburetor icing is loss of power, or maybe the parts might become frozen in place setting your throttle at one setting, or just one carburetor at one setting..... Your bike might act like it is running out of gas or no spark...... so you might confuse the symptoms with some other problem.... To correct this, pull over into a safe place, and stop the bike. The heat that comes up off of the engine will thaw out the carburetors in a short period of time. or hook up the heaters, and put the bike in gear with the engine off for a short period of time.
  11. The only issue you will have is reprogramming the presets into the radio. I have to go back and read the instructions in the Owner's Manual every time.......
  12. Look at Cycletrader.com you can get a 2009 for less than $17k......
  13. Have you checked the splines for wear? They don't lubricate them well at the factory and they use IMHO, substandard lube. they should be using a grease that contains at least 60% Molybdenum Disulphide. How is the gear lube in the rearend?
  14. Side note: Carburetor icing is not as detrimental on an on-road vehicle compared to an aircraft. We can pull over to the side of the road......they cant.
  15. The 16 Oz can of Sea Foam Motor Treatment looks like this: http://www.seafoamsales.com/images/updates_whitecap.gif Click HERE to go to Sea Foam's Motor Treatement webpage to learn more.
  16. For a good, quick, down and dirty definition on Carburetor Icing, read the article a Wikipedia HERE Then click on the chart at the end of the article, and UNDERSAND that the chart is in degrees C, NOT F. 30C = 85F 20C = 68F It is quite an eyeopener. I will not be disconnecting my carburetor heaters as the Yamaha engineers did a good thing (But they could have added a dew point sensor)
  17. I have a Compct Truck Horn and it is phyically larger than the Compatct Natulus Horn. I want to hook up both horns on my bike but have yet to install the Compact Truck Horn. It might fit up under the trunk..... maybe....
  18. I love the PIAA Intense White bulbs Part Numbers: Twin Pack 10904 Single Pack 10934 I bought a twin pack. Click HERE to go to PIAA's web site' Search the internent for a good price.
  19. To request to be put on this list, please post to this thread and you will be put on in order posted. no need to PM me as you will only be put on the list if you post to this thread... This thread is staying busy!!!! I hope I did not miss anybody!!!! If I did miss you, please remind me to put you in the proper place in line and I apologize if I missed anybody. Also, if you want on the list, please post to the thread instead of PMing me. People who originally, freely gave away their copy of RLAP IV or V KiteSquid Friesman1 jburrell People who currently have a copy AND who they need to send it to: (You should PM each other to get the address to send it to...) ALSO, please post to this thread when you send it or receive it!!!!! Foxman send to jkt69 Juggler send to Feets Canada copy: Lepapehermann send to Spear in Australia Canada Australia spear United States Jburrell (Would like to see RLAP IV as he has viewed RLAP V) Spankym r12guy Pilot skydoc_17 Pilot Scooter uthpda camotor1 painterman67 Smith Iowawegian Bubber Roadhand Naked Rider (changed forum name from 1_2_ride_RSV) krome rose BurgyMon timgray wtho VegasVic spankym mastermechanic CMIK MikeC Kbay jhw47 Shep in Phoenix AZ Dave77459 in Houston TX PB&J in Waterloo NY spgarner in Las Vegas NV HIGHWAY PILOT in Miami FL Reed somewhere in ND indianriverjack in Belpre OH 1sttenor in Jeff City MO Condor in Carmichael Ca PLEASE Remember to please post something you learned from the video. I have a question for those of you who have viewed it: Did you go buy your own copy of RLAP V? Don't forget to ask for your VentureRider forum discount. And again, I am not connected with RLAP, I just want my fellow bikers to have a long and healthy life on two wheels and anyway that we all can learn to ride safely is a good thing!!!!!!
  20. AMEN!!!!!!!!
  21. Sorry you have to sell...
  22. Have you called or emailed Michelin techinical support to see what they recommend for those tires on this bike?
  23. How much cash is he willling to give with it to get one of the other bikes listed?
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