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Everything posted by KiteSquid

  1. This is what I do
  2. I rode past Burma Road today, but did not get a picture of me shaving on my bike, sorry.
  3. Is it silly or just mojibake?
  4. The splines on my drive shaft has have shown signs of Gear Lube on them, just grease.
  5. I use the clutch most of the time. I only use it in first and not the rest of the shifits, if I am accelerating hard.
  6. I am shocked. I would have to bet that the MSDS is incorrectly linked....
  7. What I think you have there is ThreeBond Moly 60 not Pro Honda Honda Moly60 paste if you are looking for the BEST grease on the market for the splines then you need krytox gpl 214 (This was what was recomended to me for splines from DuPont, the manufacturer) BUT it is not oil soluble.....so don't use it to mix with the rear end gear lube. I called Honda Cars corporate offices and they told me to go to my local dealership for the MSDS. I don't drive by one normally.... can you possibly go by one and ask for a MSDS?????
  8. Can you provide the URL for the complete MSDS???? IIRC the MSDS I saw for Moly60 listed MOLYBDENUM DI SULFIDE at 60-62% by weight and LITHIUM 12 HYDROXYSTEARATE at 3-6% by weight. Also IIRC Moly60 is manufactured by Husky Specialty Lubricants and marketed as SLIPKOTE SM-60 MOLY PASTE IIRC ThreeBond manufactures adhesives.
  9. It helps sometimes to have a wax like coating on the windshiled so the water beads up in the rain. HOWEVER it might not work well in mist. I use RejeX on my windshiled, chrome and painted parts of my bike. Also on my face shield and eye glasses. I use it on my cages too. GREAT STUFF!!!!!!! Click HERE for a review at WebBike World A freind of mine uses AceIT and Ill probaally try it when I run out of RejeX
  10. One more thing to check. What side of the bike is the CB antenna on??? They put this on at the dealership and mine was on the wrong side..........
  12. According to the MSDS there is also: Acetone Isopropanol DI PROPYLENE GLYCOL MONOMETHYL ETHER NATURAL GRAPHITE Methyl Ethel Ketone Propane Methyl-benzene But these are the ingredients that must be listed on a MSDS, and there may be other components. I would jsut use Honda Moly60 paste grease.
  13. When refilling hydraulic fluid reservoirs, you should only fill to the top if you have a new clutch or brake pads on. If you fill the reservoirs with worn parts, when you replace the, the reservoir will be overfilled. I learned this on my first car. Mark the approximate level BEFORE messing with the system by applying some tape to the sight glass, and refill to that level when done. on a used vehicle, be sure to remove some fluid from the reservoir before backing the position in the slave cylinders into the bores.....
  14. From their tech sheet Looking at that list, I would NOT use Lubruiplate 3000 on my splines, but I would use it on my brake caliper bolts, clutch and brake lever pivots on my bike.
  15. The Yamaha parts manual lists it as 4XY-88195-00-00 HOLDER, CONNECTOR It should cost about $3.50 at your dealer.
  16. WOW That is GOOD news!!
  17. I suspected as much. The front splines are straight while the rear are rounded. The front stays in 100% Contact, while the rear will make up for any angular misalignment, so they IMHO, WILL see more wear than the front. A lot of motorcyclists will use the drive shaft until the flats on the outside of the spline wear down to pointed ridges however I wont, but sense I have ben using Honda Moly60 grease I have NOT seen the wear you have. Thanks for the photos and the reaffirmation that Yamaha does not properly lubricate the splines in these bikes at the factory. Side note, if you look in the service manual in one location they say to use Lithium Soap grease and in another they say to use molybdenum disulphide grease on the splines................ BTW the Krytox gpl 214 grease in my first post is the BEST grease for this application, but it costs about $30 for 2 Oz, plus shipping..... Krytox gpl 214 grease is a Teflon like oil in a high temp grease base with an undisclosed amount of molybdenum disulphide added for high pressure applications, like our splines. The Honda Moly60 can be had at a Honda CAR dealership for under $10 for 3 Oz. IMHO the Moly60 is the best bang for the buck. It is what I use........ OH if you buy it, it is 3Oz of grease in a 6 Oz tube, so don't be concerned that it is only half full..............
  18. Getting the title.
  19. Gotta have some packets of peanuts, for the salt.
  20. That is what happens when splines are not lubricated with a molybdenum disulfide paste with at least 60% moly. When you get your new shaft and the cup that it goes into, as it will be worn also, lubricate with either Honda Moly60 paste, or Krytox gpl 214 grease. I recommend re-lubing every time the rear tire is off of the bike. BTW how do the front splines look????
  21. The service manual for the 2nd Generation (1999-present) says this on page 3-50 (I have paraphrased it) IF you dont want gravity to move the lubricant for you, MotionPro sells a throttle cable luber http://www.motionpro.com/images/enlarged/08-0182.jpg Click HERE to go to their website. There are other untis on the market, but they look a lot like the MotionPro unit.
  22. I think that everyone who has posted to this tread is a really hoopy frood that really knows where his towel is. Now to put on my peril sensitive sunglasses and head off to Ursa Minor Beta for some relaxation.
  23. The best drink in the known universe is the Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster. It has the effect of having your brains smashed out with a slice of lemon... wrapped around a large gold brick.
  24. What do I have to do to get a decent cup of tea?
  25. We were acting as "plane guard" meaning we were following REAL close behind the "bird farm" to pluck from the sea any pilot who "punches out" of his aircraft. This is a precaution to save the life of an airman, of course the plane would go to Davey Jones' Locker. They completed flight ops, and commeced other training without releasing us from our position, so there we were right behind them. They did a "crash back" which would be like a dump truck driving down the road at 60 MPH and the dump truck does not have any tail lights and it is about 3:00 am. The Dump Truck locks up the brakes, shifts into reverse and floors it!!!!!!!!!! You are in a car following at about 12 feet behind the truck. What do you do????? We tried to avoid them, but did not make it. The next half hour was kinda scary on board...
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