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Everything posted by KiteSquid

  1. I run a very simmular mix. this is from a previous post of mine:
  2. Ended as it is how a external hard drive....
  3. Search the forum for K&N, but a quick summary is use them if you are only drag racing your bike. If you are riding it on the roads, you will wear you engine out earlier due to more dirt getting through and your wallet will be thinner for buying the K&N filters and associated parts. The K&N filters help by flowing more air at Wide Open Throttle, but you probably only run at WOT 1% or less of your riding time, unless you are drag racing only.... If you are looking for quicker accelertaton you should probally start by putting in a final drive from a V-Max due to its lower gear ratio.
  4. I normally run my bike with the fuel petcock on reserve. this is to constantly remove the junk in the bottom of the tank. when the fuel gauge switches to F with the countdown, this is when I rotate the petcock to normal, so when I am down to the last gallon or so, the bike reminds me by running rough/lean......... then I switch back to reserve and REALLY start looking for a fuel station. OH I also rotate the petcock to OFF every time I park it.....
  5. It sounds like you guys are really "riding" your motorcycles!!!! GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!! I too would like to put Mr and Mrs Avon's children through college with my tire purchases, but I have to many "commuter miles" and not enough "smile miles" on my bike.......
  6. The US Navy regulation does not require a reflective vest during daylight hours. There is a link to it in my post above. Army, Air Force and Coast Guard regulations might vary.......
  7. Thanks for the correction. I would like to see a set in person.... who has them that lives near me????? correction, at $419.95 plus shipping, I don't think I'll be buying a set anytime soon.
  8. If you are referring to the Passing Lamps, it depends, as it is not installed at the factory, but by a dealer or "shade-tree mechanic" like myself. You might have to chase the wires, but most of it should be in the fairing. look for wires that look to be added. they most likeley will not be in a loom.
  9. If you have a retired ID card, a current base decal on your bike and applicable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), you should have no problem accessing the bases and Space Available rooms are a GREAT deal, IF you can get them. Look at bigger bases and don't forget to check both the enlisted and officer barracks for rooms... it helped me a time or two. I know the US Navy (and therefore the Marine Corps) requires a MSF safety course every two years to get a decal. IIRC it is covered in OPNAVINST 5100.12H CH-1 of 7 March 2008 available from the US Navy Safety Center HERE. READ it for the list of PPE covered in section 23 starting on page 22 you will need to ride onbase and note the vest required after dusk. You should check with the other services safety centers for applicable instructions.
  10. Oh I forgot to ask but what are you using your passing lamps for???? To see the ditches, which would require wide angle beam To see way down the road which would require a narrow beam To see the road on foggy days, which would require a yellow lamp with a wide beam. To be seen by other motorists, which would require a wide beam of a highly visible color. or some combination of the above, which would be a compromise of the above.
  11. Search the fourm for "par 36" From another post of mine: I have yet to install the passing lamps on my bike as I am too bussy with travel for work or ridiging my bike (after checking off one or two items from the "honey do" list.....)
  12. I assume he is talking about the 15 inch light bar http://www.diamondraccessories.com/prodimages/slimlinethumbnail.jpg I have one, but I did not like the chromed plastic ring, you can install it with out the ring. I found it for a LOT less elsewhere, without the trim with a small, virtually undetectable scratch on the lens for about $8 in a bargain bin... It is actually a Stop, tail turn lamp from a semi trailer.....
  13. Thanks!!!! What do you do with the hood on the coat?? Wear it over your helmet, wear it under your helmet or roll it inside the jacket? It does not look like it is detachable.... is it?
  14. Sorry about the spelling errors in the tiltel of this trread..... I ment to call it: Non-motorcycle specific Gore Tex (DWR) rain gear on a bike The recent rain gear thread got me thinking. Currently I own a Nelson-Rigg AX-1 Mark III two piece rain suit to ride in. I also own some LL Bean Gore Tex rain gear to fly kites in and can spend all day in the rain without that "i live in a plastic bag" feel of sealed rain gear like my Nelson-Rigg AX-1 Mark III....... but the coat I have is 3/4 length so it would not work well on a motorcycle.... I can buy non-motorcycle marketed Gore Tex rain gear for a LOT less than the stuff that is marketed for the motorcycle market. Has anybody used this type of product on a bike????? what did you like/dislike???? Please keep your responses to Gore Tex treated fabrics or other Durable Water Repellent treatments. I want to find gear that is water proof and breathable for higher rider comfort.
  15. No issues with either of my Garmin 765T GPS units.
  16. Gotta get me some of that Turn Signal Fluid, as my car turn signal is a little slow. it might be low.....
  17. OH so there really is not a product called "Clutch Fluid" it is actually Hydraulic Fluid that meets DOT 3 or DOT 4 standards for brake fluid. Thanks!!!!! I thought I was being an IDIOT.
  18. If money was no object, I would have to find a Gore Tex rain-suit, but the motorcycle models are EXPENSIVE!!!!!!!!!! They start at about $600 and go up.....
  19. First question: Does your passing lamps have PAR 36 size sealed beam lamps (Yamaha part number STR-4XY35-10-00)or the lamps that take H3 bulbs(Yamaha part nubmer STR-4NK35-10-01)?
  20. I don't understand.... PLEASE correct me if I am wrong, but IIRC Nitrogen is an inert gas.
  21. If I cant afford to loose it because it is un-insurable, I don't buy it.....
  22. When I ask for "clutch fluid" at the parts counter, they laugh at me..... what am I doing wrong??????? BTW the factory service manual covers MOST maintenance with few errors.... you can download a FREE copy from this web site. look in the VRTech section.....
  23. I cant find Don's Maryland on any map I can find........ can you tell me where it is????
  24. Blue More information at Shell's web site HERE It looks like this: http://www-static.shell.com/static/rotella-en/images/products/product_bottles/t6_bottle.jpg
  25. Thank you for the URL. For my 2007 RSV, I recently ordered a Trunk Rack and Lower Wind Deflectors from Yamaha Sports Plaza for $284.92 before shipping. I compared it to Motorsport Warehouse.com and they came up with a price of $363.17 before shipping. I think I will continue to shop around, but I will probably end my shopping at Yamaha Sports Plaza. I note that you were shopping for parts, while I was shopping for accessories and this probably explains the price differences. Thanks again.
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