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Everything posted by KiteSquid

  1. Riderduke, Thanks for the invitation but regrettably I will not be able to attend. Thank you for taking the lead on this, like many other events!!!! YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!
  2. WOW!!!!!
  3. OH the bars still contct the cover, but the factory cover is flexable and moves out of the way. That is how it works on my bike.
  4. Put the stock switch cover back on. IIRC the Barons site says the extensions do NOT work with the Chrome switch cover.
  5. You can use it IF it meets the vehicle manufactures specification, which can be found in the owners manual. I don't use it as I prefer to use Synthetic lubricants in my bike.
  6. I have the 150 front tire on my bike and have no problems with my H-F wheel chock. IIRC the pin for the front plate is in the middle hole when I use it. the photo on the H-F site is a 21 inch wheel while our bikes have a 16 inch wheel.
  7. Are you sure that all jacks are fully seated into the plugs, including those inside the fairing? I would like to look your bike over (I am looking for options on how to use the CB and intercom)
  8. To get excess oil out I would use some 1/4" vinyl tubing to syphon some out. I would watch the sight glass during the process. I would properly dispose of the oil I removed.
  9. You are correct. Regretabally the Garmin 265wt does NOT have custom route capibality.
  10. Air compressor oil can be purchased at most stores that sell air compressors. I buy mine at the BORG or at the Blue BORG.
  11. More photos are HERE including a photo of the six cylinder engine.
  12. I have a Garmin 765T and I use Mapquest to make routes, colrabite with friends on the route, and then export it to my GPS via a USB cable. EASY!!!!
  13. I buy them a the auto parts store..... and it might have been a box of 25.... I dont rembmer off the top of my head and I am not at home right now. I don't remember keeping the part number but look in the Dorman products Dorman Automotive Hardware catalog starting on page 42. Also I changed over to Nylon seals. IIRC Dorman part nubmer 097-010, but I am not 100% sure..... It looks like 097-118 would work too but measure the plug diamater BEFRORE you buy!!!!!!!!
  14. You might want to check to see how you have them aimed.. HOWEVER if they see you, that is a GOOD thing!!!!!! but if you crest a hill with the sun to your back, they might NOT see you due to to much light from your bike.
  15. do you replace the crush washer on the drain and fill plugs EVERY time you remove the plugs??? These are single use items. I buy them in a box of 50.
  16. 2nd for Beadrider, but I bought the ceramic beads.
  17. I can belive 7,000 miles but I would have to inspect the bike for low milage. Look at the build date of hte tires........BEFORE you ride. if they are over 10 years old I would belive the milage claim more, but I would NOT trust my life to tires that are that old......
  18. I would run the ground to where the battery ground cable connects to the frame, in an effort to NOT introduce ground loops....
  19. there are a couple of seals that if dammaged would allow water to get in the final drive.
  20. You can do it, but you should hold the bike level to drain it properly. Also you must check the oil level with the bike level. A bike jack makes the process easyer, but is not nessesary. If you plan on doing any wrenching on your bike an inexpensive jack is worth it. IIRC I paid $80 at Harbor Freight for mine..... For oil changes I use a Motorcycle Stand/Wheel Chock like this one from Harbor Freight CLICK HERE http://www.harborfreight.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/370x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/i/m/image_3963.jpg I got it on DEEP sale pricing. IIRC $40....
  21. I am using it!!!! as well as many others. Have you gone to Bob is the oil guy website to research the number of motorcycle owners that are using Rotella T6? I do NOT buy my oil filters at walleyworld. I purchase mine at Advance Auto Parts as my local store gives a 10% military discount. I use Purolator PureOne PL14612 filters due to their higher efficiency and reasonable cost. I don't use the taller PL14610 as for me it was a PITA to install and remove. DON'T over fill. with the bike level do NOT fill higher than half way up in the sight window. your welcome.
  22. Was it a first or second generation VMax?
  23. You sould use all four fingers for front braking, every time. This is for your own safety.
  24. I am happy to report that 2nd Gen bikes do NOT have linked brakes.
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