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Everything posted by KiteSquid

  1. DTs for DQs is a bad thing...... Here is a little eye candy http://www.otdairyqueen.com/images/RoyalTreats.jpg
  2. OH, well you pointed out a real world use for a speed-o-healer that i could spend my hard earned $s on..... THANKS. HOWEVER I try to keep my bike under 75 as the fuel mileage rolls off a bit so the time saved on the highway is spent buying fuel.... or at least that is what I have experienced, but I was cruising at about 88 MPH..........
  3. I also recommend checking tire ballace yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!! I use this one from Harbor Freight HERE http://www.harborfreight.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/thumbnail/370x370/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/i/m/image_4126.jpg worth every penny I spent on it......
  4. speaking of beating a dead horse: http://swittersb.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/dead-horse.jpg
  5. Kelly Blue Book online HERE gives : Trade-In Value (Good Condition) $7280 Suggested Retail Value $10315 They also state for a 750 & up Touring bike the expected accumulated average mileage is 19050, so regrettably your bike would be worth less due to its high mileage. Details are HERE They also say to add 30% of receipt value for factory options and 26% for aftermarket options. Details are HERE
  6. YES!!!!! It is also JASO MA approved which is called out in the 2nd Gen owners manual as an acceptable oil to meet warranty requirements. It is the only oil for my RSV. Click HERE to go to Shell's website for Rotella T6. It is 5W-40 and full synthetic. I purchase it at Wall-Mart in the 1 gallon jug.
  7. The gun in front is a MK 45 5" gun. Click HERE for the Wikipedia article. The gun that is aft on the ship a 20 mm CIWS Phalanx which has a six barrel 20mm gattling gun. Click HERE for the Wikipedia artice Both make a lot of noise.
  8. I dont buy cheep ammo. The last gun I fired was one of these: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/80/209800320_bd4617ecb2.jpg note there are actually two guns in this photo.... can you spot them???
  9. I use Shell Rotella T6 (full synthetic) and Purolator 14610. for the final drive I use whatever full synthetic gear oil is available at the auto parts store, and I change it every time I change the motor oil as it uses so little oil and is easy to change. I will start using moly bearing gear oil, but for now I put a pea sized ball of Honda Moly60 grease in the final drive when I put the gear oil in.
  10. $0 I wont use one. I just glace at my GPS to find my correct speed. Yes my GPS cost more than a Speed-o-healer but it does so many more functions like find all the DQ's in the area, and is more accurate for vehicle speed.
  11. 2nd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. lithium greases are normally the choice for waterproof greases..... it is what I use. They are normally available at Auto Parts Stores and you can get it in a spray can, but for motorcycles I prefer it in a tub and apply it by hand.....
  13. Your link did not work for me, so I found THIS URL.
  14. Did they add or remove rake angle? I will assume they add rake angle which will increase trail. This will make your bike more stable, which is normally preferred with a triked or side car bike. BUT it will make it more difficult to make a tight U turn, but with practice you should be able to do it.
  15. There is a way to "fix" it by moving how the sender unit is installed. There is a thread about it, probably in the VRTech section for 2nd gen bikes.....
  16. Other than the factory tool kit I normally carry a multi-tool and when that is exhausted I carry a cell phone and a credit card. OH and a printed copy of the VR help list.
  17. I have a heated ultrasonic cleaner and I normally just use tap water. Sometimes I add a drop or two of hand dish-washing soap from the kitchen. I have NEVER had to use any chemicals.... yet.... AND I would NOT turn on the heat, just the ultrasonics, but I have not cleaned a carburetor that has not been ran for 20 years..... yet.
  18. Here comes my $0.025 worth... Here is what I have learned by reading Sea Foam's web site located HERE, the MSDS for Coleman Camp Fuel, Wikipeda and Answers at Yahoo.com. Sea Foam was first produced in the 1930s as an additive for boat fuel to stop rusting of fuel tanks, to make fuel store over winter and to remove gum and varnish from the entire fuel system. It also removes carbon deposits from valves and the combustion chamber. Now remember that some boats are stored in slips on the water where the fuel is now in what can be a high humidity, hot, cold, (temperature swings) environment which is very bad for gasoline...... Sea foam has three uses. 1: Fuel dryer 2: Fuel stabilizer 3: Fuel system cleaner Now to take figure out what the three ingredients on the MSDS do for us and if they are needed in our motorcycles today. 1: Fuel dryer: Sea Foam contains 10-20% Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) that the article at Wikipedia HERE has this to say: liquid water will also rust out bare steel like the insides of the fuel tanks on our bikes. IPA is no longer needed as a "gas dryer" as MOST gasoline sold in the US has 10% ethanol added at the plant and it does the same function..... 2: Fuel stabilizer: Sea Foam contains 40-60% pale oil which is used as a fuel stabilizer. on the Gasoline page at Wikipedia HERE. There is too much data to post to this thread so I recommend you read the section on Stability. If you store your bike with a full fuel tank and don't let it sit for more than two months, fuel stabilizer is probably not necessary. If you were to store it longer, you should add a special purpose fuel stabilizer like STA-BIL HERE or you could use a multi purpose product like Sea Foam. I use Marine Formula STA-BIL in my small engines and gas cans all year long. I only use it in my motorcycles over the winter when I get less riding in and a tank of fuel may get stored for three months or more. So the fuel stabilizer component may or may not be useful for you...... 3: Fuel system cleaner: Sea Foam contains 25-35% Naphtha. Once again there is a lot of good information at Wikipedia on Naphtha. Click HERE to go there. Coleman Camp fuel is 100% Naphtha and the MSDS is HERE. If you want to clean your fuel system you can use Camp Fuel at approximately $10 per gallon or Sea Foam at approximately $55 per gallon. Remember that Sea Foam is between 25 and 35% Naphtha while Camp Fuel is 100% Naphtha so you will use 1/3 or 1/4 as much at about a 5.5:1 price ratio by volume. SO once I did the math it is somewhere between a 15.71428571 and 22:1 cost verses cleaning ability ratio. I wish I could get that kind of return at the bank..... What stated me down this path was the article HERE I have redone some of his research and have made a few corrections. In summary, if you are using Sea Foam to clean your fuel system you are probably spending too much money verses Camp Fuel. (I keep a gallon of Camp Fuel around to run a camp stove for emergency cooking when the power goes out..... I picked up a NEW in the box camp stove at a thrift store for $10 and have used it at least ten times) If you are using all three of Sea Foams components you are probably spending too much money, but is IS covenant......
  19. And those that share the oil with a wet clutch will wear it out even sooner.
  20. Good motorcycle shops (I am still looking for one) OR online....
  21. What filter are did you use??????????
  22. One more thought. From time to time you should run your bike on reserve, to get water and other contaminates out of the bottom of the tank, I do........ I have seen too many gas tanks rusted out on the bottom due to water build up, but that is probably not an issue with the ethanol that is in modern gasoline... I would rather have clean fuel at the bottom of the tank when I need to shift to reserve.
  23. http://www.shell.com/static/rotella-en/images/products/product_banners/t6_banner_575x150.gif Rotella T6 for my bike!!!!!!!!!!!! It is JASO MA rated so it is OK with Yamaha factory warranty. LOTS of guys here use it!!!!! I get mine in a gallon jug at WalMart for a good price......... Actually for the first five years Yamaha would have to pay for it..... read your warranty.
  24. I would recommend using a GL-5 gear oil containing molybdenum disulfide. Liqui Moly and Moltu are two brands I have seen. http://www.liqui-moly.de/liquimoly/mediendb.nsf/gfx2/1516_200_100.jpg/$file/1516_200_100.jpg http://shop.edoperformance.com/images/gearbox_80w90_small.jpg
  25. Thanks. I went to Three Bond's web site HERE and cannot find any information on Moly60, 1900A or Molybdenum. it appears to be a liquid gasket material manufacturer, but they could be making the paste in Japan.....
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