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Everything posted by KiteSquid

  1. Then you will just have to get a 1st gen :thumbsup2: Nope, I'll wait for a 3rd gen.....
  2. Whatever is listed in the owners manual......
  3. The gear oil in the filnal drive do not get on the splines in my 2007 RSV......... Every time I have opened it up....... Now if I were to lay it on the left hand side it would get there.
  4. 20 HP more??????????????????? I want 100 HP more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. That is the way you have to do it and the service manual tells you to do it that way. There is a little grey rubber plug on the top of the swing arm above where the front splines of the drive shaft engage the splines of the universal joint. Pull this plug out, and put retrieval magnet in to lift the end of the universal joint to make engaging the splines essayer. It took me 30 minutes to do it the first time, now I can do it in less than two..... practice and a good magnet help..... Mine had very little grease on from the factory too....... Honda Moly60 should be applied sparingly.... easy.... I put a few drops of the synthetic gear oil that I used in the final drive. I have not done this so I cannot comment.
  6. Remember that when you lower a bike you increase the minimum turn radius and that MAY effect you in emergency maneuvering. Just try to be safe.
  7. DON'T lower the motorcycles suspension. Get some of the padding cut out of the seat and have the nose of the seat narrowed.
  8. I try to grind my boards in parking lots, not on the highways!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. I buy it onlline at skygeek.com as nobody locally carries it. there is a National Stock Number for it, but I dont know it......
  10. do yourself a favor and coat both sides of the windshield with RejeX I use on the painted and chrome parts of my vehicles too..... GREAT stuff!!!!! The rain just flies off!!!!!!! http://www.rejex.com/
  11. MrsSquid and I were there on Saturday at 5 minuntes after four. the owner came out and told us to come in and shop. The sign on the window said they closed at four. MrsSquid purchased a helmet. When we left, there were still customers in the store. A REAL CLASS ACT!!!!!!!
  12. it is full, but I don't understand how you can hear your front speakers with all that between you and them??? Also what is the big yellow cylinder attached to the front of the fairing do???? Some TOP SECRET satellite communications????????
  13. NICE, but how does it look hooked up to your bike, going down the highway for a trip???????
  14. BZ to KISS!!!!!!!!!
  15. yes it does. It also increases trail.
  16. I have to disagree with the original poster, it is not cheep looking, but it was very inexpensive!!!!!!! Good job!!!!!
  17. NEVER put anything in a lock mechanism except for powered Graphite
  18. The feature I like about LEDs are their quick rise time. IF you have LED turn signals put a stock bulb in one rear turn signal and leave the LED in the other. Turn the four way (emergency) flashers and notice which light source gets your attention, but not for the quantity of light but how quickly it gets bright. The bulb and the LED get the power at the same time but the LED gets bright quicker so it is more attention getting and the fraction of a second it gets the attention of other drivers of your intention the better. This is why a have an LED tail lamp.
  19. Of all the bikes on the market in 2007 a used Valkyrie Interstate was my #2 choice right behind the RSV. I could not find an acceptable bike at a price I wanted to pay, so I bought the RSV. The Valk has more power!!!! it has six carburetors so you will have to brew up a carb sync tool, as I could not find a six channel setup be it mercury manometers, vacuum gauges, electronic, etc. IIRC the later years engines had a slightly higher rated Horsepower. I love the dual headlights and LARGE alternator!!!!!!!!!! LOTS of watts of spare power for heated gear, cell phone chargers, auxiliary lighting, maybe a small fridge too..... If I were to have a third bike, it would be a Valkyrie Interstate. I would trade my 1950 Harley FL for one in good condition with a trailer.........
  20. I would rather carry a cell phone and a VR help list.... that way I can meet fourm members face to face and then go with them to a DQ to thank them for thier help. Win-win!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Yes there is. In my owners manual on page 7-25 is the procedure..... IF nessessary, Chapter 7 of the service manual covers replacement procedures. If you dont have the manuals, they are dowladable for FREE from the VRTech section of this forum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Just because the dealership replaced the diaphragms, does not mean they properly overhauled the carburetors....... I would recommend a pint of Camp Fuel in the gas tank at your next refuel, and if that does not fix it, do a carburetor overhaul, with the help of a local VR member........
  23. I would not recommend the K&N air filters for a bike that is ran on the street. IMHO, the cost to benifit ratio is not high enough. For off road (closed circuit racing or drag racing) using the K&N air filter might help with performance.
  24. I have ben useing some leftover oak floring to do the job, but the adapater looks like a much better option.
  25. BUMMER!!!! Did you use a new crush washer on the drain plug?
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