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Everything posted by KiteSquid

  1. a parolee in possession of stolen property... I am sure his parole officer is interested.
  2. Look on the left column of every page for the link VRTech and follow your nose... Or click HERE to take a shortcut. Your question was answered in two minutes..... now how to search the forums, I am a novice at it......
  3. I agree, THANK YOU!!!!!!
  4. Like any bike you are new to, take it easy and learn how the bike drives......
  5. I try to remember how much fluid there was when I stared and fill to that level, that way when I replace the pads, I don't have fluid flowing out the top of the reservoir. I did this on my first car and it stripped the paint off of the firewall and brake booster...... I learned the hard way. Learn from my mistakes. When I replace pads, I remove all the fluid from the reservoir using a turkey baster or syringe BEFORE I start to remove the pads......... error of the side of caution.
  6. I prefer to keep the accessories electrical connections waterproof.
  7. When I had a RSV I used an oil filter wrench like this: http://www.harborfreight.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/370x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/i/m/image_421.jpg
  8. I got two sets of RK mulfflers, but they were not slash cuts. Both sets were FREE!!!!!!!
  9. AND he is saying that you will save $600 if you buy from him, so that would be $1,100 for the set. I am glad I dont need exhaust for a RK........
  10. Wally world does not stock a lot of things very deep, so they sell out.... I usually buy my oil and filters at my local Advance Auto Parts store as they give a 10% military discount on EVERYTHING, so the price is close to Wally World, and they will order stuff for me..... guarantying a gallon of T6 will be behind the counter for me when I arrive..... Easy!!!!!!!!!!! AND the auto parts store is on my daily commute, wally world is a 30 minute drive past SquidAcres so it saves me some gas.
  11. It actually says "Energy Saving" not the dreaded "Energy Conserving", but you should check the API oil service rating "doughnut" on the back label for the text "Energy Conserving".. also it is a Synthetic Blend, not a pure synthetic. when I go to Shell's Rotella T5 website HERE I note that T5 does NOT have a JASO MA rating like is required in my owners manual, but you should check yours.... You may want to take it back and buy Rotella T6 instead...... I would.
  12. UMMM What's a Cell Phone???????
  13. Could you please point me at those other sites, I would like to try them....
  14. What level bike are you getting? Four months ago I totaled my 2007 RSV so two months ago I bought a 2010 Airbag Goldwing (aka level 4) for $24,100 but I have seen better deals sense then. I went to Pennsylvania to get the bike as no local dealerships would go lower that about $1,000 off of MSRP. I got $3,899 off of MSRP which buys a lot of safety chrome!!!!!!!!!!! I guess this dealer wanted to make a quick nickel instead of a slow dime. Currently Honda is offering a 36 month loan for 0.99% interest. I think Honda wants to clear out the remaining bikes before releasing the 2012 model. I took the cash I was going to use to pay for the bike and paid off part of my mortgage this will save me quite a few dollars in interest. Thanks Honda!!!!!!!! If you want it, DO NOT pay more than $499.00 for the Honda extended warranty. If you want to install them yourself, most accessories can be had for a lot less than the dealership will sell them for. The only complaint I have is the the bikes do not come with a factory installed CB. Do you do you own maintenance? I do, so I purchased the factory service manual and it was a lifesaver showing me how to take off the "Tupperware".... To install the CB radio took me two days. I have not viewed them yet but there is also an aftermarket DVD set of maintenance videos, but they don't cover the Airbag bikes or I would probably have purchased a set. To find more experts on the 1800cc Goldwing you might want to go to a Goldwing forum and ask your questions again over there. e.g.: GL1800riders.com BTW venturerider.org is THE most friendly motorcycle forum on the Internet!!!!!!!!!!!! Too bad I don't own a RSV anymore.
  15. one of the big problems with HID lamps is the RF energy they put out. A spark gap will put out noise from DC to Daylight..... and you have those gaps within inches of your radio and feet of the antenna. Also the wires that hook up the lamps can act as antennas also. SO you may have to shield or double shield the wires and the backs of the lamp assemblies, but it might not work as you cannot shield the front of the lamps as you want the light to escape........ BTW I work in Electromagnet Environmental Effects for a living.......... Good luck. BTW I will NOT retrofit HID bulbs into any of my vehicles.
  16. I only use RejeX. I use it on all smooth surfces on my bike and cars to inclue: Paint Windshield turn signals head lights Chrome ETC.... http://www.corrosionx.com/gifs/Rejex.jpg Click HERE to read more at the manufactures website. Of all the waxes, polishes, coating, etc I have ever used this is my favorite. I only apply it twice a year and the water runs off like a RainXed windshield......with a LOT less work on my part...
  17. KiteSquid

    screen name

    KiteSquid.... My hobby is building, flying and collecting kites, and kite ephemera. While I was on active duty with the US Navy one of my kite flying friends noted that I was a "Squid" which if you call a sailor a squid in the wrong setting he might make your nose point in a new and interesting direction........ So he said something like this: Your a squid, you fly kites, you are a kite flying squid, kite squid.......KiteSquid. I had a licence plate that said: TAKO IKA
  18. BTW it is NOT Flag burning, as that is what protesters do. It is Flag Retirement. The American Legion Post that I am a meber of, retires US Flags on July 4th. can you find the history of that particlualr Flag? Was it carried back from war? How did it get its holes?
  19. Yes, I did. A little will run out... so clean it up real good so the fluid wont eat the paint off......
  20. For probably the lowest cost, IIRC the guy that imports the Depner and Ural motorcycles is in Cleveland, but some adaptation of the side car would be required. Here is one of their many modles of bikes with sidecar. http://www.imz-ural.com/retro/pics/retro2007big.jpg
  21. Also note the dual sirens mounted..... Must be LOUD.... I wish my horns were that loud.
  22. Whenever I have been working in an area that I think has poison ivy, I take a shower and scrub with Technu. Manufactures web site is HERE Technu keeps me from breaking out!!!!!!! as it destroys the Urushiol I have also used it after handling hot chili peppers to get the Capsaicin off my hands.....
  23. Whenever I see a bike on a trailer I try to ask the driver "so whats wrong with your bike?" I agree that the only time to put a bike on a trailer is when it is being hauled to the shop. My H-D spends more time on a trailer than on the road.... Do you want to buy it?????? $17,000 US and it is yours... That said, I did trailer my 2010 Honda Gold Wing from the dealership to Squid Acres as I could not find a ride to the dealership..........
  24. For me the Morgan Carb Tune would be easier to use than a set of gauges as the indicators are in line and it is easier to see if they are relatively in line with each other. On the gauge type you have to "read" four dials that are spaced across a board. HOWEVER I own a set of Mercury carb sticks that will NEVER go out of calibration. but this is a moot point for me as I no longer own a four cylinder engine that has separate butterfly's... so it just hangs on the wall like my soroban, slip-stick and HP 67.
  25. can you get your own FFL?
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