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Everything posted by KiteSquid

  1. here is a video showing you how to change a rear tire on a GL1800 without a jack. this is not my video, but one I found on youtube. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUcGe-EcBy8]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUcGe-EcBy8[/ame] I would not want to chage a rear tire on a RSV on the side of the road......but in an emegency could any of you do it?
  2. Click HERE to go to the HF web page The lift looks like this: http://www.harborfreight.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/370x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/i/m/image_2399.jpg
  3. NO as you get used to keeping your feet off of the pegs, and so subconsciously you may not move your feet onto the pegs and encounter a road hazard and break your foot. I have seen it happen!!!!!!!!!! you need to practice the "slow ride" If you need motivation get a copy of the current version of "Ride like a Pro" DVD. I am not affiliated with that company but they make a great instructional video. Get your feet on the pegs/boards as soon as the bike starts mooving and keep them there untill you are at a complete stop. PRACTICE this at all times.
  4. I agree that you should replace the casatte player with the GPS.
  5. It looks like a motorcycle accessory for those who do not know how to ride a motorcycle. I mean that you must lean a motorcycle for it to turn to its maximum. it looks like that thing limits the maximum lean angle to the right, so it could make you crash. I would recommend to NEVER put anything on your motorcycle that limits the maximum lean angle.
  6. SIDEJACK... I have a 1950 FL for sale.... if you want to relly get the old feeling again.....
  7. try em all......... I had a 12 year old opus X the other day. Talk about a wallet flattener..... IMHO most Cubans are junk but a real Montecristo Tubo is the highest nicotine cigar I have ever smoked..... the first one put me horizontal for an hour........
  8. Crazy roads.... I have ben on one of them......
  9. It is available. Try at a full service Pharmacy. or a custom Neon Sign manufacturer. You can get it a a lab supply like HERE for 100 grams. you can buy a new mercury manometer from Saber Cycles HERE or HERE with a long screwdriver... I have one and don't have a use for it anymore as I don't have a multi-carbureted bike. I is a good tool. BTW I have about 6 Oz of mercurey in a flask, if you lived near me I would give you some.....
  10. There are a lot of nice people on the fourm!!!! scarylarry, I want to thank you for offering to hlep someone out!!!!!!!!!!!!! TOO COOL!!!!!!
  11. It has saddle bags.......... I would not call it a touring bike...... but a V4 in that configuration looks like fun. I like the exhaust note. I wish them luck!!!!!!
  12. Be sure to use Honda Moly60 grease on the pins and all three splines when you remove the Final Drive.... Part number 08734-0001 at a Honda or Acura CAR dealership will save you a few dollars. Yes it is 3 Oz in a 6 Oz tube..... so it comes half full, but it is a LIFETME supply as you apply it sparingly.
  13. As an alternative product, has anybody used Radiator Relief from DEI? The product website is HERE Product data sheet and MSDS are HERE
  14. I found a video on Youtube on Redline Water Wetter. Click on the video to watch it [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pApWgZdozQA]Water Wetter Video on Youtube[/ame] REMEMBER that Watter Wetter is normally used in race cars engines. MSDS is HERE it looks like they are useing PolySiloxane (silicone oil) Polymer as a defoaming agent and seal lube...
  15. I too am a PGR and an American Legionnaire
  16. The down side to the Buell Blast is the one lung configuraton. At an idle it S H A K E S!!!! if you dont rev it ups some, it stalls, which in a beginer bike is probally a good thing.... At an idle it S H A K E S!!!!
  17. I too have the Olympia Air Glide 2 Jacket, and the pants, and I wear them 100% of the time.
  18. That and BMWs...
  19. Accually more like four times as fast and eight times as quick........
  20. Dray snickers to him self knowing that is what he has ! so I still win! Yes, I was just informing everyone else as I too have a Metallic Titanium GL1800
  21. actually it is s subset of Titanium, the Metallic Titanium http://powersports.honda.com/Assets/ModelColors/2010_GoldWingAudioComfort_color_MetallicTitanium_trans.png that is the quickest and the fastest of all the Goldwings.
  22. I have to add to that I just listen/feel through my hands and feet by the bikes slight vibrations for the RPMs
  23. Are you trying to get more light in your brake and turn signal lamps? Low cost LEDs usually have low output. for an affordable alternative click HERE to see what I did on my RSV.
  24. I just listen for the RPMs.... if too high for the performance I want, I shift up one or two gears and if the RPMs are too low for the performacne I shift down one or two gears. If the RPMs are about right, I dont shift.... My only problem comes when I am in top gear and am looking for more....... 6th, 7th, 8th, etc...
  25. BUT use Honda Moly60 to grease it. your splines and pins will out last you if you do..
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