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About randyg

  • Birthday 02/13/1956

Personal Information

  • Name
    Randy Goebel


  • Location
    Magnolia, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
  • Bike Year and Model
    2004 Venture
  1. Been out there twice 2005,2012. We stayed at the Creekside Campground. If you want to sleep at night that is a pretty good place to stay. Pretty good showers they have good food and cold beer and Da bus that will take you down town. They also have trees for shade. As far as Sturgis during bike week yes it is crowded find a parking spot a couple blocks off main street and start walking. Last year we went out the last weekend, Sunday morning we road though the hills we just about had the roads to ourselves. If you go just plan on having a good time and you will.
  2. Good for you. It's not to often you can ride in January up here. And yes I wasted another riding day working. Have a good one. Randy
  3. Bernie, I think you picked a good ride. My older brother has an 08 Road Glide and he just loves his. Before you know, it will be spring, it comes the same time every year. If you ever get to Sioux Falls give me a shout. Enjoy you new ride.
  4. Done good bj. You took something old and made it new again. With all the $$$$ you saved you can buy more chrome. Have fun with it and ride safe. randyg
  5. Hey bj66, That looks way to cool great idea. I made a hitch for mine last winter also thinking I would make a rack. But I found a good deal on a cyclemate trailer I could not pass up. Looks like your ready for the open road. We will have to meet up again sometime. Take care. randyg
  6. Sorry to here of your mishap. Hope you heel fast. I only drove one of those once for about 3 miles and that was to long. Take care. randyg
  7. Put me down for one.
  8. I brought mine from a consignment place about 40 miles away from home. Called Power Brokers in Sioux Falls,SD. they sell bikes,snowmobles,atvs,and watercrafts. I took my 01 vstar there and about 10 days it sold. They don't allow test drive at all. If you want to drive one before you buy go to a dealer or a friend. My 04 Venture came from a Harley Dealer in Watertown,SD. They just can't stand having a great bike on the showroom floor there. Oh well there loss my gain. Randy
  9. Woke up this morning to 6" of snow. They say the Robins get snowed on three time before spring is truely here,well this is the third time here in S.W. Minnesota. O well the the bike's at the dealer getting alittle warranty work done before it goes out of warranty. If your riding today put on a few miles for me.
  10. Found this on U-Tube. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUXhJZZRUIg]YouTube - New SUMO[/ame]
  11. randyg

    Need Advice.

    Could you email a copy of title? Make sure you write copy over the top of it. That should prove the scoot is in your name.
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