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Everything posted by mbova

  1. Went to replace the friction plates and ended up breaking the wire. I thought I was screwed unit I cam across the article on here that gave a step by step instructions on doing the job and said you can replace the 1/2 friction plate with a full size one and get rid of the wire. Finished the job and it shifts smooth as hell. Love this site. Finished the day before rolling thunder and was able to make the ride.
  2. Thanks. I ended up changing the plugs and fixing a broke wire. The plugs were really grimy and one wire was broken. Runs smooth as hell now.
  3. My 96 Royal Star is back firing like crazy. It also feels like it's pulling and wants to go. I'm ridding this weekend in rolling thunder this weekend and don't want to be embarrassed during the ride.
  4. Replaced the master cylinder first thing, so yeah it feels ok. It does not feel as tight as my venture royale. I used dot 4 brake fluid. I changed the oil and it felt good for a day and then went back to normal. I have a rebuild kit for the slave cylinder and the plates for the clutch. I think I'm out of options.
  5. So I changed the oil and it shifted fine at first but after a quick trip around the block it wouldn't shift into neutral. I put 20W-50 in it. It doesn't slip it just won't shift into neutral once you have put it in gear when it gets hot. Oil was really dirty.
  6. So I'm going to change the oil. What type do you guys recommend?
  7. Installed LED lighting on bike.
  8. So I tested it today. Once I started it it shifted fine, once it got warmed up it would not hit neutral . Is there an adjustment like a cable clutch. I know it a wet clutch. Will changing the oil help?
  9. I have a 96 Royal Star that has a finicky clutch. I have bleed it several times and it gets better at first and then goes back to what it was once it gets hot. It won't go into neutral and once to pull in first gear and has stalled a couple of times. I have installed speed bleeders, used a vacuum pump and even a power bleeder. Any thoughts?
  10. Installed these hard saddlebags on my 96 Royal star
  11. Seems simple enough. I will stop by radio shack today. I corrected the E-4 error following the steps on the website.
  12. Changed out the starter solenoid and it corrected the problem. Time to go ridding.
  13. So I get everything buttoned back up, put oil in it go to start it and it just spins. I think I didn't get the flywheel on far enough, it is definitely not as close to the gears as it was when I pulled it off. I drained the fluids and pulled the cover again, checked the small gears and they looked good. I hit the starter with the cover off and I hear it spin but none of the gears move. I'm thinking I need to try and get the flywheel tighter.
  14. Yes the battery light stays on along with the warning light.
  15. Changed the stator, resistor, starter clutch, starter to a 4 brush, upgraded fuses, fixed the air ride, and replaced the battery. Swapping out the fluids tomorrow and it should be good to go.
  16. It does have a stripe on it.
  17. That's good info. My goal is to have it ready for rolling thunder. I have 31 days. Rolling thunder is thousands of motorcycle that gather at the pentagon and ride to the Vietnam memorial on the Sunday before Memorial Day.
  18. So I changed my starter clutch on my 89 venture. Let me tell you it is a *****. Here are some tips if you are going to do it. I bought a long alan wrench ratchet set, the bit that I tried with my dewalt 20volt impact driver didn't work. The ratchet did. You will probably need to take off the clutch cover to give you room to work . I did and it made it a lot easier. You will need a box wrench or an adjustable wrench and a ratchet to remove the bolt holding on the flywheel. That was the easy part. You will need a pulley puller to remove the flywheel. I went through 3 until I bought the one shown in the manual. It is the type that has bolts that you screw into the flywheel and then tighten down on the central bolt to try and remove it. I bought it at pep boys for $18. I was using a big adjustable wrench with a friend holding the wheel from moving with a giant pair of chanel locks. It required a ton of energy. The first pulley puller broke, I took it back and replaced it and got a ratchet breaker bar (20" long) and an 11/16 ratchet. I brought it back an hooked it up and went at it again, within 10 min the flywheel came lose. So maybe if I had the big ratchet at first it might have worked, or maybe the first one loses it quite a bit. I will say that when it come lose it comes off with some energy. The replacement of the starter clutch is so easy once you get the flywheel off. It is just 3 screws. Mine was really jacked up and definitely needed to be changed. Getting the flywheel back on is not an easy task, set it in place so so you can connect the bolt to hold it in. Then you have to tighten and hit with a mallet, you have to hold the center thread while you tighten the center bolt. Once you get it on you have to deal with getting the cover back on. I used a gasket sealant to hold the gasket to the cover and put the bolts threw it , once I got a couple threaded it was easy from that point. I would definitely say this is a two man job, I couldn't have done it without my friend.
  19. So I finally tackled the starter clutch today and it was a *****. I broke one pulley puller and finally got a 20" breaker bar and another pulley puller and the flywheel came off. It took the two of us 5hrs and half a bottle of vodka to do it. Still didn't finish the job but got the cover back on. So I have replaced the battery, stator, resister, starter clutch, and starter on the bike so far. Should be ridding soon.
  20. Great information guys. I'm going to clean the controller on Thursday. One side note I put the new battery in today and it fired right up. I shut it off and it kept trying to restart even with the kill switch engaged and the key in the off position.
  21. I picke up this bike for trade. I still have my 89 Venture Royal that I'm working on but couldn't pass this up. It has a couple issues maybe you can help with. It needs a new battery which is fine, but when I jump it to get it to start it wants to start the bike without me hitting the start button and even with the kill switch pressed. So I'm thinking the right handlebar controls might need to be replaced, but I can't find the replacement part.
  22. How is do I know if it the water pump
  23. Thanks I'll try that.
  24. Changed the stator and resister yesterday and found an added bonus. The service manual and original owners manual was in one of the saddle bags that I never looked in.
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