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Everything posted by safetyguy

  1. Received mine yesterday and it popped right in with a light tap of my hand. If the heavy rain ever stops, I'll take the beast for a spin and see how it works. Thanks again Condor for putting the deal together.
  2. Are you sure that your homemade manometer is accurate? You really can't beat a Carbtune which lets you compare all four carbs at the same time. My best guess -- you are way out of carb synch now.
  3. Ditto on bleeding the clutch. Been there and done that.
  4. Thanks everyone. I am glad this didn't morph into something like a best oil discussion. I think I will try the Honda pre-mix out and see how it works.
  5. Just sent my payment too.
  6. I searched but there appears to be no answer out there in VentureRiders.org land (yet). Which antifreeze should we be using? Someone told me to use a non-silicate blend and to use Honda (automobile type 2) or the Toyota long-life stuff which will prolong long the life of the water pump. I also see Yamaha has some special stuff at their usual outrgaeous prices. I have been using plain old Prestone green stuff (mix your own 50/50). What's the consensus out about antifreeze out there?
  7. If the group purchase works out, I'll buy one as well.
  8. It is indeed a T25. I picked up a set at the local auto parts chain store and that is the one that fits. I guess I'll wait until the weather is crappy and then change out the diaphragms. Searching the board, it seems like a lot of people have trouble getting these screws off - a lot of impact wrench and visegrip talk. But it sounds like the real problem is the screw head gets affixed to the casing. I wonder if it would help to spray them w/ PB Blaster or Liquid Wrench if it will make things easier to remove. Interestingly enough, the exterior of the carbs on my Virago 535 are identical. I wonder if it has the same innards (like will these Venture diaphragms work in the Virago and visa versa). Next time I get to a parts catalog, I'll look it up and report back to everyone.
  9. Just a quick question -- since I don't have the right tool in the collection and will go out and buy one, is the tamper resistant screw a T27 Torx? If not, what size is it?
  10. Just to give everyone an update. I ordered a set last week and asked that they be shipped when they are in stock. No shipping date was given. Hopefully, I'll see them in a week or two.
  11. This sounds dumb but put the air filter and air filter cover back on. These suckers don't run without them.
  12. I agree that this is worth checking-- check to see if the screw is loose first, then see if you have debris there.
  13. I'll stick to NGKs for now but maybe next time I'll try the Autolite ones. I have had bad experience with Champions over the years too. Thanks for everyone's input -- I'm glad this didn't turn into a "which oil is better-type" thread.
  14. Anyone have any experience using a Champion RA6HC plug vs. the NGK DPR8EA-9? What about the Autolite 4163? This is for my 88 VR?
  15. I also have a same vintage Virago 535. The Virago has same idle screw mechanism & placement which works well on the little V twin but it is a admittedly a pain on the VR. I think Yamaha did that to have a smaller number of parts in the little bins at the dealership. Interestingly enough, the carbs do look the same between the two bikes (except that there are only two) - I have to look into that.
  16. My 88 has a fold down antenna. Works really great when it has to be outside under a cover.
  17. I saw a real nice gold VR east of Rochester NY today in Wayne County. It had a tag on it that said "Fifth Anniversary". What model year would that be anyway? Also, if the owner could PM me for a quick question, it would be appreciated.
  18. I really wasn't going to drain the bowls when I asked the question but after I went looking for those screws and found them, I went ahead and did it anyway. The screws are on the lower right of each carb bowl. It was a few minute task to flush them all. You may have to remove some of that VR plastic to get at the front ones (especially on the left side). I did but maybe with a shorter screwdriver you don't have to. I put a bigger OD tubing over the drain hose and drained it into a clear container. There was some small stuff in there. Maybe this is something I will do at each oil change now. Thanks for the quick response!
  19. I was reading some old threads and it refers to draining all 4 carb bowls. For the sake of curiosity, how do you do it? Also, is this something that should be done at the end of the riding season for winter storage?
  20. Flushing the fluid did the trick. The junk that came out was pretty sad looking. Amazing how much better it works!!!
  21. Thanks -- I'll give it a try and report back.
  22. My clutch lever is engaging about 1/4 inch off the grip and the lever has a lot of free play in it. Fluid level is OK and the fluid in the reservoir looks clean. (The level was a bit low and some fluid was added about a month ago.) Should I flush it out and rebleed the system to cure the problem? Also, is there a free play adjustment (on the slave cylinder or elsewhere that could have come loose)? I can't find anything in the service manual but maybe I missed it. Has anyone else had this problem?
  23. Someone asked me just how good a VR is and how long will it last? So how many miles do you have on yours? Has anyone broken 100,000 on the odometer?
  24. If you do get an error code, take a look at this link. It's very helpful http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=493 Also, make sure the main white connector plug's contacts are clean. (Even if the lights come on in the ACC key position, it doesn't mean anything. They are powered by the other wires coming out the back. The CLASS unit is powered through the white connector if I remember correctly). Lastly, if it still isn't working right (and all the solder joints are good), try cleaning the connector contacts on the connector cable (that should be a ribbon cable but isn't) that connects the two boards inside (see third picture from bottom of site linked above for a pictoral representation of what I'm taking about). The problems that I have had with the CLASS unit and what I think solved them-- E4 code - solved by soldering 3 broken joint Cleaning the connector cable that connects the two boards-solved problem of getting the unit to pump up in ACC key position but dumping all the pressure when the key is moved to either OFF or ON. Hope this helps! Great bike but a crappy air suspension system. If only someone would engineer a solution (in addition to progressive springs) that solves the problem. Has anyone looked into a manual way to pressurize the suspension like in the Gen 2's?
  25. I was just wondering if anyone had bought something from a vendor that was reasonably priced?
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