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Missionary Rider

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Everything posted by Missionary Rider

  1. Meant to ask earlier if you passed through the Gold Coast on your ride? Can't remember which route you said you were taking. Congratulations on the new bike, and the new ride. Lynn Mudgeeraba QLD (until Dec)
  2. The only way I can ride alone is to push the bike down the street to start it up. If Brenda hears the bike start, the pillion is occupied. She much prefers to get on the bike first. It's difficult for her to swing her leg over the trunk with me in front of her. As compensation for making it easier for her, and because our driveway has the bike leaning at a very steep angle on the kickstand, when I stand the bike up, she leans (counterbalance) the other way. This makes a HUGE difference. The combination of the counterbalancing and turing the handlebars to the right will erase your problem. Lynn - temporarily "Down-under"
  3. I think you mean Talimena. It's a great ride. I made the ride twice back in July. The AR side is a lot better than the OK side and you'll find lodging in Mena, AR. I can't recommend a place because I stayed at a cabin 20 miles South of Mena. I was the camp evangelist at our teen camp that week. When you make the ride, the resturant in the lodge at the Queen Wilhemena State Park is beautiful and has a decent buffet. The view from there is worth stopping to see. If you'll check out my photo section, you'll see at least one photo of the view from the trail. Temporarily serving in Australia Lynn
  4. Jim, Sorry to hear about your accident but am grateful you lived to tell the tale. I'm sitting here with a surgery boot, a metal plate, six screws and 16 staples all from a silly fall from a scooter in Greece. And I can hardly wait to get back on my RSV. Your accident and injuries make mine look like nothing but I pray the day will come when we can take a ride together. May the LORD Jesus Christ touch and heal you. May He give the patience to be a good patient. May He deliver you from pain, knit your bones, speed your healing and block any possibility of infection. May you know His presence and His peace. That is my prayer for you today Jim. God bless Lynn
  5. My job/calling has taken Brenda and me to: Mexico last Nov; Scotland & Ireland last Dec; Uruguay - Jan; Romania - April; Thailand & Hawaii - May; Romania - June; Kosovo - August; Greece - Sept. We leave in two weeks, Lord willing, for 3 months in Australia. Lynn Missionary Rider
  6. So, V7Goose, you recommend the Avon standard tire size rather than a 130 plus the links? Or what? Thanks for the input BTW I had already read quite a few of the old threads - not much was said about handling at speed
  7. So you guys who have gone to the 130 front tire; how does it affect the handling in the twisties? I love the way my new (to me) 06 RSV handles our crooked Ozark trails. Don't want to lose that. Also; how wide (in inches) is the 130? Built a trailer chock for my Vstar1100 and put it on a harbor freight trailer. The chock is unuseable with the RSV as the stock tire is too wide. Thanks for the info Lynn (Leonard)
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