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Missionary Rider

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Everything posted by Missionary Rider

  1. The links made no difference but the clearview sure did - a very positive one! Lynn
  2. Brenda and I did Lolo pass last year from East to West. It was one of the high points of our 8,000 mile ride. Don't miss it! Lynn
  3. It's a mini-computer that plugs in-line into the speedo cable. You tell it how much your speedometer is off (probably 9%) and it will correct it. Installation is easy - even I managed it. It's not cheap but it IS worth it to me. Here's the address http://calsportbike.com/sh/
  4. Good that you're going in July. Don't bother trying in June. I speak from experience. Haven't made that route yet even though we made two attempts last summer. Next time! Lynn
  5. You are the master of gentility, sir.
  6. I love my Diamond R - it feels good on the short rides and I can't imagine a long ride without it. It keeps me from slumping and prevents the accompanying back fatigue and pain. Lynn
  7. Ditto on Rider and Roadrunner. I also enjoy Ride Texas Magazine. It is similar in content to Roadrunner and you don't have to live in Texas to enjoy it. Lynn
  8. Brenda and I made an 8,000 mile ride last summer and are panning two shorter rides of 3,500 each this year. Our Piggybacker make it possible to carry the luggage we needed for the combination business and pleasure trip (suits and dresses for Sunday preaching appointments complicate the luggage situation). All the advice I've seen on this thread has been great but my perspective is a little different on the back roads and the miles to cover in a day. Most of the miles we covered were on the Interstate. I learned that the back roads are more fun but I can't see the scenery. I live at the edge of the Ozarks, some of the best riding in the USA. I can always enjoy the twisties. If I'm gong to another part of the country, I want to see the scenery and riding the interstates allows me to do that. We found that the difference between a 450 mile day and a 600 mile day was to ride 150 miles before breakfast. We get up early anyway and it's a pleasant time of day to ride (we're talking Summer). Breakfast on the road makes a nice break and made 600 mile days very doable. Most of the other tips have already been covered. Be sure and listen to what the guys say about KOA Kabins. Have a fun trip Lynn
  9. I have the Diamond R - have no desire to remove it even for local riding. It is SUPER!
  10. Ditto - no extra glare Ditto - except I made my own from black duct tape
  11. but it's purple! P U R P L E !
  12. How cool is that?! I've been waiting until Christmas to make sure no one buys them for me - looks like they won't - so I plan on ordering the quick release kit for myself. Mark's generosity in this case is extra motivation to buy from him. Lynn
  13. I also had a problem with Gerbing, bad seam stitching, which they forced me to have repaired myself. I would not recommend anyone buy from Gerbing with their current climate of disregarding the customer. Personally, I'm praying that Walmart gets into the motorcycle clothing business. Lynn
  14. Don, you're doing a great job and providing a valuable service. The site is enjoyed and you are appreciated! For information only, a lot of the missionaries I work with use hotmail, yahoo, or gmail because they move around a lot, using a variety of computers and internet access, and those accounts give them constancy in their email service. Webmail from an overseas ISP is a dicey business. Those accounts also afford them fair to middlin spam protection on their incoming email. None of that probably affects anyone here. Just thought I'd would add my 2 cents to the discussion. I can usually spare a few cents Merry Christmas everybody!! Lynn
  15. Most of the comments in this thread have been about the harware. Mine is about the connection. Since the spread was started in the Spring, Brenda and I took an 8,000 jaunt from AR to WA to MD and home again. I really got tired of looking for Wifi signals so as soon as we got home I signed up for Alltel wireless. I have traveled from TX to MD (in a cage or plane), been in the city and in the country and the coverage has been outstanding - MUCH more convenient than Wifi. Concerning my laptop, a 14" Compaq, I have carried it for three years now - probably 10,000 miles on the bike. The battery is shot but the laptop keeps on ticking. Happy Thanksgiving Lynn
  16. Would like to help you but I'm in SALES not MANAGEMENT. You'll have to talk to my FATHER. He is the One who is in charge.
  17. Preacher, another member here, and I had a fantastic ride yesterday on what some people call "The Arkansas Dragon." I didn't count the curves - got dizzy enough without trying that but I can tell you the grin factor was way up the chart. To get to the good section, find your way to Melbourne on SR69 (North of Batesville, East of Mountain View) then turn West on SR9. The curves from that point on are posted at 20-35mph and there are three beautiful vistas with paved pull-off points. Going in this direction, you end up in Syllamore just North of Mountain View and there just happens to be two GREAT catfish restuarants that also serve Rainbow Trout, steaks etc. To find the route from the West going East, just take SR5 North from Mountain View until you find SR9 East at the four way stop at Syllamore. Ride Safely Lynn http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1075674&id=639519006
  18. 1. Do you use it instead of washing your bike? Yes, unless it is really crudy with obvious grit and grime. In that case I wash it with Simple Green. 2. Do you use it on the paint,chrome, windsheild? I use it on everything except the seat. 3. Does it take off bug splatter? Absolutely AND it makew bug splatter easier to remvoe next time around. I keep a can in the bike and have fun cleaning friends windshields just to show them what Pledge can do.
  19. I've ridden comfortably at 19 degrees using Gerbing heated gloves and heated jacket liner. Before I got the heated gloves, I bought the cheap chemical packets from Walmart and put them in my ski gloves. The heat is not spread around very well so my finger tips still got cold but it was, at least, an improvement. Lynn
  20. Went to a lunch meeting with a pastor friend. When I pulled into the parking lot at the taco shop, there was a RSMV sitting there - mirror image of mine. The pastor stepped out of the restaurant with a huge smile on his face. The bike was his! He traded his 800 Suzuki on a 2003 RSMV with only 12,000 miles. About a month ago, I invited his wife to try out the pillion on my Venture - now look what happened! Guess the fun is infectious. I told him about this great site and figure he will join pretty quickly. Reckon you guys can stand another Baptist preacher? Lynn
  21. Several of the MP3 (Sanyo) players have FM radio built in - the best of both worlds.
  22. Thanks guys for the feedback. We even heard from Freebird (didn't mean to put you in the line of fire). The best comment was the recommendation, "if you want more air, get a ceiling fan." Too funny! My mind is made up. We'll go with the vent. You are a great group! Lynn
  23. Our venerable leader said, "As for the vent, I will not buy another shield with the Goldwing style vent. They are VERY hard to keep clean as the bugs and grime get between the vent flange and the shield. Plus, mine stop[ped] opening and closing correctly a couple of years ago. I will use the round pop out vents from now on and would just as soon install my own. It is very easy to do." Before I order my Clearview windshield, I would like to know how many of you have vents and like them or do you agree with Freebird? Thanks for taking time giving me feedback. Lynn
  24. There are some truly great roads to ride around Mountain View. Hway 9 from just North of town toward Melbourne is the crookedest road in Arkansas. The scenery on any of these roads in October should be fantastic with the colors on. There are also lots of other things to see in the area. You'll enjoy it. Lynn
  25. Rode today from AR across MS to AL. Arkansas and Alabama gas prices seem very similar, just under $4. Prices in Mississippi were astounding! $3.53 a gallon in lots of places around Tupelo. How can they do that? What can't neighboring states? Yes, I know taxes are cheaper but not THAT much. Enquiring minds want to know. Lynn
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