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Missionary Rider

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Everything posted by Missionary Rider

  1. My wife and I did a little 8,000 ride back in '08. Had a tent with us but stayed in a KOA cabin the first night due to a very severe thunderstorm. It was great! Wife said, "put me in one of these every night and I'll save enough to pay for it by cooking for us." Deal! Never used the tent once! Lynn Currently residing in Saint Petersburg, Russia No, the bike is in the garage at home.
  2. Right now? Saint Petersburg, Russia. No, I don't have my bike with me.
  3. My wife Brenda and I run as often as we can. Our travel often prevents a regular schedule though. We were in Australia for two months and ran 6 miles two to three times a week. We're in Russia now and will be here for four months. Looks like we'll have to make do with the elliptical trainer in the apartment we're using. Running/jogging/aerobic exercise all have great benefits. Keep it up. Lynn in Saint Petersburg, Russia
  4. My son returned from Afghanistan last week and is looking for a Sports bike (Fz6). Dropped into the Lumberton NC Yamaha dealership with him and struck up a conversation with the salesman. He says they have an "85 Venture Royale" in the back that needs a few carb parts. They took it on trade and it is just sitting there. I didn't see it but . . just saying . . . Lynn
  5. Spear, Enjoyed the video. We're wintering on the Gold Coast - serving again as Interim Pastor of the Hinterland Baptist Church, Worongary. Been here a month, will be here till 20 July. Stuck riding a Ninja 250 - beats nothin. Any chance you'll be passing this way? Lynn
  6. My son is an Army Chaplain in the midst of his first overseas deployment in Kandahar. You raised your kids to be independent of you, to live their own lives, fulfil their dreams, and make a difference in this world. You have been successful. In those dark and lonely nights, think about how different it would be had you not succeeded. What would your son be doing? How would you life be different? I suspect it would not be better to have him home an in trouble than where he is and serving proudly. You have earned this. Enjoy it. Pray for him and trust God to take care of him (if God isn't, you can't). Be proud of him. You have a right to be. Lynn (temporarily in Australia. Coming home in time to welcome a son home from Afghanistan)
  7. The power just came back on. The radar track put last night's wedge tornado two miles from our house. We are grateful that we only suffered powder outage. There were four fatalities five miles or less from us.
  8. Looks great! Congrats on the outcome. Maybe one day I can stay home long enough to try this. Right now, my missionary travel schedule and the weather make me wonder why I own a bike! Indonesia, Australia, Russia, Greece, Latvia, and Ukraine on tap for 2011. 73's Lynn, KE4DA, 5Z4DU (12 years), 5X1HR, YJ8DA, and the one I forgot last time, VK4DEY
  9. Very impressive Owen. Makes me want to blow the dust off the rigs and get active. I have wished many times I had my 2 meter rig on the Venture. 73 Lynn, KE4DA, 5Z4DU, 5X1HR, YJ8DA
  10. I hope you guys have better luck with your call than I did. I followed an errant driver for 30 miles on Hwy 78 (I-22) across MS. He had a child with him, was all over the road, almost hit 3 different bridge abutments, and no LEO ever showed up in response to my call. I finally played Mario Andretti to get away from him. I'm not saying don't call. I would definitely try again in the same situation - especially with a child in the car. I have just lowered my expectations significantly. Lynn
  11. Got a coleman style from Sam's. Loved using it in FL but it's not much use in AR, especially when I'm overseas so much. I know I'm outside the 3 hr boundary but let me know if you're interested. I'll be back in AR Monday night (in Mexico now). Lynn
  12. Hate to ever admit that Goose is right :big-grin-emoticon but he is. I had the same issue with my Piggy Backer. Changing the pressure in the tires made NO difference. On an 8000 mile ride, we replaced tires every 3500 miles. When we got home, a friend took his laser surveying equipment and used it to proper align the toe-in (go ahead and laugh - it worked!). Next trip was a 3500 miler with the last set of tires from the previous trip (means they had the last 600 miles on them of the 8000 mile ride) and I had no problem at all. Bottom line: Yes lower your tire pressure but that's NOT your problem. Adjust your toe-in. Good luck Lynn
  13. Yes, depending on weather and how many times you stop to take pictures etc.
  14. Be aware that Skyline Drive and the Blue Ridge Parkway makes for a long slow ride. If you bail out and return to the interstate, do NOT miss the Southernmost portion of the Blue Ridge Parkway. It is the best. Also, if you can work in the Cherohala Skyway either before or after the Dragon, it is definitely worthwhile. You can Google all of these and get lots of detailed information. Lynn
  15. The Buddy Rich Cable works great with my Nuvi 780
  16. Wish I had known you were so close by. Come to think of it, though, Brenda and I were riding back from Alabama and would have missed you anyway. Let me know next time you're coming this way. I'll buy you lunch. Lynn P.S. of course you have to catch me in-country
  17. Brenda and I stayed in a KOA Kabin at the Big Timber KOA two years ago. The location was convenient and, while it was not the best KOA we used on our long ride, it was fine and much cheaper than any motel room. You will need a sleeping bag or sheets, pillows and a quilt. Would love to make that trip again some day. Lynn Currently cagin' it in MD
  18. Color me impressed!
  19. Looks a lot better than the black duct tape version I'm using. Put me on the list and I'll pick mine up in person! Lynn
  20. Glad someone actually read the article. When you look at the statistics, it is not surprising that the insurance industry would be pressing for ABS on bikes. We pretty much accept ABS as a given in a cage, why not on a bike? How many guys here have "locked it up" in a panic stop? How many posts have there been about changing the braking on the RSV to keep it from locking up? If ABS came standard, how many of us would disable it? Making it standard on bikes will indeed bring the price down - and probably make riding safer. Let the stone throwing begin Lynn
  21. Would do Cherohala three to one over the Dragon. South end of the Blue Ridge Parkway is also a "must do." Lynn
  22. GigaWhiskey laid claim to the manual. If you want to pick it up, convert it to pdf and post it, then pass it on to him, that would be great. I'll still take care of the postage (paying it forward for help I've received on this site). I'll be in from Alabama tomorrow afternoon if you have time to swing by. We are on Billy Goat Mountain, five miles South of Vilonia on 107. Ring me at 501-539-3599. Lynn
  23. My late father-in-law had a First Gen a long while back - must have installed a CB. I just found the manual. It says, "Yamaha Accessories, CB Radio Kit for XVZ12. Installation Manual." The number at the bottom right corner is 59J-2B19Y-21. If anyone can use this they can have it. Just send me a personal email. If you don't hear back from me pretty quickly, don't give up. I leave for China and Thailand at the first of the week and won't be back stateside until mid-May. Lynn, Missionary Rider Vilonia, Arkansas
  24. Find a good straight-a-way from a stop sign and wind it in third gear until you feel it "sag." That's the rev limiter. You won't hurt it - though you might be shocked how fast it will run in third gear. That will give you an idea of what "Wind it" means. Lynn
  25. I switched to fabric several years ago and wouldn't consider going back!
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