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Missionary Rider

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Everything posted by Missionary Rider

  1. Downhill all the way. Best fuel mileage I ever got!
  2. If we're talking a day ride, anything below 40% If we're talking a multi-day long ride, pack the rain gear and go. Just be prepared to change plans - sit out a storm etc. Lynn Currently on the Gold Coast of Australia
  3. Congratulations on the weight loss!!!
  4. Thinking of riding the Trace from Tupelo to Nashville Friday. Any guesses how long that will take if we only stop for fuel? Lynn
  5. Thanks for picking up on our Vilonia location and thinking of us. Brenda and I are in France but have been in contact with folks at home. We are located on the highest point in the area looking down on Vilonia from 5 miles south of town on SR 107. The tornado passed 3 miles from our house and basically destroyed downtown Vilonia. Ten lives were lost in our small town. Response from the community has been overwhelming! We will return home next Monday to a drastically changed landscape. We are grateful to God that our house was spared and pray for those less fortunate. Lynn in Limoux, France
  6. Sorry Mike. I pray for you and your family the peace of God and the comfort of His Presence! Lynn
  7. Even this preacher would buy a ticket for that!
  8. My fuel pump has given me problems in the past but finally died during our trip to Maryland a couple of weeks ago. No amount of tapping etc would resurrect it. I was going to buy the Mr Gasket but, like Caveman, saw it was going to take some re-engineering to make it work. So I ordered an OEM pump via overnight in order to get back to AR. It cost six times the Mr Gasket but took less than ten minutes to install and we rode 1100 miles in a day and a half to get home on time. Those of you who plan on going the Mr Gasket route need to take a look at one and think about how you're going to mount it and make it work. I'm not saying I couldn't do it but it is more of a challenge when you're broken down far from home. From Rome, Italy Lynn
  9. I understand precisely what Marcarl is saying? My Brenda is quite good at totally filling the trailer! Or perhaps I should say I am very adept at fitting into the trailer everything she chooses to take with us. Lynn
  10. Sorry to hear about Tommy. Saw Tim Ganey's post on Facebook and then your post here. I know Tommy will be sorely missed. Lynn (Originally from Winfield)
  11. Excited about this location since it's relatively close to our family home. We will make every effort to get in from Australia in time to attend at least part of the Rally. Lynn
  12. Kevin, We praise God you are both okay. The bike is replaceable. Amen on the ATGATT! Don, you really go the extra mile Mate! Good on ya! Lynn
  13. Congratulations!! Happy anniversary and many more!
  14. Congratulations!
  15. Could say a lot. Won't. I enjoy this site because I am a Venturerider whenever we are Stateside. The current thread has nothing to do with what we have in common and is offensive to some of us. I am disappointed the moderators have allowed it to go this far. Guys, can we just ride along together and enjoy the food, the fun, and the ride? Ride with me and I promise neither I nor my church or even the 501©3 for whom I serve as treasurer will ask you for a single dime. Respectfully Lynn
  16. Just road the TN Baby Dragon, 232, last week. It was great! Just as fun was riding 233 and crossing the river on the ferry - a motorcycle first for me. It truly is a beautiful area. Lynn
  17. Did an 8,000 mile ride a few years ago. 12 from Lolo pass to Kooskia was definitely on of our favorites!
  18. What I want to know is does it allow you to fill the tank more quickly? Tired of the click and wait while the fuel bubbles down. Lynn
  19. Very impressive! I've done a lot of mobile work over the years but am pretty sure I don't want to do HF while in motion on the bike. I would however, gladly sacrifice the CB to have 2 meters through the headset. When you get that figured out, let us hear from you. 73 Lynn, KE4DA, 5Z4DU, 5X1HR, YJ8DA, VK4DEY Currently on short-term assignment in Malindi, Kenya
  20. May I join the chorus and welcome you to our wonderful state. You'll not only find great roads and scenery but friendly people. Well, okay, we also have some clunky drivers but so does every other state. Plan on taking your time and seeing sights. Reserve Friday night for music on the square in Mountain View. Some of the great rides are in that area anyway. Happy New Year Lynn
  21. I too had a bad experience with Gerbing customer service. Someone needed to be fired or take a lesson from Sam Walton on how to build good customer relations. Lynn
  22. Sorry to hear about the accident but glad you're okay! From Australia Lynn, Missionary Rider
  23. Great product, highly recommended! From the Gold Coast of Australia Lynn (Dr Leonard Raburn) Missionary Rider
  24. I've traveled a bit (60 countries or so) and so here's my 2 cents to the discussion. I carry only an emergency stash of US$ - exchange rate is lower for cash than credit or ATM Haven't used travelers checks in twenty years - too hard to cash. Credit cards have fraud protection but who wants to fight the paperwork? And most credit cards now charge a 3% foreign exchange fee. Don't ever get a cash advance on one - it will eat your lunch! ATM withdrawals quickly give you local cash from you account back home. Their foreign exchange fee is usually 1.5 % plus the ATM fee I make major withdrawals to avoid these fees OR use my banks fee-free local partner Just be sure to let your local bank know ahead of time what country you'll be in Our six months in Russia ends in a month and I will spend all of May in Mexico. до свидания Lynn
  25. Still loving Chrome. Occasionally a site isn't compatible and so I have go back to IE or Firefox. There doesn't seem to be a Sling plug in for Chrome. Otherwise it's faster and simpler than anything I've come across. Hmmm. Didn't answer your question but maybe I did give you something to think about. One more month in Russia Lynn
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