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  • Location
    Texas, TX, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2007 Midnight Venture
  1. Ok so took carbs apart again cleaned the jets made sure each piolet screw was 2 turns out buttoned her back up and now she vomits gas when she cranks over.
  2. I have run seafoam through it, but I didn't even think to check the fuel filter. How about a carb sync? Would that cause any of this frustration? I have learned a valuable leason, always turn your petcock off when not in use!
  3. Ok so I did the steps above, oil smelled like gas! Drained replaced with new oil and changed oil filter. Pulled the plugs ran to let it dry out replaced everything. It does sound better and no more oil shooting out the tail pipe however the problem of only running on full choke and bogging down on throttle still exists. Very frustrating!
  4. Thank you guys! Will drain and try this tomorrow. Will update. Thanks again for the advice.
  5. I changed out the spark plugs and bought a new battery just to be safe. I did store it forgetting to turn the fuel off, but I did take apart the carbs and drained all the fuel out. When I stored it it was in the garage and never got close to freezing temps. The fuel pump clicks normal as it always has and the motor sounds strong no knocks or anything. On full choke it runs no pops or backfires just the oil leak just from the right side tail pipe and when you push the choke in it dies, doesn't even try to stay running. And any throttle even on full choke it bogs and dies. Would throttle position sensor have anything to do with this? I figured after a good cleaning of the carbs and jets it would have solved the problem or even a sync, but with the oil in the mix now I'm lost.
  6. Hello all this is my first post and I'm in need of some help. I have a 2007 Midnight Venture, I have had it a little over a year and a half now with no issues until now. I had it sit up for about 3 months and it ran fine when I parked it. When I took it out to ride it again the bike would only run on full choke. When I give the bike throttle it bogs down and dies. When I push the choke in it dies. I broke the bike down cleaned the carbs and jets all free of debris. Fired it up again same problem only now I have white smoke and oil coming out of the right tail pipe. Oil is also leaking from the tail pipe toward the middle of the pipe. I'm at a loss here and hope you guys can offer me some help before I have to sell an organ to have the dealer fix it! Thanks guys!
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