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Everything posted by revks

  1. I believe you are absolutely correct. I haven't replaced diaphragms on mine yet but in years past as an auto mechanic I replaced similar diaphragms simply by stretching them enough to remove and installing them in the reverse, stretching them just enough to ease past the retainers. Once you take it apart by grinding the flange you loose valuable security that no glue job will replace.
  2. I remember PT for shoulder surgery in 2001. I went to the county hospital close to where I lived and met with this tall blond Norwegian gal named Gretta. (Yes she was good looking) She bent me in different directions till I moaned/screamed loud enough for everyone in the waiting room to hear.
  3. solved the clearance on the right side with the axle. Now I need to solve clearance for the luggage and stiffen it a little more to take out side sway.
  4. Thanks to Orlin for the hitch. I started the install on Monday and just figured out how to post on the site. As with any install of accessories I figured it would take a little tweaking to make it just the way I wanted. Here are a few pics. Notice the clearance on the right side. Gonna have to get out the blue wrench to adjust it.
  5. Too bad you couldn't take it down the drive t the highway. With the weather we're getting looks like it will be some time before a good road test. I plan to put that hitch on today and see if it needs any tweaking. I'll post some picks when it's on.
  6. Look forward to seeing it when I stop by.
  7. Many of our members are surprised when I show up at their home on my 83 venture standard. For some reason they think you can't ride them on gravel. Naming mine visitation would mess up my records though.
  8. I don't have a name for my bike though in honor of the first owner who practically gave it to me I considered naming it after him. Then when I thought how it would sound to people asking what I had been up to I figured telling them I took Ed for a long ride would be met with some weird looks. To date all the vehicles I had names for are in the scrap yard, but we did name our GPS after my wife's grandmother who was a whiz at directions. Even after dementia set in and she sent you via some weird route, we mostly wound up where we were going.
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