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Everything posted by revks

  1. Checked and it does have the updated cooling splash plate and crank bolt with orifice. The connector looks to be in good shape as well. The coils on the stator seem to look fine, not burnt or overheated, but when I checked for short to ground two of the three stator leads had dead shorts.
  2. You have come to the right place for help with your new found best ride. You will probably need to replace a few things to make her road worthy but having the second gear fix and forks redone is a plus. Love riding my 83 standard which is what yours must be cause no radio, cruise, ect. The best part about the standard is you have fewer gadgets to repair and more storage in the faring.
  3. I feel for ya. Some times it seems like I have too much to do and no time to do it. If you get rid of all your bikes and trucks you will wind up spending twice as much to replace them later when you think you will have the time so just hold in there and don't do anything rash.
  4. I'll do that. I bought it from the original owner in August 2014. I know that he took reasonably good care of it except he didn't ride it enough. The only upgrades he did was to have the dealer add an aftermarket radio to it as it is a standard and came without. he did mention a few repairs he had done by dealership including fork seals but that was probably 10 or more years ago. Warm enough in the garage now to spend some time tweaking little things before riding season gets into full swing.
  5. Annie Sounds to me like you are the kind of person I would want as a friend especially if I was facing troubles. I'm praying that you find joy and refreshment with your journey. Don't hesitate to call on the bunch here at VR; we all like to help even if it is just to listen.
  6. It looks like someone had the stator off before. At the very least someone replaced one of the Phillips head screws that hold the stator to the case with a flat head screw. Only 31,000 miles on the bike so it isn't even broke in but I guess after 34yrs we all start to break down a little. Gotta get it back into running condition for a trip to St Louis the end of April.
  7. I attempted to ride my 83 standard to the meeting I had today. I got about 2/3rds of the way there and stopped for a stretch. Volt meter on dash has been acting weird and I thought it was just a bad connection. It charged good at first then seemed to drop off to battery voltage. barely got the bike started after stretching my legs so I turned around and went home. checked over the charging system and the stator is toast. everything else looks good so I ordered a new stator. should have it by Saturday. Worse part is it is a beautiful day and no two wheeler to enjoy it.
  8. If I watch my speed I can get around 38mpg but the darn thing wants to run 70mph all the time and when I'm not lookin it jumps up to 80 or more. I may have to put a throttle block on it or a brace on my right hand to keep it from twisting the grip so far.
  9. I like it. I didn't serve in the military but my brother, three uncles. my son, my son-in-law, three nephews and a niece either have served or are currently serving. All I could manage is firefighter and EMS. no bullets flying my way. My son is a Marine and so my wife being a Marine mom (doesn't wear combat boots) could definitely kick someone's ass for not showing respect to our armed forces.
  10. I used to only wear it sometimes but now wear it always. I'm not worried about me crashing but you can never tell what the other guy will do. Being on fire and rescue I've seen the results of head contact with pavement and it aint purdy. I also wear long pants and boots and usually my chaps and jacket. I find that the older I get the more I cringe at the thought of peeling of hide with pavement or gravel. Last summer I wiped out in a parking lot without any PPE and was embarrassingly sore for the rest of the trip.(by the way that was from tripping during a foot race and not on the bike)
  11. around here we have found that relocation doesn't work. We relocate them to somewhere 40-50 miles away and the people there relocate them back here. In the church we just baptize and confirm them and they never come back.
  12. For a moment I thought it was mine, had to go to the garage to check. Yep still there.
  13. praying for you now
  14. The Spyder should be ready to go at the dealer, and I had the Venture out twice last week. just need that groundhog to get his stuff straight.
  15. This is not new for me other than it will be full time pay. I currently serve two churches full time and previously served three at a part-time salary while driving a school bus to make ends meet and for insurance. The local Catholic priest serves 3 churches, and the Baptist pastor is considered a missionary so is supported by other churches. On the plus side the charge I am currently at began in the 1880's as 1 pastor serving 39 churches on a circuit. 3 weeks on the road then 1 day at home to rest before off again on horseback.
  16. Shared the news this morning with both congregations that Lisa and I are moving to south central Iowa. I still hope to be at Orlin's for maintenance day, but will have to see. As of July 1st I will be pastoring Lacy, Beacon, and Eddyville Iowa United Methodist Churches. This move puts us closer to our parents and children as well as the grandkids.
  17. I have a set of those fancy anti-tamper bits but I preferred to just use a nice pair of vice-grips to turn out the old one and immediately replaced with a Phillips head screw. I had the whole operation completed before I remembered the bit set in my tool box.
  18. Praying for you and yours as you wait to hear more. I know what it is like to spend a lot of time waiting and wanting to take action. It is especially hard when it is a family member or close friend. I also know that feeling of wanting to go hunting. I don't fault you for it but I sense that you are not the kind to let those guys drag you down with them. The high road is not the easy one and sometimes it just sucks to have morals.
  19. I remember it being cold enough that we had to light two fires. The second was to thaw out the first one.
  20. I haven't found one yet I like but I also haven't spent a lot of time researching it either. The GPS I used on my July trip was ok except it wasn't designed for motorcycles so sunlight and rain created problems. My smartphone (Galaxy s7) was good until it rained and the water droplets hitting the screen made it go nuts. My wife's Can Am spyder is missing the Garmin Zumo but I am thinking that is going to be the way for me to go. Likewise I am having difficulty spending $400 for a GPS.
  21. I was considering using a synthetic in my 83 standard next change. The wife's 2012 can am spyder rt calls for a synthetic blend or full synthetic and can am oil is outrageously priced with no API information so if you need to add some you have to get their oil. According to the owners manual "To avoid damaging the clutch, do not use a motor oil meeting the API service SM or ILSACGF-4 classification. Clutch slippage will occur." I found that Car Quest full synthetic oil meets the qualifications for the can am so going to use the same for the 83 venture.
  22. In 2006 I joined the local volunteer fire department. At the meeting to vote me in as a member they voted me in as their chaplain because I am the local United Methodist Pastor. Then when I gave them a funny look they asked if I wanted to fight fires also. My reply was I thought that was what I was joining for so they accepted me as both chaplain and fellow firefighter. Of course that meant I earned the nick name Rev. The KS is simple those are my initials. So revks became my online.
  23. my 83 standard has 27,230. When I bought it from the original owner in August of 2014 it had 18,600.
  24. I tried windows 10 on my work convertible laptop/tablet and hate it! Went back to windows 8.1 which is an upgrade from windows 8 that is more user friendly. For touch screen computers windows 7 or 8.1 are my picks; for desktop or regular laptop windows 7. Windows 8, 8.1, and 10 are geared toward encouraging you to download a bunch of apps that either cost extra or include a bunch of advertising and tracking software. It all boils down to more ways to get into your pocket.
  25. Here in the frozen tundra region of northeast Iowa it is not that bad. Just last week I built a camp fire and only had to build two more to thaw it out once it froze. (Usually takes at least 4 to thaw out the first one) Seriously one of our neighbors saw a couple of robins yesterday. Granted they were probably Canadian robins and though it was late spring but still spring is close at hand.
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