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Everything posted by michaelclaw

  1. Does anyone know where I can buy those metal ring that go on top of the lamp for the fog lights as I lost mine when I took them off as the lamps were grounding somewhere http://resources.partspak.com/productcart/pc/catalog/products30/images/yam-str-4nk35-10-01.jpg I included a link cause I think I'm not explaining it very well, the metal ring shown on the bottom lamp Thanks.
  2. So i went ahead and purchased the Reckless Fairing with 6x9's and an amp so i will take picture for anyone that is interested in getting a reckless fairing as well! It shows up next month though so it will be a while lol
  3. Will do, i will be getting my pipes hopefully in the next weeks so i will message you when i replace my current setup.
  4. Yeah i checked it out and they offer some throttle cables (All stock length) also i'm a bit confused on what cables i need. I would think i need a throttle, brake, and clutch cable. I see they sell pull and push throttle cables and i don't know the difference. What kind of cables do i need for the housing for the switches (Turn signal, engine kill-switch etc). Hopefully someone can answer. Thanks!
  5. Hey everyone! I just wanted to know if anyone in the community has ever put apes on a Royal Star Tour Classic that required custom cables. I'm looking at doing 20 inch apes but having trouble finding cables. Also if someone could tell me what cables i need to purchase/extend when i install the bars. Thanks everyone!
  6. Found a guide on the forum for the venture, followed that and it worked perfect!
  7. Hey everyone! I went and picked up some brake pads for my Tour Classic, is there a guide online where it can show me how to replace them? Or if someone could guide me how to do it? (Do i need to remove the whole caliper?{hopefully that's the word lol}) Thanks.
  8. I've used suction cup phone mounts on cars before and for me eventually the suction cup fails. Although that video makes that one look amazing lol
  9. Would you know if venture hardbags (lockable) are installable on my RSTC? Also where i could find them lol
  10. Yeah i'm planning on purchasing the membership just want to utilize my 60 days lol
  11. So i checked all the things i wanted on it and it was like 1200 lol, so for that much do you know if those fairing would fit on my RTSC right out of the box?
  12. I was thinking i would mount the fairing on my windshield mount but i wanted to know how you guys have mounted your fairings on. [ATTACH=CONFIG]103185[/ATTACH]
  13. Hey! I had looked at your topic before , but the only thing is i couldn't tell what kind of fairing you had purchased. The eBay link i had chosen looks like yours but for the fairing since it's not obviously going to mount on normally what kind would i need to chose? Can you link me one? Could you take a really close up of you mounted it so i could get an idea? Also how much did you end paying for the whole fairing project, i'm hoping it will be under one thousand but i'm still learning all of this haha I was looking at this fairing, link, is that what yours was when u purchased it?
  14. Hey! I had looked at your topic before , but the only thing is i couldn't tell what kind of fairing you had purchased. The eBay link i had chosen looks like yours but for the fairing since it's not obviously going to mount on normally what kind would i need to chose? Can you link me one? Could you take a really close up of you mounted it so i could get an idea? Also how much did you end paying for the whole fairing project, i'm hoping it will be under one thousand but i'm still learning all of this haha *Edit* So i saw this fairing that mentioned "Stealth", this one seems like maybe the one you had purchased? link
  15. Yeah i had looked before and didn't see any stamp on them, thats what my other friend had said about the mufflers. (They aren't oem) Unrelated: If i was to purchase this batwing this would it fit on my bike with some custom brackets or mounting system? eBay Link
  16. Alright thanks so with those mufflers is it just a matter of pushing it and and somehow fastening onto the frame, like plug n play? (lol if you get what im saying)
  17. Alright thank you, im looking at the prices on ebay (The few that i have found) and its looking like im going to pay 250-300+ for the headers and stock mufflers. I will checkout those links, Thank you! So if someone could answer a question, Did the stock Royal Star's 96-01 (RSTD,RSV & RSTC) come with 4 into 4 pipes, or did the previous owner of my bike do this to my bike? I need to do my pipes first cause i literally have no backpower on my bike right now as the previous owner changed the pipes on them and didn't get the bike rejetted.
  18. Alright thank you for the info on the ovals, i will look at other slip-ons. So when im looking can i look at any slip-ons or only Road King ones. (I'm new at all of this so idk how they attach and whether all slip-ons attach the same lol) I also just want to thank you guys for helping me! Right now i'm just feeling out on parts so i know what i need to buy in the next months.
  19. Yeah that's the first thing I'm purchasing is exhaust headers that are 4 into 2. So for the fairing I would need to get an aftermarket or eBay one? Also could someone link me one just so I have an idea of what I need to be looking for when I buy one off EBay So I'm seeing mods for the RSTD (Royal star tour deluxe?) but it says 05-~ would any of those mods work on mine? Such as carb swap 32mm
  20. Hey everyone! Been riding my 99 royal star tour classic for a few months now and i already want to mod it haha. Put on 2k miles in a month now (Learning how to ride, never ridden a motorcycle before) and was looking for a forum with a good community. Kinda hard to find royal star forums lol I was looking online and saw someone installed vances & hines monster ovals on their royal star and was wondering if anyone else has installed these or harley slip ons on their bikes, also if anyone has installed a road king batwing fairing if you could fill me in on how to install them. Thanks in advance! *Edit* Right now i have 4x4 pipes and i'm looking to get 4 into 2's and if anyone has some i would love to buy them off ya!
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