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Everything posted by michaelclaw

  1. Who is Barry Manilow?
  2. Heres the link to the website aswell. http://m.delphiforums.com/vrider/messages/12818/39 Hopefully that helps!
  3. Yeah i had found a post on Delphi i believe, showing what you need to order to do a camshaft upgrade. Thank you for the reply though!
  4. Hey, So i've been looking at people doing performance upgrades on their Royal Star's and Ventures and i keep seeing people mentioning swapping cams. I decided to check on the pricing of cams and i found some cams for 60 bucks each and i wanted to know what i would need to do a cam swap and for someone to confirm im looking at the correct thing to purchase, (I'm assuming i have the purchase the front and rear?) I'm looking at these cams right now assuming they are the front and rear. http://www.ebay.com/itm/yamaha-vmax-v-max-vmx1200-inlet-in-cam-camshaft-box-316-/141821708157?hash=item21053b877d:m:mTYxRqrlRI-eeQx2RN2qXRg http://www.ebay.com/itm/yamaha-vmax-v-max-vmx1200-outlet-out-cam-camshaft-box-318-/131646425781?hash=item1ea6bd0ab5:m:mXhwxfqTOnns15zKxia9OAw I'm going to have a mechanic install them most likely. Thanks hopefully someone can help.
  5. Thank you that post helps alot! Just waiting for the pipes now
  6. Yeah that was the post I had looked at but I thought there was a mounting location on the actual muffler and there's no picture there?
  7. Would you mind posting some close up shots of how you mounted it, like the mounting holes on those venture brackets? I'm gonna have to make brackets so hopefully your pictures will give me a clearer understanding.
  8. I have a 1999 Royal Star Tour Classic, the key is behind the rider to the right tucked in between the side cover and the right saddle bag location. Hopefully that helps!
  9. Yeah I kinda knew the mufflers had to be supported somehow hopefully the brackets won't be too difficult to make.
  10. Hey so I wanted to buy this key fob system for my bike as I don't like the key location and I want the luxury of a key fob, but I tried looking up my wiring diagram for my bike and couldn't find it. So I wanted to know if someone could snap some pictures showing where the Ignition and Accessory wires are on the tour classic. http://www.digitalguarddawg.com/motorcycles/rfid-keyless-ignition-security/dgd-kim-u
  11. Okay I thought they weren't going to mount the same but just wanted to be sure thanks.
  12. Hey i just ordered these headers for a 2000 Yamaha Venture and wanted to know if i would have problems installing them in-terms of mounting the muffler system on to the frame of the bike. http://www.ebay.com/itm/381489479472 http://www.ebay.com/itm/00-YAMAHA-XVZ1300-1300-Royal-Star-Venture-EXHAUST-MUFFLER-HEADER-HEADERS-/381489479472?hash=item58d28b7f30:g:xd0AAOSwHQ9WavGg&vxp=mtr Thanks hopefully someone has put venture headers on their tour classic.
  13. Finally got my bike back after 3 weeks! Put my fairing on and highways bars (they are crash bars but larger) and i'm really liking my bike, just need to paint my bike black to match the fairing cause i'm riding around on a purple bike with a black fairing lol. Found out one of my main jets were frozen and he said the carbs were dirty and it took him like 8 hours to clean! Also had cracks in my intake boots and a tear in the main diaphragm, after having the fixed, it's like a new bike. The bike is like a rocket ship! 0-60 in like 3 seconds. Just ordered venture headers and stock mufflers so that hopefully will give me better compression and a performance boost. Anyways wanted to update you guys
  14. I personally love editing with Sony Vegas, maybe you should try that out. Unless your saying you don't like editing at all lol
  15. I'm still a new rider, only been riding for maybe 6 months now.
  16. Yeah i'm kinda hating the rain right now i should be getting my bike back after it being in the shop for 3 weeks and i wont be able to ride it till next week if it rains bad this week
  17. Wait these bikes last nearly to 300,000 miles?
  18. One thing i like after picking up my nexus 9, i realized 32gb of internal storage is nothing as you never fully get that much space (Android, Formatting etc.), If you choose a tablet without an SD Slot no problem! Pickup one of these, (Link) I currently have the 32gb (Prices dropped :C paid 30 bucks for the 32gb lol) and i love it! You might need some technical know how to initially setup if your tablet doesn't support OTG Drives but all you need to is download an app (The paid OTG File manager is best) and know how to navigate your tablets files. This should expand your options unless you don't wanna have to carry a tiny little USB drive (Its really small!) in your case. I personally use mine for movies just in case i ever needed my tablet to kill a lot of time.
  19. Thank you i love the bike (Had my first drop tank dent and a little scratched up so i gotta repaint the whole bike :C) but regardless loving the bike and it's in the shop right now getting re-jetted so i'm itching to ride again. Yes i have checked out your thread, first post i actually saw when i first entered this site haha, along with StarFan showing me it too. I love what you did with the bike and i want to do the mods you talked about in your thread (V-MAX swap, 32mm carb swap) but i don't have that kind of skill-set haha.
  20. I just hate window's METRO design, the tiles..
  21. Oops read the thread incorrectly, only tried Windows 8, (utter garbage) but i have yet to try Win10. I doubt i ever will to be quite honest but happy that you enjoyed your experience with Windows 10.
  22. You will regret the update soon unless you have a touch-screen computer, they are building their new os's around Touch-Compatible computers imo. Took me a week to reinstall my win7 haha
  23. I would need 2, and no problem i was just waiting to utilize my trial membership haha. Thank you btw!
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