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Everything posted by Rafterd

  1. Carbs are about half stopped up. Gonna have to clean them. Might try this, put about 2 gallons of fresh gas and add one hole can of Sea Foam. Ride it about 50 miles. Let it sit over night. Fill it with gas and add another can of Sea Foam. Ride it. It should be better, if not, you’re gonna have to clean the carbs.
  2. I’ve had mine a year next month. So far it works perfectly. Had knee surgery right after and only driven a couple of thousand miles. But I like it.
  3. Rand McNally paper map in my tank bag.😀
  4. You got two different problems. Dragging clutch, which more than likely is air in the system, weak master cylinder, weak slave cylinder. The slipping during acceleration is either a week spring or worn plates or both. Could also be caused from running oil with friction modifiers. Once done, you can’t just change the oil back and fix it. You have to replace the friction plates.
  5. When getting the Shinko 777 be sure and get the HD. Also the Michelin Commander 3 just came out. I know several guys who bought then, but not long enough for a mileage test yet. Also, I have a brand new set of Shinko 777 HD for the venture. Never used for anyone around central Texas. $150
  6. Carburetor float level setting is the best thing you can do to improve fuel mileage. There is a great right up here somewhere. It’s what I used. Bill
  7. When the snot freezes on your face?
  8. I just turn the fuel valve off, when it starts to miss I pull the choke out and hold it till it dies. Let the fuel pump run. Hadn’t hurt anything yet.
  9. Fire stick.
  10. Yep, that’s the problem. I rebuilt mine about 3years ago cause it would leak the fluid out, but not show up anywhere. ordered a kit off eBay, bought a small hone at auto zone, just like new when done. Still works correctly today.
  11. Bought my set off eBay for $40 free shipping. No cats.
  12. Ive used every kind know to man in over 50+ years. They’re all good in there own way, just the Seafoam works the best for carburetors that have been sitting awhile. Of course once they stop up, there’s nothing you can do but take them apart and clean them. Sounds like you got it working. Great job.
  13. Sounds like you’re only running on three cylinders. If all four plugs are not the same temperature, chances are they are not running. Seafoam is a lot better than Gumout. A lot more expensive too, but worth it.. also, use a whole can to a tank.
  14. Good deal, thanks. Looks like I’ll be getting new knees myself soon. Bill
  15. Don’t guess you’d have a brand or part number for that build would you?
  16. My 01 has the original filter with 45,000 miles and it’s fine.
  17. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F282581608994
  18. I got my another bike this weekend. Makes half dozen. Guess I should sell one. Maybe the Chevy.
  19. I got the 777 HD for front and rear. Haven’t put then on yet, but I have them on my Harley and love them.
  20. Sea Foam works wonders. Before I would rebuild them I’d try it. At minimum, one full can, if not two, per full tank of fuel. Ride it 50-60 miles. Let it sit over night. Ride it again. And before any of you guys start hollering, you can run Sea Foam 50/50. Be expensive, but you can. Get in the habit of turning the fuel valve off after every ride. Goid luck.
  21. Me personally, no. The holes, tubes, and orifices on a motorcycle are smaller than an automobile. It could stop up your radiator. But it’s your bike. Just my two cents, please spend it wisely.😀
  22. Also remember, all the starting, fuel pump trials, key on engine not running, maybe battery down?
  23. Can’t run a fuel injection pump on a carburetor engine. Shouldn’t cause it to smoke though. I carry one of these in my saddlebag. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F291635547900
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