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Lone Eagle

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Everything posted by Lone Eagle

  1. I think it is unfortunate - though maybe I might - keyword might - understand in this economy why some of the manufacturer's - especially Star (Yamaha) don't release more updated model bikes - especially the Venture. The Strat may at the end of the day replace the Venture - don't know, but it IS sad nothing gets updated (for the most part) on the Venture. Having followed the various ad blitzes, reading the articles in various magazines, etc., the new Victory Cross Country Tour may just eat a lot of these mfg's for lunch. Approx. same pricing, less than 2% financing (versus 6.99% for Star/Yamaha), 5 year warranty (same as the Venture), a lot more features standard (the only component not standard is the CB - though it is wired for it - ala the Wing), the Cross Country Tour model looks interesting. I can't get a new bike at the moment, but if I were to begin evaluating new models, I would definitely be thoroughly checking all the offerings and financing from the variuos mfg's.
  2. Dang, maybe a wager could be in place to guess how many bugs - ya might as well count them as you wash them off -
  3. Those are cool looking lights - hadn't seen those before. Good luck with your question, I can't help you out there.
  4. Welcome home, Annie and Alan - it was an awesome adventure and great time to get to meet you - a great adventure I am sure. Hope all goes well with the lawyers.
  5. I'm with Yammer on this one - for me I am glad everything worked - and the biker was saved - and I guess happy there was the video - but just me personally I think the guy should have put down that video phone - and helped the others. Just something about that rubbed me the wrong way - oh well - maybe the nature of our culture these day - just glad everyone is safe.
  6. Sorry to read this, Wayne - our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.
  7. SWEET - have fun with it and enjoy. Your bike should be able to pull that - so now you get the best of both worlds -
  8. Beautiful bike - I'm guessing they got the name of the artist correct in that story as those scenes look exactly like the work that Sue Hopper - at Signs and Wonders by Sue - produces on bikes (and every other medium).
  9. That was awesome, thanks for sharing! I might have to think that that apperatus on this back is made out of some kind of carbon fiber material - that looked heavy either way!
  10. Great pictures, Lewis!! - Thanks for sharing! Looks like all were well fed and had fun along with some great riding!
  11. Congratulations to your daughter - ride safe, spend some time practicing in the parking lot, and like others have said, personally, I would consider a "cruiser" type bike over a "sport type bike" - but that is just my personal opinion.
  12. Hal and Val - prayers for your sister - wow - I had missed that part on this thread and ironic (I guess) you are all at the same hospital - hope she feels better soon. Continued well wishes and prayers being sent out to Ponch, Kathy and family.
  13. Glad everything got fixed up for you Annie - now kick back and enjoy the rest of the trip. Great shots of you on Killboy - way to slay that Dragon!!
  14. Might give impaired vision a whole new definition - :rotf:
  15. Dang, Jack, be careful out there - will ya!? Glad to see you're typing this and everything is OK!
  16. That is unfortunate to read, Larry, but glad (I guess) you at least were in the car - no telling what the force of that impact would have done on the trike. Well wishes and a speedy recovery wishes sent for Joyce - and your nerves as well.
  17. Sorry to read these events for your family, Eileen and Don. Prayers offered for your family!
  18. WOW - great pictures.
  19. Fiesty lil big man, eh? Take it easy, these are uplifting reports, thank you as always for sharing, Brad. Well wishes and prayers continue for Ponch AND LilBit!!
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