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Lone Eagle

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Everything posted by Lone Eagle

  1. Buddy, that could be a simple solution to sending them out to get chromed, eh?
  2. I actually got mine from them - called them - had a question and got an answer, I had good customer service. Product shipped immediately and I like the sound. But, appears that there might be other sources as well -
  3. I guess my favorite would be the paint job - but the next would be the Harley Trunk - can hold a lot and is comfortable for the co-pilot.
  4. What's this post about, Easyrider. You know the rules - need to see the pics!!!!!!!!
  5. I agree with most that kids should go through the class. I might also suggest that people like myself who hadn't ridden for a few years take the course as a refresher. I found it to be useful, and plan on the advanced course next year. Constant "refreshers" like "Ride like a Pro" are also good reminders that besides having fun and riding, we should practice the skills associated with riding these big bikes! I was "surprised" returning from Street Vibes this year how many "adult" riders take chances on their bikes, putting everyone in danger. But, oh well, we can only be responsible and accountable for our own actions - and life.
  6. I had the same problem - wanted to "upgrade" my RSTD with a trunk/fairing with radio/cb. Couldn't find a trunk on EBAY, wanted to buy a Venture trunk. But Yamaha only sells the trunk in a million parts, after page two - $1,700.00 with no speaker kit, I opted for a Harley trunk. Double the capacity. Now I'm looking into the J & M system. Had I considered how my riding style has changed from "being a kid and looking cool" to cruising and enjoying the roads, I probably would have gone with the Venture.
  7. Just think how safe you will be with some extra lights on the back AND sides!!!
  8. I had my lay over last weekend - on a charity ride. Was at the gas station - some of my group decided to go next door to the next station, I was deciding whether to fill or follow- decided to fill. Getting off the bike, it just kept going over into the pump. Straining to not let the bike go, pinned between the bike and pump, handle bars pushing against the pump, no kickstand. Fortunately, couple of Harley guys raced over and helped me. Only suffered an ego bruise and cracked clutch housing. I learned a distraction could happen any time, and I sure was thankful to the Harley guys - because I wasn't going to be able to save the bike had it kept coming over and probably would have been pinned under it.
  9. Welcome to Nor. Cal - Thumper. That is just a sampling of the many fine roads we have here - but I think it does have to be in most everyone's top 5 rides. Enjoy.
  10. Hey, Jack - I guess on one hand the are appreciative of your business - and don't want to over sell? Also, they might be positive that with the new information you received, you won't be needing another one for a while? Kind of strange to pass up a selling opportunity, but glad they covered the tire for you.
  11. Hey, bud, thanks for the update, and more importantly a name and number. Been checking mine at least once a week - been running at the pressure you described - good to know.
  12. Hey, Jack - don't take any chances - we've only got two wheels. I am sure Avon will stick behind the tire, and the person who installed it. Be careful this weekend - and let 'em work it out on Monday.
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