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Lone Eagle

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Everything posted by Lone Eagle

  1. Clay, were they then suggesting you buy a hitch and have them install it?
  2. :thumbsup2::rotf:
  3. Just sent through Pay Pal.
  4. I think Rich99 checks in once in a while with Dallas as well - he might know something.
  5. Hey, Jack - I thought I would never hear the day that you were tired of wrenching - or tinkering around - with your (3) or (4)? bikes. Having said that, though, I can understand. I'm not sure how much you would like the Tour Deluxe - like mine, it is fairly roomy. I was trying to think back to last year when we were at the IMS Show - and you sitting on most of the newer bikes. Seemed to me the only one that 1/2 fit you was the Venture - I don't recall the other new ones fitting ya that well. The Tour Deluxe - by virtue of the seat (which I would recommend changing) - would probably give you more leg room - as it isn't dished out like the Venture?
  6. Don, you have a way with words - very well stated. Kit, you are right - these are "toys" - machines we enjoy. I have had two Harley's in the past - and this last time came ever so close to buying the Glide. My mind had been made up, had found an excellent HD dealership/salesperson. I was leaving the IMS show in 2005, the last booth was Yamah/Star - sat on the Strat - and thought it was a cool looking - different bike. Went to the local STAR dealer - picked up the RSTD - mainly at the time for monetary reasons. My thinking was that for 17K, I would have bought the Harley vs. the Strat., but got my TD for 12K and that was big at that time. I have enjoyed my bike - but sometimes wonder if ........? We do all JOKE around here - 1st Gen vs. 2nd Gen vs. Harley, etc., but at the end of the day, here it is the people - not the machine - that makes this club. Enjoy your new ride, and remember, you are part of the family here and you are going to have to post the new pictures (and the name of the bike - hee hee) !!!!!
  7. Kit, sorry Cricket isn't / didn't work out for ya, but hey, a bike (usually) is for fun and enjoyment, and you have to be happy with 'er. Not sure what the new HD is (think I read it in another post), or the price, but I believe around my area of the woods, HD dealers don't take any models in trade except for HD's. So, from my perspective, I think you are lucky you found a dealer who would take it in on trade, and I think he is giving you a great trade in price. Now, just make sure they haven't "marked" the price of the bike - or added accessories way up to recoup part of that trade in
  8. That was super - thanks for sharing. Ironically, yesterday while out riding, stumbled across a club (forgot the name) of 1915 - 1930 vehicles - 12 out of the 14 were in prime condition. Mainly Pierce Arrows, couple of Hudsons, a Cadillac. One was for sale - only $85,000! A freind of mine sent me the attachments, I will see if I can figure how to share them here.
  9. I was at the Int'l Motorcycle Show last year and decided to sit on some different bikes - just curious like. After sitting on all the various mfg's bikes, I went home and sat on mine again - was amazed at the roominess of it. I think the "bigger" market - the profit is in - the Raider type of bikes - thus you are starting to heavily see the ads for that bike. But I would have to agree - Yamaha should do some marketing for the Venture/RSTD. There is definitely a market for our bikes, but I think the "everyday Joe" would be more prone to look at the Raider - or machines like that. As aan example, I didn't know this at the time, but the dealer I bought my bike from sells Star touring bike a year - and I bought my 2005 last year - guess that took care of two years for him :rotf:.
  10. Ya, know, when I first STARTED to read that yesterday, I thought someone may have started with a bad hair day. I re-read that whole thing this morning, and I thought that piece IS hilarious. First, I bet he does wave at most people. BUT, somehow, I was able to relate each "scene" to riders around my area here. But around here, all the Ducatti guys wear the complete VANSON outfits - passengers as well. The other part that was left out were the people who wear "nothing" - shorts/flip flops/tank tops. :rotf: Good job - really got a chuckle out of that this morning.
  11. YUM - those look awesome - think I'll book an airline ticket right now!!
  12. Yeaah, curious - what pill are you talking about? I am seriously (again) thinking about quitting - the smell and taste in my mouth is finally starting to get to me. I started in my 30's - seeing that I have trouble keeping up with running with my dogs - and am up to about pack and a 1/2 a day now. So, congratulations to you for seriously going this route - having a day picked out - etc. :080402gudl_prv:
  13. For me, I have been able to figure out the general area of the California members - i.e. North versus So. Cal., but sometimes I have been wrong. I agree with Eck identifying what part of a state someone might live in regarding getting e-mails out for meet and eat's - etc. I think that would be the only piece of info I would be interested in - wouldn't even (for me) really need to be a city- just general area.
  14. Would you be able to use heaters with Kuryakin's ISO grips?
  15. Hey, Jercoupe - I finally mapped your place - that's a short ride (and OK - it's not in L.A.) - and looks like it could be a lot of fun. Definitely a must for the schedule. Speaking of which, are you guys getting any of the smoke from the southland? And how is your friend (Joel is it) doing?
  16. Most Definitely!!!!! I'd be in for 3 - 5 of them.
  17. "but hell,WE AIN'T THE F.B.I." Better be careful, one of our members is . So, ya never know my man :rotf: Anyhoot, for me, I thinks I have enough out there - and it seems people can get info on you anywhere, anyhow, anytime.
  18. Hey, Jack and Bev - is that all the riding you going to do? Maybe you need to see Texas, Arizona, etc etc - to work off all those ribs you ate :rotf:
  19. Hey, Adam - congrats. Now, gotta remember Rule #1 here - post some pics :rotf:. Enjoy the ride.
  20. I'm so sorry to his of this news, unfortunately again. My condolences, heart and prayers go to you and his family.
  21. Don, that was interesting. Is this a "local group" or part of a National type group - do you know? I kind of would be interested in seeing what type of programs etc they might have - maybe could do something out here in my community.
  22. That's a bunch of balony if I ever read it - couldn't happen or be so deserved to a nicer guy - er - "ahole" . Good man, Squid:thumbsup:
  23. Squid and Lonna do????
  24. I am running the Avons on mine - with the smaller tire up front. Have about 16K on mine - both still look to be in great shape.
  25. I don't know - sure liked that reverse shot though.
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