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Lone Eagle

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Everything posted by Lone Eagle

  1. Dang it, that sucks, Jack - hope you are able to find it shortly.
  2. Personally knowing Nanci for many years, and having seen her work often (not to mention she greatly supported our International Rally last year), I would highly recommend her.
  3. Wow, seeing the size of that piece of steel, he is one very lucky man!!! Wishing him the best!
  4. Those are sure some "heavy" trucks running across that terrain - didn't know about that class before. Interesting photo's.
  5. I am not buying the shot of that "thing" getting hit by the car and not sustaining any damage and/or falling over. Cool concept, looks fun, but for me, I would get claustrophobic in that "thing".
  6. Interesting article. As with any service, there are plusses and minusses. And I would have to somewhat agree with the author of that article - the "old fashioned" way of just having a sensible dialog between two parties often works out to everyone's interest. Just my
  7. Sorry for your loss, Mini - condolences and prayers sent for you and your family.
  8. She's amazing. Umm, Condor, I saw some great "other video's" on the sidebar, but didn't notice Jimmie -
  9. Happy Birthday, Paul - wishing you the best - and have an awesome 2012!! No, go get some
  10. Being part of the Cody Rally was probably the highlight ride / event of my year. It was awesome to see and meet everyone - new or again. The valuable friendships made on this site, the fun and knowledge gleemed, makes for fun get togethers - whatever the occasion. Let's all ride safe and far in 2012!
  11. Whatcha doing Sunday - yup - New Years Day?? Sacramento Chapter is hosting a ride - I'll be coming up for the fun of it. We may be riding for a while, though - in search of the white stuff - . The meeting location should be fairly close to your house. The annual STAR 153 Polar Bear ride is on!!! Sunday Jan. 1st, we will meet up at the Dennys in Newcastle which is located at Highway 80 and Newcastle road. KSU at 10am and come early for breakfast. What a way to kick off the New Year with a fun ride led by our very own "Paparazzi"
  12. Darn - that was a good, close game!
  13. This is awesome news - thanks for the update. Stay strong, Ponch, Barb and I are pulling for you and continuing to send healthy / get well prayers.
  14. Hey, Condor, with the new smartphone of yours, you can now google something for information prior to buying it at the auction - - just sayin'
  15. Thanks for noticing, Rick. Yup, my old address was hacked into - sending spam out to folks. Not good with various resumes I have out - etc., trying to contact folks as I can (or remember - LOL). First time this has happened to me, guess it does - moving on.
  16. And there we have it, folks, I think Owl has passed his self audition - and will now be the "featured" entertainer at our gathering's -
  17. This is great news - continue the good work, Dave!!
  18. Seats are that very personal opinion - where you may receive many. I originally had mine redone by http://www.rickmayercycle.com/ - 200% improvement over my stock seat. After couple of years, I still wanted something better, and Rick Butler greatly improved the Mayer upgrade. Even though the previous owner did some mods, my opinion would be talk to Rick Butler first for the ButtButler mod - and see if he can help you. He does awesome work. He turns them around quickly, for a fair price (especially for the quality of work he does!!). IF that doesn't initially work, I would suggest talking to Russell. Their seat is wider - but specifically built for riding all day. Good luck.
  19. Dang, this site costs me money every once in a while - - thanks for posting, that is a great price for a new - not refurb - product!
  20. The food and beer look great - hope the snow melts -
  21. Awesome job, Don - Merry Christmas to you and yours, and here's to a Prosperous, Healthy, and Fun New Year!
  22. Those are really cool suits - agree with Brenda, the double takes from cagers might make for an "interesting ride".
  23. home, Dan - sharing prayers and well wishes for a continued recovery.
  24. Just don't call me late for food or ice cream - . That was definitely a fun time, one that has been too long in the making. For those that may be interested, I was speaking with the "gang", and am very seriously considering hosting another Venture West for 2012 - either in Susanville - or possibly Visalia - possibly in August or Sept. Stay tuned for further details in early 2012 - and share any feedback initially that you may have.
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