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Lone Eagle

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Everything posted by Lone Eagle

  1. Please wish Dale a speedy recovery from us - tell him to try and take it easy - sounds like he might have more fun that way,
  3. Great shots - interesting captions - GREAT JOB - that looks like a cool event. Thanks for sharing.
  4. Ya gotta to go on the ride - to find out :confused24:
  5. I noticed there were a few great places to take a dip - heehee. This should be an awesome route and ride - looking forward to seeing everyone again and swapping stories and eating - and oh yeah, some good riding.
  6. HEY, STEVE - YOU'RE RIDING OUT FOR THIS ONE - RIGHT? IF NOT, WE'LL SEE YOU IN MORRO BAY - YEAH? I think you and Buddy need couple of good excuses to get back out here and ride with the group
  7. HEY, EVERYONE READY TO DO SOME RIDING AND EATING??????????? Here is the ride MAP Look forward to seeing everyone in a week - this will be a great ride. I will be leaving Pleasant Hill at 7AM http://www.star186.org/index.html# - if that link don't work - shoot me a PM - and I'll e-mail it to you. Look forwar to seeing everyone next weekend.
  8. Hey, that rack set up is sweet for the Harley trunk - where were you couple of years ago, . Great job.
  9. I'll get em posted one of these days - but hey, gonna see you guys in couple of weeks - so you get to see the latest additions - heehee.
  10. Great news, JT - as another said, one day at a time. You and your family are in our thoughts.
  11. Dang, how many people/bikes were there - that looks like it was a heck of a lot of fun. Noww, did the pond monsters find any riding mowers??:rotf:
  12. Hey, Melissa - missed you and Tom - our event was very successfuly - I think - and Street Vibes was better than last year in my opinion. And yes, did need to find a way to get another Best Theme Bike Award trophy home. Still have a couple of more - um - "safety tricks" for the bike - but all in all, some good competition this year in most of the classes.
  13. I've had couple of Flander's bars put on, and I don't know of any drilling that needed to be done. I know others here have them, you should get some good feedback.
  14. I have the DiamondR backrest - exteremely easy to put on - and RiamondR is great to work with.
  15. BUDDY - I'm surprised to hear you say the Barons are loud :rotf:.. Actually, I have the Baron's - and I like the loud pipes BUT I will admit that for me - especially on a long trip - they do get loud. The Bud's to me are much more mellower, and the RK's sound nice as well.
  16. Don, I have the Nolan N102 - and had Sierra install the speakers/mike.
  17. Dang, is there that much of a sound clarity and "umph" difference? I enjoyed their comparison on their website. It's that is fairly close, I might definitely be interested in a pair - I might have to figure out a way to make them work with my Nolan - based upon what some of the small print said.
  18. One of the first accessories I put on my bike. DiamondR is great to deal with - have dealt with them a few times - many vendors could take a lesson from Allan on how to treat customers properly.
  19. HEY, DON - you forgot the most important rule around here - PICTURES:rotf::rotf::rotf:
  20. Check out a unit many of us in our STAR chapter - and the Gold Wingers are using specifically for this purpose. It's called "Find Me Spot" http://www.findmespot.com If you are interested, I can hook you up with one of the members in my chapter who works for this company - and he can get you a special deal on this versus ordering through the internet - or buying at a store.
  21. That's sweet, Al. How did you mount that backrest - tour pack stuff on there.
  22. Check Baron's - he might be able to help you out there.
  23. dnelson@venturerider.org - this is how your e-mails to me are coming in, Don.
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