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Lone Eagle

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Everything posted by Lone Eagle

  1. Yeah, and better watch the coffee - it is always a great mixture - AND STRONG :rotf:
  2. I've got the Baron's 4/2/4 pipes - sounds great - a little loud - but I love the look - and the sound.
  3. Heck, Squid, you should have gone another 60 miles to make it an Iron Butt :rotf:. Good to hear you made it back home, safely. Enjoy the rest.
  5. Shep, not sure which bars you got. I got mine through Flanders - John sent me the one's specifically made for the RSTD - and we (meaning the dealer) had no issues with the stock cables. I've had them on now for almost two years - no issues.
  6. John, I am President of our STAR Chapter - we have approx. 40 members with about 36 riders. I have (2) official ride dates per month - and average about 22 bikes per ride. We often ride as one large group - as at the moment I don't have a lot of ass't Road Captains. STAR does have some strict guidelines that the President and Road Captain(s) need to adhere to. Often, in my experience, individual chapters may enhance upon those guidelines to make the riding within their group even safer. Having said that, I have seen some chapters who just like to ride hard. In our chapter, we have policy where all the new riders and guests ride in the back between a second road captain and the tailgunner. Not knowing the specifics as others have said, I would bring up your concern to the chapter president and road captain. Whereas friends may be involved, group safety is paramount for all. If the practice continued, I would get ahold of the Regional Director and, if it wasn't resolved, possibly ride with another chapter in the area (if there is one). If the ride is a "pick up ride" amongst friends, then some may ride differently, but as one said here already, group riding is about basic common sense and should be fun - and safe - for all.
  7. I didn't do the search - but definitely thought it was a stunt pilot who figured out how to do that - either way, a helluva a pilot. Saw something similar to that at the Salinas Air Show this year.
  8. Aren''t they too old to be trick or treating, Tx............:rotf::rotf:
  9. :confused24:Geesh, Jack - and here you are telling your wife you are going to church on SUnday mornings - better watch out.................
  10. Congrats, you guys - you will enjoy thousands of miles on that new bike. Take from someone who has been there and done that, take your time on the options - all that have been listed so far are good starters - we will look forward to seeing you and Nina at the meets next year on your new steed.
  11. Shep, check out my pics in the gallery. I didn't have to do anything other than put them on.
  12. But did you also check with the Pond Monster????????? Sounds like a great time at your place, Don - wish we were closer.
  13. Hey, Lynn, thanks. I thought about that after typing this and suggest he try that. Hadn't heard any further. Have a good one.
  14. That is sharp looking - put me down for one - for now - anyway. Thanks, bud.
  15. Whoa - thought you were talking about my wife - there.
  16. Randya, I see what you are talking about - I'm cornfused. The first set he looks big and tall - the second picture - he shrunk???????
  17. Hey, Condor - where did you find your new handle pic?? Pretty cool - :rotf: I got a kick of most titles are clear - which title isn't:confused24:?
  18. Got mine - trying to figure out whose headlight that is on the cover bike - that sure looks cool
  19. Yo, Ozark - you just need to get on your scoot - get out here - we have some real good places and the Calif. group knows how to eat - :rotf:
  20. Kurt - that is a PUPPY????????? DANG, bro - you should have taken all the bones home!!!! Great to see ya, today. Keep the rubber side down - and wel'll see you soon again I'm sure. That was a lot of fun - I just got home - went through Clearlake to get back here.
  21. Heck, you stole everything - ya bum. Good looking clock. A former co-worker whom I am still in contact with, her husband owns a clock shop here in Livermore. E-mail me some information, and I will find out everything you ever wanted to know about that clock - and maybe more. Send me a good pic as well.
  22. Peggy, I am sorry to hear of your loss - and our prayers and thoughts are with you. I have gone through this couple of times - and it is never easy. We don't have children, and our two dogs are our boys, so I can totally relate to your feelings. Thank you also for the reminder to never just walk by them - they love their "parents" more than we give them credit for.
  23. I don't see why it would not - the side rails have the same holes.
  24. That isn't available on an '05 RSTD is it?
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