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Lone Eagle

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Everything posted by Lone Eagle

  1. Hey, everything looks great - good job. Whose LED's did you use?
  2. :rotf:That's funny, Gene. Also, the one that said now push the on button hard. Don, I remember coming back from our VR Rally in Colorado - DKKnight had a 550 on his bike - called ahead to a town where we decided to stop over and got the motel room. I was pretty impressed with that. I know I would most likely never hook up the bluetooth feature - as I don't want a phone on the bike as well as others have said. But having that feature might make it valuable later on down the road. I'm not as lucky as you Venture guys, I have to buy a bunch of additional support cables (I think) to run through my J & M 2003 unit (I also have to get their xm antennae to run their xm unit which is pricey) - but especially after reading your story, am pretty much convinced the 550 for me is the only way to go. Good luck to you.
  3. Squid raises a good point. Some that I ride with have the dual shields - with no problem. However, if she wears glasses / sun glasses - I would suggest trying a helmet on with that feature - as couple of people I ride with had to return them as they closed down on the glasses. Just my two cents.
  4. Hey, that was pretty cool - liked the ingenuity. Thanks for sharing.
  5. Mine are off on my bike - check my gallery.
  6. Right back at you, big guy - enjoy the day and stay dry.
  7. Lone Eagle


    Hmm, that was interesting to see the kid got his dream - to further his idea. While I think it a great idea, I don't see at this point a commercial market for it. Maybe just me - but that thing looks dangerous.
  8. Congrats, Steve - he is adorable. Loved the pictures you took as well - those are too cute. Our love and best wishes for a Merry Christmas to you, Michelle, and your ever growing family. Victor and Barb.
  9. HEY, those are cool - way to go. MamaMo has great taste.
  10. Definitely have my vote to change Tom's handle to Milkbone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:rotf: Beautiful pup - hope you all have many loving days with you new family member, and Benelli will assist Tom - in his "elder" stage - get the ducks - :rotf: Merry Christmas, M and Tom - and also to your family.
  11. Merry Christmas, Woz - and to everyone across the pond.
  12. Merry Christmas to you and yours as well.
  13. Hey, great looking bike - and don't be a stranger - this group is about friends riding together as friends and family. Have a very Merry Christmas.
  14. WOW - some incredible shots there - thank you for sharing. Looks like a great time was had by all.
  15. Don, take time to enjoy a joyous, healthy, warm Christmas Season with you and your family. Thanks for everything you have, and do, for us here. A friend of mine - on another site - posted this Christmas greeting. I was very touched by it's words - and wanted to share with all my VentureRider friends. Best wishes to you and yours: As we move forward into 2009, we may think that it might be an “uneasy” year, but we can live within the harmony and serenity our lives, families and friends offer. Christmas is perhaps the moment where men and women of this world understand that they aren't alone; that a thought, moment to reflect, or something more, might be given to those who do not share in our own fortunes. I wish everyone that 2009 bring you 365 Christmas days and that our actions can be lived in the name of "love graceful" ... because it's so simple, true and disinterested. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ... and thank you for making this year so special. With hugs and love,
  16. I agree with all - especially Eck. California being as large and spread out as it is, I find it would really be helpful to have a general idea (as Beer was saying) to know where some of the members are. This 2008 year, I helped out sending out invites - in addition to our threads on this site - and if anything, knowing a proximity (for me, even something as simple as Nor/Central/ So Cal) would make it easier to plan our meet and eats. Just my rambling two cents.
  17. Don't know about the rest of the country, but out here, gas prices at the pump have risen approx. .10 cents a gallon this past week and a half.
  18. I would bet with all the new 3 wheel vehicles coming into the marketplace - i.e. the Spyder, etc - that it won't be long before the State Agencies go to requiring a special license. Just my two cents..........
  19. Wow, that kind of amazes me. I think I understand the reasons behind that, but if anything, I would think they would still draw a nice crowd - maybe just not as big as in previous years. Also, with the number of people they seem to get, I am surprised that they couldn't have used that as leverage for the local folks - i.e. hotels, etc for better pricing (whatever it was). Seems like everyone comes out on the short end of this one.
  20. Hey, Jack - that was a lot of beer - to get those nice like that - good on ya.
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