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Lone Eagle

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Everything posted by Lone Eagle

  1. Hey, George - you make it down here - we probably have a place for you to stay overnight! We'll be doing a 3 bridge run on Sunday morning - for those folks maybe staying over - and wanting to see couple of sights before heading for home on Sunday.
  2. Thanks, BJ - I have heard a lot about that highway - and that it is only open certain times in a year. While I haven't given anything any thought - hence asking for the assistance - that is one ride I might try and incorporate - I'll have to start looking at maps - maybe I might incorporate this on the way to Billings.
  3. Our STAR chapter is going to host its first annual "Kick-start this Summer" Spit Roasted Whole Hog Roast - May 9th - at Rankin Park in Martinez, CA. The time will be from 12PM - 3PMish. This is going to be a catered affair, chicken available for those who don't eat pork, along with salads, fruit, etcetc. This will be a non-alcoholic event. One of our members has volunteered his band - the Ghostriders - and our proceeds will be donated to the local Contra Costa Food Bank. We are projecting a price of $20.00 for adults, less for children. I want to invite all the VentureRiders - espcially those here in Northern California. Details are still being worked out - but thought I would post this so you all can save the date. We're "Going Hog Wild" and I Hope to See You All There.
  4. I am going to be heading to Billings Montana for Star Days, leaving July 17th returning July 26th. I am "soliciting" possible routes to get there and head back (I would like to go there one route, come back another route) - planning three days to go there - 3 days to come back. Any ideas? While in Billings, we will ride the Beartooth, and probably hit Yellowstone with the group I am taking back there. Also, what type of weather issues might I run into that week? I have heard conflicting reports - great weather (could get warm) to hail / thundershower activity. I'm . Thanks for any suggestions and advise.
  5. Congrats Charlie and Hope - you all done good.
  6. WOW - someone put some time into that - looks awesome.
  7. :rotf::rotf:
  8. Don, I ordered one - it's on it's way. I did also have a flag made for our chapter - and was very impressed with the quality.
  9. Hey, Brain - great pics - and yes - I think maybe the dual name would fit ya :rotf:
  10. Shep, sorry to hear about the accident - take time to heal - our thoughts and prayers with you and your wife.
  11. It's been REALLY cold over most of California - causing the ice - and black ice - conditions. Wizard - glad you are OK bro - and thanks for the warning - heading out at 6:30 tomorrow for a ride down to Big Sur.
  12. Dang, he and everyone else is lucky he didn't hit a gas pump - geesh.
  13. There are several great vendors out there for seats. Corbin, Rick Mayer, Russell Day Long, Diamond (in FLorida), Mustang, etc. Probably left a few out. MY advice would be to at least try and sit on a couple - see if you like them. Mustangs for example can push you up towards the tank when coming to a stop, Corbin's can remain extremely firm, etc. I would - initially - anyway - consider Rick Butler's seat mod - his info can be found in our classifieds. I initially had my stock seat upgraded by Rick Mayer - it was 200% better than the stock seat on my bike. But after 2 full years of riding, for me it still was somewhat uncomfortable - so I just sent my seat out to Rick Butler here on this site - a world of improvement. Much more comfortable. Good luck in your search.
  14. Hey, Taters - will help you out - from out here in Northern California. This has gotten to be a funny thread - you go, rack 'em up. I am confused though - pudding or jello at Don's house? You all talking about filling in that pond with jello?????? That's what is great about this site - everyone comes up with ideas on how to keep the boss "safe" :rotf:.
  15. Lone Eagle

    RV ?

    I remember that unit, Rich - that was pretty nice - with a bunch of nice amenities on the inside.
  16. Looks pretty awesome to me - hmmm.................:mo money:
  17. WHAT - you didn't give the GPS a voice prompt to redeliver to where you currently are? :rotf: So much to learn there, boss - have a great trip and Happy New Year.
  18. Great looking pup there, Heather - you're in for a lot of fun. Enjoy - and Happy New Year.
  19. Nice bike - great color - I have always liked those. Happy miles to you.
  20. SWEET - that is an awesome looking trike - great job.
  21. :confused24::confused24: Whatever you said, Gene, it works:happy65:
  22. Bill, as others have said, I wouldn't worry about keeping anyone busy at the moment - as this event is still very far out. As it gets closer, there will be a ton of activity. You have secured the dates and housing, which are the two most important aspects I think. Then you have gotten the designs, etc. completed - you are way head of the game, I think. Any event I have helped out in - for fun or professionally - it seems as people always wait until the last minute which drives the event chairperson crazy - but things always end up coming together for a great time. From the buzz which has been posted here on the site since this began, I think you are going to have a great turnout - and even better time. Doing a good job - bro - you and your team.
  23. Chris, if you look under my pics, you will see a good clean shot of that light bar.
  24. Kev, good morning. I am the president of our local chapter - so I may be a little biased. For me, STAR gives me an outlet to ride at least twice a month - we have great members (about 40) and new friends. Seeing you have an 08 Venture, if it is new, you have a one year free membership awaiting you with the National Association. Are there any local STAR chapters to you? If so, try them out - see if you like them - and the way they conduct their meetings and/or rides. Not all chapters "are the same" - though they all have primary goals in mind - a family environment, a sober riding experience (meaning no bar hopping allowed), etc. There are costs involved to belong to the group. I like STAR as it is open to all riders regardless of technical ability and bike mfg's (we have (4) Harley's and couple of Suzuki's/Honda's in our chapter). Safety is our main goal. Are there any VentureRiders near your area(s)? This site - and the people here - are more than good riders, with some very technically sound people - people here over time really become a "family". I would suggest also checking out our meet and eats - around your area. Here in my area, we VentureRiders don't get together as often as we should / could - we are all really spread out - but we do get together. My STAR chapter gave me the additional bonus of being able to ride with friends - every weekend if I wanted to. If you would like more insight / info - should me a PM - have fun, ride safe.
  25. Prayers sent to Al and his family.
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