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Lone Eagle

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Everything posted by Lone Eagle

  1. That somehow makes no sense to me, whatsoever. I would bet at some point ABATE or AMA (or one of those organizations) is going to get all over that one. What is to stop a parent from just walking in and buying the bike - how is the dealer supposed to "question" the motif - or whatever. Sometimes, some laws or suggestions are good, sometimes they get too carried away - my two cents.
  2. We're going to have to get Lowell a SPOT unit - if he remembers to turn it on - we could all track him - heehee - like Santa Claus.
  3. My whole year is now up in the air - as I got laid off last month. I had planned on making STAR DAYS and the CODY Roundup - as well as couple of other Regional events. I still plan on making CODY - but will need to see how the health is (had kidney infections this week - waiting for test results) - and the work situation. A new boss might not be as understanding that sometimes we just got to go riding - ya know
  4. Frogg Toggs - definitely in my opinion the only way to go.
  5. Hey, Condor - start sending your stuff down there - bud - looks like an inexpensive way to get your (6) bikes back on the road again - heehee.
  6. Dang, that is interesting. I wonder about the dollars - unless that is including the buildings, etc.
  7. Interesting concept - will be interesting to see their report after they test this helmet and come back with their review.
  8. Strat - that was great - thanks for sharing
  9. And probably the passenger's leg ......
  10. I was looking at that this morning - seems like they are being offered at a fairly "reasonable" price.
  11. After I installed the new AVG upgrade, a week later something found it's way into my machine - and has now fried my hard drive. Sharing the wife's computer is no fun - at all. So, I am going to have to start figuring out what to do - my I t guy said that within his customer base (he has a farily large clientele) he has had (8) hard drive crashes within the last two weeks. These "bugs" get you, I guess.
  12. Two things about super bowls - sometimes it's fun just to watch the ads - there were couple of good ones today. And then I thought the game itself today ended up being a great game -
  13. Rick, your seat mods are worth any and every penny of what you would charge. The job you did with my seat is awesome. Keep up your good work.
  14. Looks like you got some working to do there, George. Hope you enjoy that pad.
  15. Hey, those guys were pretty good - thanks for sharing.
  16. Lone Eagle

    eye of a needle

    That is simply amazing - brings another meaning to patience - that's for sure.
  17. That would be cool. I am sort of waiting for the schedule(s) to be posted. Then figure out costs, routes, blah blah. I do have some from our chapter thinking of going - hence the additional "work" figuring this out. Should be fun - and even better time getting there and back. One thing I want to try and do is save ideas for the Cody trip in Sept as well.
  18. Sorry to hear this - rest in peace - and prayers sent.
  19. You're right, Buddy - it is only couple of inches on the map - :rotf:
  20. Thanks, Brian - this is going to be fun putting something together. Gonna look at maps over the next couple of weeks and figure out a possible route - heehee.
  21. Just thought I would bump this back up and see if there were any more great ideas out there????? I am thinking of leaving on Friday the 17th - taking maybe 3 - 4 days to get to Billings - which might allow me a nicer- longer (i.e. alternate routes - heehee) ride getting there. The other question (though hard to predict) was would I run into any wierd weather??? Thanks for the input, thus far, I am going to have over the next couple of weeks looking at maps - yahoo.
  22. I watched that live on New Years Eve - I almost turned it off with all the additional computer animation graphics they were showing what might happen if he went too fast, too slow, etc. He had to get to 54PMH to get up to the top (he actually did 53 MPH no gauges - only went by the sound of the motor), and he went off 1 - 3 MPH too fast - which made him overshoot his mark coming down. He's talking about doing something even more interesting this coming New Years Eve - I don't know ........................
  23. Mark, if they are friends of yours, they are friends of mine - they would be welcome. Thanks for asking.
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