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Lone Eagle

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Everything posted by Lone Eagle

  1. Wow - that is awesome news - congratulations!!!
  2. Brad and Lonna - your family are in our thoughts and prayers for a speedy, healthy recovery.
  3. that is sweet - would love to see that in person - wow.
  4. THAT LOOKS AWESOME - way to think out of the box - Great Job!
  5. Thought I would post this up again - as maybe some haven't seen this post yet. Let's have a NOR CAL MEET AND EAT!! :thumbsup:Though it is hosted by the chapter I am president of, it will be for a very worthy cause - the Contra Costa Food Bank - and it will be a rocking , good old eating BBQ . I hope all you can attend - I am trying to get the pre-registration in ASAP - by April 25th so I know how many hogs to buy. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=32600 E-mail me - or PM me - if you have any questions. Thanks everyone, would love to see as many VentureRiders from here as possible attending.
  6. Condor - do a quick sale on all your parted out 1st Gens - buy this set up - you will thank me later.:rotf:
  7. Hey, Ed - you are totally correct on your comment. The one thing I did take from that class was taking a minute and couple of deep breaths - I have a habit of "jumping" into something - and I learned very quickly that that is the incorrect solution in an emergency situation.
  8. Couple of us took that class last year - very good people teaching the class - and great information - thanks for sharing, Don.
  9. Bill, come on now, bro - what kind of question is that? You are the master of projects - I say go for it -
  10. Glad you were able to control the bike and come out of this incident OK - wow.
  11. Gene, Don still has a lawn?????????
  12. Great job - looks really sharp.
  13. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Cinderella. Keep your spirits up - this slime ball will be put away - and some closure hopefully felt.
  14. Wow - glad to hear Tom is relatively OK. Thoughts and prayers going out to him - and all of you guys on the ride.
  15. If you are used to the Tour Deluxe, you should not have any problem with the Venture - I would think. I ride a Tour Deluxe - and find it very top heavy. For me - I sit better in a Venture - so from my perspective you should not have a problem. Remember the camera.
  16. Alaska Leather http://www.alaskaleather.com is where I got mine and love it. Great people - great service.
  17. I got a few in my picture gallery.
  18. Possibly they changed their e-mail addres?? Just a guess - as I think that might have happened to me a long time ago.
  19. Condor has WAY too much time on his hands - get back to putting one of your bikes together - Jack - Spring is here!!!!!!!!!!!:rotf:
  20. I've got the standard Chrome model on my bike - they are nice and loud. For me, I actually like those better than the sound on the truck horns - I like the higher pierced sound. Just my two cents.
  21. I think it ridiculous that you don't need a motorcycle endorsement. Through my STAR chapter, I am starting to see alot of new "riders" expressing interest or wanting to join - with virtually no riding (especially in groups) experience. These are all people who have either a) been off motorcycles for an extended period of time to raise families - etc and/or b) purchased a m/c due to the price of gas rising so high last year. I would agree with Condor - taking a MSF course and getting an endorsement is vital, but it doesn't stop there - you need to keep on practicing and riding, getting miles under your belt. Often I will ask our newer riders how long have they been riding - some will say for couple of years - or more - whatever. When I do the "math", that may only equate out to a total of one year - factoring they only ride couple of hundred miles maybe on a weekend - during the nicer weather, etc. Think of the problems someone without experience can get into - especially if that scooter can get up to speed so quickly!
  22. Too good those guys - thanks for sharing.
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