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Lone Eagle

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Everything posted by Lone Eagle

  1. Ouch, Buz, sorry to hear this - take it easy -prayers for a quick recovery coming your way.
  2. Looks awesome. Whose bullet lenses are those - that's sharp.
  3. WOW - not much love there. Good for him for posting his thoughts.
  4. Thanks, Dave - and I am doing the final sew out approval stage for the patches tomorrow. This is gonna be a great time - is it time to ride yet??????????????????
  5. Wow, cool looking scoot - and you get the matching trailer - good purchase - and you'll love the bike AND this site -
  6. Not to start anything here - but at least (1) manufacturer is thinking outside of the box and coming up with new options for people to choose or consider from .
  7. Our thoughts and condolences go to his family -
  8. I got dizzy just watching that!!!!! That was a very interesting course layout - I would have forgotten half of that - geesh.
  9. Help?! Maybe some of you technical folks could offer some suggestions?? A friend of mine has a brand new (2008) VSTAR 1100 Classic - only 5,100 miles - purchased 3 months ago. She has been experiencing several mechanical problems - all of which (in my opinion) the dealer may be blowing incorrect information to her - and/or just not knowledgeable on this type of motorcycle. Thought I would ask if any of these mechanical issues sounded familiar - or may have thoughts on what to specifically say to try and get these issues resolved (other than blowing off the dealer). I did a copy and paste of her e-mail: These things don’t happen all of the time which makes it hard to diagnose and then fix, but they happen often enough to be frustrating, irritating and annoying. The gear(s) issue is what worries her the most because we like to ride twisty mountain roads. popping sound from exhaust – this happens on acceleration and/or deceleration - level and hilly (high elevation) areas. The dealer told her it was the “air injection system”. It wasn’t “blocked off” before which allowed too much air to come through the exhaust causing the back-firing and popping noises. it’s not shifting into neutral on a “regular” basis. First gear and neutral having problems. The bike originally had issues with getting into neutral. The service tech lowered the shifting lever; it work(s)(ed) a lot better. BUT, it’s still not 100% all of the time. I can’t always get the bike into first gear; it wants to stay in neutral or like Sunday, going around a corner, went into neutral. I am being told that this problem is common with this bike – and tends to go away on / after 7,000-8,000 miles on the bike. Hard to start: when they blocked the air injection [section or whatever it’s called], this may “fix” that problem. Didn’t matter whether it was cooler temps or warmer, I was having problems. Again, it doesn’t happen all the time. Thanks, anyone - for any ideas and/or suggestions which I may pass on to her.
  10. Thoughts and prayers for James and his family for a speedy and successful healing process.
  11. Those are some fun roads there - great shots - thanks for sharing.
  12. WOW - that looks like a trip of a lifetime - congratualtions and thanks for sharing your memories. Would love to (if you had a way to do it) see the route you took for that. How long did that whole trip take you? I'm sure it's in another thread - just curious.
  13. Not m/c related, but do any of you have a recommendation for a hand held camcoder? The wife wants to get one (to put onto a tripod) to tape her dance class, and I am thinking that getting one that would also then work on the bike - maybe even mounting the thing - might "kill two birds with one stone" - heehee. Don't want to spend a ton of money - went onto Amazon - and looks like they have a bunch under $350.00/$400.00 - but if I could even get on for slightly less than that - that would be cool as well. Thanks in advance for any feedback - input.
  14. LOOPY?????:rotf:Careful, Mr. Condor - I may have to come up there and clip your wings. Thank you, again, everyone - for your prayers and encouragement. I printed out some of the initial thoughts - and along with the picture of me and my bike - headed off to the operation room. The operation appears to have been a huge success - except for the "chip" in my hip that they cut out to fuse stuff together in the neck with. That "chip" hurts. Other than that, I guess I wear this neck brace for 6 - 8 weeks - and then get back on the "road again". What a feeling - to be pain free (at least at this moment) - in my neck/shoulder/arm and hands - for the first time in 3.5 months! And CONDOR - you exactly haven't had a "piece of cake year" either, my friend - so here is to good vibes and thoughts coming your way - as time gets closer for the big CODY Rally.
  15. Wow - I am stunned - appreciative - and laughing. THANK YOU - everyone - for your thoughts and prayers. I will taake all with me to the "room" in couple of hours. I have had enough of this pain, so the doc is going in through the throat to remove a disk or two, and fuse things back. I did make sure that the plate used to fuse that area is chrome, and that the screws are metric - . Condor - cover your plate at Ludy's - I'll be hungry when this is over - ya know - - also my younger became friends with a skunk yesterday - thanks for the reminder of the clothe pins - SteveD. He's waiting for ya - Jack - and wants to give you a big kiss. And BUDDY - the pre-op nurse yeserday called to go over stuff, and mentioned that maybe it wouldn't be a good idea to get on the bike within couple of days - she said it would be uncomfortable for me - but scare all the other drivers off the road - COOL - I said - an open road - let's . She her head on the desk - saying I don't think I should have said that - Anyhoot, thank you all again - and I will check back soon.
  16. Be safe, Jeff. Good to read you were able to get in one more "meet and eat" before pushing off. We'll miss you - and eagerly await your return.
  17. Hang in there, Squid. As others have said, for you and Lonna, this is I'm positive, a blessing in disguise. It sucks getting laid off - I was in Feb - but this will be an opportunity to find something beneficial for both of you. A man with your incredible technical/mechanical skills, leadership ability, and infectious personality, should be able to find something (reading these threads) in the areas you are considering. My good wishes go for Lonna as well. Barb and I have you and Lonna in our thoughts and prayers and if cycle therapy ever got you out this far, we've got room for ya for a while.
  18. I'll second Condor's remark that his GPS was useless on the way to Ft. Collins - heck - somehow his GPS unit thought Canada was Colorado - :rotf::rotf: only kidding, Jack.
  19. Great job - really like the looks of the guages. That picture of the squirrel is hilarious - reminds me of my dogs - can be sitting right in front of their noses - they just think they know where the critter went -
  20. That is very interesting - thanks for sharing. Will have to see if there are any local events planned for them when they get here - that could be very interesting.
  21. Wow, very thorough - great write up and pictures, Jim- thanks a lot. I have had the Flanders bars for quite a while and love 'em. Thanks for sharing this for everyone.
  22. Wow, very thorough - great write up and pictures, Jim- thanks a lot. I have had the Flanders bars for quite a while and love 'em. Thanks for sharing this for everyone.
  23. Ummm - Condor - did you buy it - I just clicked on it - and it is no longer available?????
  24. I know someone who wants to - :rotf:
  25. Steve, for a first Gen lover, you too good - great story.
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