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Lone Eagle

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Everything posted by Lone Eagle

  1. WOW - a very interesting collection of vehicles - I might think that that is where all his illegal money went - geesh.
  2. That was amazing! Thanks for sharing.
  3. Hope you get better real soon!!!!!
  4. WOW - that took some organization!!
  5. That's sweet - I would really like to have one of those - one of these days.
  6. Dave - great job!! Condor - ummm ....... oh, I will be nice to ya today -
  7. You're right, Condor - just got back from an AWESOME 300 mile trip today - this is the best time of year to ride - everything is so green from the rains - water running through the rivers, etc.
  8. I just installed mine yesterday - can't wait for this weekend to try it out.
  9. HEY, :ice_awesome-vi46644
  10. Our hearts go out to you - and the families loss.
  11. YIKES - don't have a couple of cocktails and try to ride that thing - . Let's see: no cassette player, no Steibel air horn, hmmmm:cool10:
  12. Well, from a local angle, I guess at the end of the day it is good all "ended" well and no one got shot. However, the gentleman does have a history with law enforcement as to having a quick temper. The last incident involved getting "loud and drunk" at a baseball game. When asked to quiet down - first by fans around him then stadium law enforcement - he got even more raucous - forcing the stadium police to have to taser him in order to remove him from the stands. Even then he continued his fight. In this area of the "state", there are just too many folks carrying loaded weapons who don't care about human life - as I mentioned - just glad no one including innocent bystanders got shot on that bus.
  13. I haven't purchased either one of those - look interesting. There is a member here who I do believes makes those center stands still, and Buz - aka Naturbar - makes a great looking trunk assembly rack (I think). May want to check those guys out as well.
  14. Great looking set up, Charlie - you are going to be one happy camper (no pun intended) - LOL.
  15. Those are cool, Don - thanks. I am not a sidecar buff - but if I were - I do have a couple of them picked out - LOL.
  16. wow - thanks for sharing!
  17. Very cool looking trailer - I wonder who actually makes that trailer - can't imagine the Can-Am folks in the trailer business?
  18. That was very funny - was actually waiting for them to crash it into the building -
  19. Whose risers did you use - that's sharp over all - great job!
  20. :wow:Great job - seeing that I really think I want to :mo money:consider that.
  21. Cute pictures.
  22. Tough love, brother - if she has destroyed two phones already, maybe it's time to go without for a while -
  23. Looks like an awesome ride!!
  24. Wow - that is pretty clever!
  25. Cool pictures. And for a minute I thought that was a pic of you in your "other days" - with nothing but time on your hands, Condor - :rotf::rotf:
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