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Lone Eagle

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Everything posted by Lone Eagle

  1. Still got more to add, Puc,
  2. Bike cleaned up - more chrome added - LOL - ready to ride!!! Going to be fun! Can't wait to see everyone again.
  3. While I will attach the registration form here, please do not reply to this thread - but go to the main thread regarding this event titled: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?97919-It-s-on-venture-west-2015-june-25-28-2015 . Hoping to see many at this event. venture_west flyer and registration form.pdf
  4. Linited edition? Maybe it had an 8 track?
  5. IS this to house your collection of bikes and all of their "accessories"?
  6. Nice job - those look really sharp!
  7. Dang, been away from this site for a while - mainly due to work, a little riding around on weekends, and finally being able to catch up on stuff around the house. Awesome look back at our adventure last year, Puc - thanks for sharing so many wonderful memories.
  8. We had good success with the Aluma trailer raffle - but as Don said, not a lot of extra money for the OPE fund. Being as everyone is starting to think early on this, and I still like the trailer idea, maybe there is a similar trailer - i.e. Lumina? - that may offer better value for the group?
  9. Great pictures, Dave - looks like you all had a ton of fun!
  10. Tippy - wishing you all the best!!
  11. EasyRider has a way of coming up with that good old Cali fun! Glad Tweeks is now feeling better - Puc - give Tippy a hug!
  12. :dancefool:Bodega is awesome - you and Tippy (and Tweeks) going to enjoy it over there, Puc.
  13. Great pictures - Puc - was fun meeting you and Tippy - thanks for adding a spark to the event!
  14. Puc, I hear the BURGERVILLE - where we are going to be at THE DALLES - is a great joint as well! http://www.burgerville.com/ Try both!
  15. Puc - here you go! http://www.urbanspoon.com/nf/243/28214/25707/Oregon/The-Dalles/Burger-Joints Spooky's and Big Jim's - on the list.
  16. Puc - I think I got this. A plate of herbs - with a couple of lemons - whole - from the tree (one sliced), couple of gills - crispy (like potato chips) to dip into the soup bowl of tartar sauce - and some green stuff ran under some hot water. Also, a bottle of steak sauce mixed with flavored white stuff, a pink chewy and more stuff pulled from the ground. I got this!!
  17. Just so we are all on the same page - and thank you to those whom have sent me e-mails / PM: Dalles is currently being shown on the VR Rallies page - I have asked to have that changed. This town is about 45 minutes west of Salem and IS NOT the correct town. The information on the calendar is correct. THE Dalles - - where this event is taking place - is about hour and a half east of Portland and 150 miles different from Dalles. This is the correct town. Our host motel is: COUSIN'S - 2114 W 6th St, The Dalles, OR 97058 (541) 298-5161. Our other site is the Motel 6 next door - 2500 W 6th St, The Dalles, OR 97058 (541) 296-1191.
  18. Just so we are all on the same page - and thank you to those whom have sent me e-mails / PM: Dalles is currently being shown on the VR Rallies page - I have asked to have that changed. This town is about 45 minutes west of Salem and IS NOT the correct town. The information on the calendar is correct. THE Dalles - where this event is taking place - is about hour and a half east of Portland and 150 miles different from Dalles. This is the correct town. Our host motel is: COUSIN'S - 2114 W 6th St, The Dalles, OR 97058 (541) 298-5161. Our other site is the Motel 6 next door - 2500 W 6th St, The Dalles, OR 97058 (541) 296-1191.
  19. Here is the information I just posted on the MAIN THREAD for this event - http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?p=834660#post834660 post # 183: T-shirts and fri. Night dinner registration The time has come -y'all - I'm taking reservations for our Friday night dinner gathering @ Cousin's - and for those who would like to order t-shirts, they are on this form. Thank you to CONDOR for making up this form. There is no charge for the event itself, come out and have fun. I need to send in the t-shirt order on 6/1 in order to receive them @ the motel on the 18th - and give the restaurant a head count on 6/13 - thus the only reason for the pre-registration. Any questions / comments - please don't hesitate to contact me. Other than Friday night's dinner, there is no "real itinerary" set - this is the "un-rally / rally" - LOL - a weekend of riding and having fun. There will be an informal meet and greet around 6ish @ Cousin's on the 18th and 19th (pick up shirts / name badges - etc), ride ideas for the area will be available to share with all - to go see the beautiful sights of the area during the days, or one could just hang out and tell more stories (Puc - LOL)! SEE YA ALL THERE and bring your friends! http://cast-aways.com/thedallesregistration.htm THE COUNTDOWN IS ON! WESTWARD HO!
  20. Here is the information I just posted on the MAIN THREAD for this event - http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?p=834660#post834660 post # 183: T-shirts and fri. Night dinner registration The time has come -y'all - I'm taking reservations for our Friday night dinner gathering @ Cousin's - and for those who would like to order t-shirts, they are on this form. Thank you to CONDOR for making up this form. There is no charge for the event itself, come out and have fun. I need to send in the t-shirt order on 6/1 in order to receive them @ the motel on the 18th - and give the restaurant a head count on 6/13 - thus the only reason for the pre-registration. Any questions / comments - please don't hesitate to contact me. Other than Friday night's dinner, there is no "real itinerary" set - this is the "un-rally / rally" - LOL - a weekend of riding and having fun. There will be an informal meet and greet around 6ish @ Cousin's on the 18th and 19th (pick up shirts / name badges - etc), ride ideas for the area will be available to share with all - to go see the beautiful sights of the area during the days, or one could just hang out and tell more stories (Puc - LOL)! SEE YA ALL THERE and bring your friends! http://cast-aways.com/thedallesregistration.htm THE COUNTDOWN IS ON! WESTWARD HO!
  21. Adding Pauline, Lin, Alan and Patti to the list.
  22. Test rode the Limited - tons of room for the passenger. Also heard that comment from many of the other couples during the day that test rode those bikes at the recent IMS show here. Even if you are not in the market for a new bike, if you get the chance, test ride one for fun.
  23. Weds. morning. I believe the address for that Motel 6 is 3930 County Road 89, Dunnigan
  24. Right now - possibly 20 people - still real early - my experience shows more people start planning for these as it gets closer. We really appreciate those whom consider these events early on - as that helps us "plan the event" better - and have a better idea of all whom are coming.
  25. INFORMATION REGARDING MOTEL 6: Motel 6 - The Dalles 2500 W 6th St, The Dalles, OR 97058 (541) 296-1191 2 adults ( could be 2 queens per room or one queen per room) - $59.39 + tax each night Weds / Thurs: $62.99 + tax each night Friday / Saturday night 1 adult 50.39 + tax each night Weds / Thurs: $53,99 + tax Friday / Saturday each night. Last day to make a reservation – 6/8/14 under the blocked rooms – code: VentureRider Rally.
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