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Lone Eagle

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Everything posted by Lone Eagle

  1. Personally, I was very disappointed with the ads this year, didn't like any of them. Many were over the top violent, or left you wondering what it was they were hawking.
  2. And whatever else - but hey - she wore a beanie helmet!!!
  3. Great news that your PT is going better - keep it up.
  4. I would have to think those would have a real TINNY sound - who thinks this stuff up?
  5. Some great country and sights he had riding through there. Got a little nervous in that second video - LOL - trying to figure out what side of the road he was wanting to ride on. Thanks for sharing.
  6. Art, GREAT JOB - that looks SWEET!!!
  7. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time, Ben. Sorry to read of your loss.
  8. Firestik - best thing out there in my honest opinion.
  9. and that is when that fight started - :rotf:
  10. Following up on Freebird's thread, for our members, we will be raffling off another Aluma trailer at this years International Rally in Cody - check out the Rally thread for more information. I don't have a trailer, but after seeing several, if I was to purchase one, I would most likely go with an Aluma.
  11. Those facial expressions are kind of funny and cute. NOW, why was I getting a vision of Squidly or Charlie doing some entertainment like this at our Cody Rally -
  12. Thought you might all enjoy this one. Slushy ice flow makes it look like frozen lava flow. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=9V9p4mFEYXc&vq=medium#t
  13. Not to hijack the thread, BUT, it looks to me like Condor is getting a new picture for his signature area!!!!!!!!!!!!:rotf:
  14. That is CRAZY - but awesome!!!
  15. CUPCAKE - that is just WRONG!!!! but it looks yummy
  16. Rick, mail them over - we'll use them as treasured raffle prizes - :rotf::rotf:I laughed at the $250.00 storage charge - yikes!
  17. They also make an e z steer product for the trike that will really solve handling issues.
  18. I have ordered from them, and they are good to work with. An initial order I received I was not happy with, gave them a call and they took care and sent me replacements right away.
  19. great job on the paint scheme - the painter is very talented.
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