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Lone Eagle

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Everything posted by Lone Eagle

  1. This bike is getting some very good reviews from those riding it at Datona this week.
  2. Thoughts and prayers sent from here - hoping for a positive outcome / reunion.
  3. Congrats - enjoy the new position.
  4. A very interesting and clever video. Hmm, I wonder: did the guy ever quit ranting, I really liked his choice of music, but now - how did he mount that camera inside his helmet? I would think that would have blocked some of his vision , fog up the shield, very uncomfortable:confused24:?
  5. Nice shots of the falls!
  6. :Happy Birthday:to all!!!!!!!!!!
  7. You will get a lot of opinions regarding this subject - I didn't like either one of them - had Rich Mayer build me a seat - which was a large improvement, but still wasn't that comfortable for long trips. Then I got the Butler mod done for my seat, am very happy with it. After Mayer had rebuilt the passenger sear (a little wider) - the wife is very comrfortable with her seat.
  8. Great news, Lewis - glad to read all is going well.
  9. nice vid - looks like you all had good weather and a great time.
  10. Nice looking car - but for that price, there might be one or two others I would prefer to have.
  11. Very clever - BUT - I would almost be afraid to drive that thing - people would be staring at it and maybe drift over into my lane?
  12. Those all look like they would be A LOT OF FUN to drive around.
  13. The drafting in this race was CRAZY - I don't recall ever seeing drafting for most part of an entire race like that. The kid did race great all weekend.
  14. "or I am in deep doo doo". And that's not even the HALF OF IT!! See ya in Cody, big guy!
  15. Didn't know Don had a woodshed - BUT - have heard tale of a POND!!
  16. Hmm, maybe a new avatar coming from someone here? Just sayin..................
  17. Felt bad for him - fortunately he remembered to put the kick stand down. Wonder if he rode on from there.
  18. Some amazing stuff!!!
  19. Hmm - interesting concept.
  20. Wow, now that is scary - something I wasn't aware. Thanks for sharing.
  21. Thought this was an interesting article in the New York Times recently. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/06/automobiles/06AUDIO.html In this article, it also shares light on CD players: Audio seers say that the CD, too, will eventually fade away. Technology marches on, and automakers are wary of becoming stragglers in that parade.
  22. Hmm, Condor, you just gave me an idea for the Sunday night Welcome Party @ Cody!!! Just sayin..................
  23. Dang, you got a great deal there - congrats.
  24. Personally, I like the Black Eye Peas - and Slash. I felt bad for them - whoever was running the sound board (whatever it is called) for me really screwed up by not miking them correctly, and then whatever the screw up was for the lighting on some of the "props". One might have thought they would have hired someone who knew the group / the words, or after all the rehearsals, would have known what was going on. But, at the end of a day, I can understand the comments here - given who the Super Bowl audience is, the Peas probably isn't at the top of the list of being a favorite group.
  25. Personally, I was very disappointed with the ads this year, didn't like any of them. Many were over the top violent, or left you wondering what it was they were hawking.
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