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Lone Eagle

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Everything posted by Lone Eagle

  1. Prayers and thoughts for the family.
  2. Congrats on the new bike - you will enjoy it that's for sure. BUT, as was mentioned - LOL ......................
  3. AWESOME, Bill!!!
  4. paid:thumbsup:
  5. Come to Cody - check out the raffle table - you may just find one there - just sayin..... Thanks for the post - good one.
  6. That was VERY WELL written - great job and thank you for sharing. :thumbsup:
  7. Congrats, Tom - sounds like you added some great mods there. But.......
  8. Just wanted to share that NO humans were harmed in crafting the design for this years shirt layout!!
  9. Is this the start of a newer, nicer, Condor?????????
  10. Wow, thank you, Annie - that is very much appreciated and one thing I can "cross off" my list of "things" for the VR Rally!
  11. Great one, Don.
  12. Happy to read the good news, Randy, thoughts and prayers continuing for a speedy recovery. And congrats on the grand baby.
  13. Boomer, we are setting aside couple of "rooms" for the pygmies in Cody this year - no worries, bro.
  14. Thanks for the update, Nanci - computer gremlins have a way of sneaking up sometimes.
  15. For those supporting members unable to attend the International Rally, but still wish to participate in the Raffle for the Grand Prize of an Aluma Trailer, I am attaching a pdf for you to print out, decide upon the quantity of tickets you would like to purchase (remember only 300 tickets will be sold) - and send in this form to me.
  16. Great tip, Owl - thank you for sharing that!!!! Got your registration today - Thank You! Let the fun begin
  17. Great video - thank you for sharing.
  18. Looks awesome!! Great choice of colors.
  19. I've known Nanci for quite some time - she is a great lady to deal with - her work is always great quality.
  20. Wow, Brian, thanks for all the advise, suggestions, and taking time to help me with this. I have friends who are Apple nuts - so after reading your input on this, I am really thinking hard about this - and if I got into trouble, I could call my buddies over as well to help me out. Very informative, I really appreciate this - thank you again.
  21. Brian, dumb question. I have a Window's XP home desktop and use both Outlook (my main e-mail account) and Outlook Express (my secondary account for STAR Touring business only). I am not that savy on all this computer "stuff" - but may be in the market for something portable to carry around - to be able to check e-mail, etc. Would the IPAD do that - or am I "stuck" to getting the laptop, whatever? Good thread - thanks for sharing your knowledge on this.
  22. everyone needs money - maybe looking for loud pipes -
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