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Lone Eagle

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Everything posted by Lone Eagle

  1. Owl, and the great chefs of VentureRiders who will be sharing their culinary expertise at this event - for all to (burp) enjoy, the current count of attendees as of today is (71). Can we say Pig Out at the Monday Night Extravaganza????????????
  2. 24 DAYS TO GO - CAN WE LEAVE YET? Exciting times and travel are just a few days away. You won't want to miss this - and for those pre-registered, really look forward to meeting you all in Cody. If you haven't registered and are considering attending, please contact me ASAP via PM - or better via my e-mail victortibbs@comcast.net . I will be placing the t-shirt order this weekend so they are ready in time for the rally, we will have couple of extra shirts (operative word couple) - at the rally, if we ran out I am sure we could get some more made up. If you still aren't sure you can make it, and find out at the last minute you can, please come - we can accomodate everyone!!!! Let the good times roll!!!!!!!
  3. Sorry to hear of this accident, sending well wishes and prayers for a speedy recovery.
  4. Wish I would have thought of that!
  5. WOW - that guy IS LUCKY.
  6. Sounds like a lot of fun - have a great time.
  7. Agree with you Brian on these types of things - there was sure some heavy front end damage to that truck - the motorcycle still "looked" half way decent. Thoughts and prayers sent to all.
  8. Dang, Brian, tow him down here with ya!!
  9. I thought you were doing something constructive on that bike of yours!!???
  10. I think I am going to buy a nicer frame - - . Let's keep it up - you guys rock!!!
  11. Thoughts and well wishes sent - hoping for a speedy recovery.
  12. Chili chefs at the International Rally - take note of this cool grill - presentation can score points with the judges - Fun looking set up!
  13. All tickets - #1 through #299 - have been sold!!!! Lucky ticket #300 is available to the highest bidder!!! Bidding closes Friday 7/1/2011 at 6PM. Please see the threads above this post!! To the lucky person who bids the most on ticket #300, I will mail your portion of ticket #300 to you- framed . Just as an fyi/ clarification - trailer tickets will not be available at the Rally, we have sold out. I - and the 2011 Rally committee - would really like to thank everyone for their support on this part of the Rally. And, to all, .
  14. As of 6/23/11 - 7:30PM PST, there are now 4 tickets left!! If you have a question, don't hesitate to contact me - I will keep this updated every evening until all tickets are gone!! Thank you to everyone who is participating - good luck to everyone!!!! :080402gudl_prv:
  15. Got you covered - recv'd today.
  16. Thom, in answer to your question - and others who have asked, here is the website for Exotic Stainless Steel - http://www.exoticstainlesssteel.com/main.htm - and this (and the other donors to the VentureRider International Rally thus far) can also be on this thread - http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=58668&highlight=Rally+Donors
  17. Going to the International Rally????? Bill @ Exotic Stainless made a one of a kind Rally belt buckle - as Condor mentioned he donated for our Rally. His products are exquisite, I can't wait to see this - so for those participating in the Rally and the general raffle, someone will have the opportunity to win that buckle!! Let's support those that support our organization.
  18. Enjoy your special day - Brad and Lonna - and many more!
  19. WOW - those are INCREDIBLE photo's - thanks for sharing, and as Brian says, can't wait to get there (hopefully couple of feet will have melted by then - ).
  20. As of 6/19/11 - 1:30PM PST, there are now 8 tickets left!!
  21. :ice_awesome-vi46644 HAPPY ANNIVERSAY - AND ENJOY MANY MORE TO COME!!
  22. As of 6/16/11 - 9:15PM PST, there are now 11 tickets left!!
  23. Hey Don, surprised no one has said it yet - ya know the rules here -
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