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Lone Eagle

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Everything posted by Lone Eagle

  1. Praying for Dan's family and so very sorry to hear about Dan - he will certainly be missed on this site, and to those loved ones in his life.
  2. That's not good to hear - hoping for the best there.
  3. Happy Anniversary - wishing you both all the best - and many more!!
  4. So sorry to be reading this - our hearts, strength and prayers are lifting up to Ed and his family.
  5. It looks like a lot of members are gearing up to attend the Kruisin event in July this year - me being one of them. What would everyone think about a get together the 2nd or 3rd weekend in Sept. - either in Susanville or Visalia? Susanville speaks for itself. My thought on Visalia is that we could enjoy and explore Kings Canyon, Sequoia National Park, in Fresno - only a few miles up the road is the Forestiere Underground Gardens - which is an amazing landmark to visit.
  6. There has been some interesting suggestions, and discussion, on this thread, thank you to everyone. Seeing that the Kruisin the Kootneys is gaining steam - this is definitely an activity Barb and I am going to attend / support this event next year. If West Coast folks are interested in doing another VentureWest gathering next year, another couple of other ideas could be holding this event the 2nd weekend of Sept (i.e 7 - 10 - prices should be less expensive for lodging) - maybe in the Susanville area; or possibly somewhere around Three Rivers - and ride through Sequoia / Kings Canyon National Parks; or possibly over around Cambria and catch some of the coast. All ideas are open and on the table - don't hesitate to share them.
  7. SilvrT, it is interesting you share the BC idea - you and I had talked about that last year - re-enacting that gathering you all did up there for couple of years - and I think that would totally be a blast. Doug, just looking at a map, Coeur D A'Lene / Missoula looked like maybe couple of interesting spots. Also, the dates aren't carved in stone - if enough people were interested, we could possibly push it one week out - getting it closer to the 4th of July weekend. Let's keep the ideas / suggestions coming - and if anyone is in one of these areas we are talking about and would like to assist - that would be awesome.
  8. The time has come to start thinking about planning for this event for 2016. The past couple of years has seen a ton of fun with scenic area rides, rekindling friendships, enjoying great food / pie and ice cream. Location ideas that have been presented thus far are: Oregon - Springfield area, Sisters area. Washington (no specific location). California - the Truckee area. Having looked at other regional / International dates on this forum, other major club activities for next year (i.e. STAR, GWRRA, HOG, etc), we are considering the last weekend in June - 22nd - 26th, similar to the time-frame this gathering has been in past years. Nanci (Luvdaleather) and I are looking forward to hosting this again, if everyone wants to do this. If someone local would like to volunteer to assist with the local ride planning - show off your area of the country - that would be especially appreciated - and make for another tremendous gathering. Please share all comments / ideas over the next couple of weeks. Looking forward to another awesome Wild West Gathering in 2016!!
  9. Agree, Skid - we need some better "local action" shots - Puc!!!
  10. OMG – this is bad news – I am so sorry. Please let her know that Barb and I have her in our thoughts – and are praying for a successful surgery and a healthy recovery. That SUCKS!
  11. Nice write up, George!
  12. Happy Birthday, Quickstep - wishing you all the best!
  13. Sorry to read that, Puc - will be thinking of you. If anything, sounds like you may be assembling a good team of folks to help / work with you - through this. Will be sending positive thoughts for a healthy and strong outcome your way.
  14. Happy Birthday to Lori - and Happy Anniversary!
  15. I thought that fancy bike of yours had a GPS on it, SilverT??? Glad you made it home safely. May have to come up with a new rocker / patch - SilverT's Short Ride -
  16. Zzyzx, a get together before "winter" comes sounds great - we would be up for that. Let's chat when you get back from the International. Thanks for the song title's - going to check out those tunes today.
  17. Congratulations, and happy travels!
  18. Great job, Eck!
  19. Great to see you made it back - nice pics, Beastwood. Awesome to see you and Gabby again.
  20. At least SOMEONE got a picture of pies around there - thanks, Condor. And Caverider - WELCOME!! You did a great job keeping us all together - and having fun with the group. It was awesome to meet you, and looking forward to seeing you again soon!
  21. That's really sweet - enjoy the travels.
  22. ZZYZX, YOU GOT MY VOTE ON THIS ONE - IN FACT, WE'LL MAKE THAT THE THEME SONG FOR THE DINNER NEXT YEAR! Who did the second song on there - they were all awesome, but Barb and I really loved the first two songs. I've seen many ride / photo's from trips over the years, this one was truly amazing with some great photography, and the music just set the mood perfectly. Great to meet you - looking forward to the next time.
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